
Weekend Numbers

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After landing, I was taking off my helmet and goggles when I heard a funny sound. I looked up, and the jump plane flew right over my head. I looked around and realized I had landed on the runway. Scared the everliving shit out of me!
A One that Isn't Cold is Scarcely a One at All

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1 new tattoo...very cool looking in my opinion B|

2 fun jumps yesterday...including a kick ass hybrid with chopchop hanging and sfc stinging...i think he left some footprints on my rig ;)

1st jump on a sabre2 120 demo...glide was great, but i like my spectre 120 better...

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Got to do lotsa kickass jumps with the Project Horizon hotties. Yummy! Many firsts: Got tossed out of the back of the skyvan - now that is a cool feeling!B| Did a few cock docks (okay - so that isn't a first time I'd done that but it was the first time I docked on more than 1 cock on a single jump! As a rule, if you dock on my boobie I'm going for cock!:P); did my first (2nd, 3rd, 4th...etc.) headdown kiss passes without also having a simultaneous hand dock.... amazing that you can kiss that softly while going 160 mph on your head!; did my first SOLID mindwarp with Storm Dunker.... I had done them before but only a brief touch - this one we held for 20 seconds! RTFO! ; did some really cool transitions and carving with Brian Buckland and also with Dave Donnelly; had a shit-hot skydive with Craig Amrine; and Dave later laid right on top of my canopy and looked over the edge at me which was definitely a first. You could see the entire outline of his body on my canopy! I started laughing so hard I could hardly breathe. Best week EVER for me in my skydiving career. Fucking awesome and exhilirating and fun and funny and just blissful. And we were surprisingly blessed with beautiful weather every day despite the forcast calling for a complete rainout. Yee-freakin' ha! Skydiving rocks!

Fall in dove.

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After she came down she walked up to me and said "I'm wet and your in trouble".Needless to say I had to fight her off till we got home.It's hard to drive when you got someone trying to rape you at the same time.

That's happened already just from a nice dinner and a couple bottles of wine! Tandem day should be good! :D


Very and sweet too...you must be fallingin love

Shush!!! We have discussed this already. I'm avoiding the "L" word for awhile. :D This is weird though....I have NEVER been nervous about taking someone to jump. It will make me feel a little better that I'll be right there with her in the air. It would make me feel a lot better if I had my tandem rating and could take her myself.

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After landing, I was taking off my helmet and goggles when I heard a funny sound. I looked up, and the jump plane flew right over my head. I looked around and realized I had landed on the runway. Scared the everliving shit out of me!

Hmmm ... not good. Does your home DZ have a grass runway? Otherwise it's hard to imagine not noticing that you're landing on pavement. I don't want to pass judgment here (you seem like a good guy), but you need to be aware of your environment.

Try not to worry about the things you have no control over

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Yeah, they're grass. I got my butt off the minute I realized. The runways are marked with yellow cones, and as I was landing I noticed I was coming down to the runway, but thought I overshot it. I did not. :$

Okay a grass runway is a little easier to understand. But still not a good place to be. :o

Try not to worry about the things you have no control over

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RW weekend, being Father's Day and all. So instead I play hookey from nothing in particular (Friday Afternoon) and head to DZ. Fresh Velcro and a few freefly tweeks to make my ancient racer ff-friendly AND I get to watch Hutch stuff the Stellar into the freebag and container. I dunno whas the big deal about Racers and riggers - there was no swearing or violence required:S:S:S. Then our sole resident freeflyer (a spry 70-something gent) shows up for a load and I can't resist the opportunity to join in with Pat.

