
Weekend Numbers 7/26-27

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19+ hours flight back to the world for the first beer in many months. Gimp, dude, thanx for the vid. that jump was SMOKIN! By the way, the cannon is on order but no bets on if it will make it in time to play...
Hearts & Minds
2 to the Heart-
1 to the Mind-
Home of the Coconut Lounge, Spa, & Artillery Range

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0 - nothing has changed!

15 - Wow!, talk about a busy weekend on the Beach!!! I'll break it down......

Saturday - (11) Started the day with a reunion 4 way scramble dive. Some guy we hadn't jumped with in a while came from his home DZ to jump the beach! Rock on Ruppert! Knocked out 6 tandems and 2 vids, got a good four way in with a new jumper. (Larry owes beer for first four way from a 182 while exiting from the V!) After all of this, what could be better, well, a sunset BEACH JUMP! That's right folks, a beautiful red sky and sandy beaches makes a perfect day!

Sunday - (4) Had to leave early but still got some in... Did a four way to start (7 pts.) Knocked out another tandem, then did a two way drill dive (15 pts.) Finished the day with a nice BEACH JUMP. Lots of people watching and got whoops and yells on landing! It was Awesome!! BEACH JUMPS ROCK!

0 - no cases owed. Only 5 more months till I can fall off of the wagon. (Gave up beer for New Years resolution.)

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10 : 3 : 0

3 nice fun jumps Sunday. 10 frozen fingers. It's bloody cold at 14 K at the moment (middle of winter down here). People overseas think it is always hot in OZ - its not in the southern part of the continent during winter. Actually can see the snow covered snowfields from the plane.... But jumpable most week-ends as it does not rain that much or low clouds that often....
When people look like ants - pull. When ants look like people - pray.

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19+ hours flight back to the world for the first beer in many months. Gimp, dude, thanx for the vid. that jump was SMOKIN! By the way, the cannon is on order but no bets on if it will make it in time to play...

Yea, CM is back home and postwhoring again! B|
She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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1 broken toe

Sorry to hear about your toe, Lizzie. But, now you can join the "broken toe club" with Sunshine and me! :ph34r: Sunshine was right- just throw some tape around it and you can keep jumping.
She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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Sorry to hear about your toe, Lizzie. But, now you can join the "broken toe club" with Sunshine and me! Sunshine was right- just throw some tape around it and you can keep jumping.

Ok, now that 3 of us have broken toes, maybe the streak is over. It is kinda funny though. :)


I get a Mike hug! I get a Mike hug!

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1 broken toe

But, now you can join the "broken toe club" with Sunshine and me! :ph34r: Sunshine was right- just throw some tape around it and you can keep jumping.


it's my big toe, so i'm having a bit of trouble walking. already feels a lot better today than it did yesterday, so I should be back in the air next weekend B|

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:) : 16 : 1

I was a rabbit for a pretty sick ass sunset tracking dive yesterday. Way to wrap up a pretty good skydiving weekend if I say so myself. Good peeps, good skydives, good weather, good swoops, good cold beer... Ahhh...skydiving, tis my drug of choice...:)
Lizzie I had no idea you hurt yourself Saturday. Bummer dudette and heal fast!:)

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Had the stomach flu Saturday and Sunday so that cut into category one.

4 fun jumps, a 4 way, a 5 way, a photo shoot of Boy and Girlfalldown (pics up tonight), a zoo, and 8 tandem videos, fun to be riding the plane with Jim again. Got probably my best tandem video so far. The tandem masters are getting VERY comfortable with me so we're doing docks and spins with the passengers (Err, students) very fun. Even though I had horrible cramps both days and it was over 100 f.

The first was my first non-wife freefall kiss. Thanks, Shannon, that was a great 300th skydive!

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1: B|

9: great jumps, covering H&Ps to tryout a new canopy, mini-CRW jump from 7 k, and to top it off an amazing 16 way hybrid (8 base + 8 hang) in which I was NOT the last hanger to dock (yea freeflyer on his belly... it's ugly dude :P).

?: 1st posting of hump number for actual cause, 1st Jedei jump, 1st successful bigway hybrid as a hanger, 1st CRW work jump... still counting.

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1,800 miles so far on my little Budget rent a Ford Ranger..:) Looking forward to jumping it. Maybe I'll get to Thomaston on Thursday.. B| I am definitely in need of some skydives.. Only 7 in the last 2 weekends.. having withdrawal big time.:|
gotta go... Plaything needs a spanking..

Lotsa Pictures

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Four team practice jumps, three with free-flown exits that came together REALLY easy, Sweet flying, Guys!

Jumped my daughter Sarah's first all-by-herself packjob! Nice opening! She made 15 bucks packing for me Sunday. Her openings are better than mine, too. I think I'll keep her on the payroll.

Easy Does It

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0 No Hellen Keller spots (well, this week)
11 jumps
1 100'+ swoop on a Triathlon 220 (with proof)

>>>>>>>>>>what's your weight??(I'm 204 and get 30 ft at zero wind max.)
Fri. :3 accuracy and sit fly at CHAMBERSBURG.
nailed 'em on light shifty winds too!;)
Sat. :2 RW's,good F@#king winds kick my Triathalon 220 back
>>>>:oand my new