Case o beer for my first 2 way freefly dive (:)

A decent RW dive followed. I rode my canopy so hard I stalled it in a spiral turn and damn near left myself in a chop-chop situation (1,800 ft, under trash, over obstacles) so to top it off I decided to pull a 180 front riser carve and double front in on a no wind day. Obviously, I'm not a superstitious person. And yes, those who watch me land now say "damn dude, looks way better than before but it's scary that you have to wind it up to land it well"

On to RW of the family kind, my golf game sucked as badly as my skydiving went well. Saw some relatives (and future-relatives) for the first time in a few years. Now my cousin wants to jump. Scoped out a grass runway and four distinct landing zones for a Beach Boogie I'd like to organize at some future time (big field adjacent to runway, sports field, sand bar between the mainland and the island (now a causeway) and a gravel pit ).


Life is very short and there's no time for fussing and fighting my friend (Lennon/McCartney)

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98 square feet : 17 Jumps : I may possibly owe beer who knows screw it I'll just buy some...:D

Trying to get canopy in a bag and having a hard time I solicited the help of a fellow skydiver who instructed me on the art of the pshyco pack. It was quite impressed and confident until I thought a little more about it... His name was chopchop... Hmmmm...

I pulled high:ph34r:

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I have to learn the shorthand.

Is it Fri : Sat : Sun ? Anyone?

If so - 3 : 8 : 6

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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6 tandem videos with some really good ones with Sebazz
1 SunSet 10 way RW for Roger Nelson that also happen to be my 500th jump :)
My first jump with smoke on my left leg, this smoke stink so bad! :S
And guess what... I get pied again! But I wasn't the only one this time ;)

Renaud SMA #9
"Mind is like parachute. It only functions when it's open."

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1600 and 1/0/0

1600 miles driven to my best friends wedding in Memphis. Partied like a freak on Beale St. till 5:30 in the morning, got up at 10:30 and drove 10 hours home...the things I do for friends.
1 new Mirage G3 arrived and will be ready and waiting for me to jump at Summer Jam this weekend, I am so excited.

so no jumps, no beer owed.

"Sacrifice is a part of life. It is supposed to be. It's not something you regret . It's something to aspire to." Mitch Albom

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I was invited to check out river fest in Peoria, Il. All that greasy food in one location:P Watching some guys jump into the river was kind of cool too. Almost made me wish I had an old rig that I didn't mind getting wet.

I made 3 jumps out of a wide-body cessna. That was an awesome plane. 4 people fit in it comfortably and the fuel selector switch is well away from the skydivers.

I guess I owe a case to the guys at Illinois Valley Skydiving for my first jump in Illinois. Nice DZ :)

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Don't feel bad - I had to PM a trusted old-timer buddy to get an explanation of the shorthand. :P

Thankfully, he didn't raz me TOO hard about my newbie ways. :D

Yeah, it's fine, we'll walk down the line. Leave our rain, a cold trade for warm sunshine
You my friend, I will defend... and if we change, well, I love you anyway

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200ish hugs i got from all my freinds. It was so nice to get back up to SDC. Being away for 5 weeks was far too long. I saw so many .commers there i'm not even gonna try to list them. Big thanks to Bo for being my answering service this morning on my cell phone.

2 jumps. Despite being grounded, i decided to jump...not a good idea. Lesson learned.

1 case owed for the first time spending the night with Trevor with no puking!! :P

Also found out i can blow up a queen size air mattress with my super duper lungs. Thanks so much to Trevor for all the moral support.


I get a Mike hug! I get a Mike hug!

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Also found out i can blow up a queen size air mattress with my super duper lungs. Thanks so much to Trevor for all the moral support

hey, what about me?? i don't count for anything?? i was talking to trevor while you were blowing up the airmatress... keeping him from puking on you.......... i want part of that case.........

"i have no reader's digest version"

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hey, what about me?? i don't count for anything?? i was talking to trevor while you were blowing up the airmatress... keeping him from puking on you.......... i want part of that case.........

Yes, you did help by distracting Trevor for me. OMG, i wish i had video of that whole mattress incident. I told him to go get the camera, but he was too lazy to get up. We called Chuckie a few times to leave him some voicemail. Toxic Twins together again. Hehe.


I get a Mike hug! I get a Mike hug!

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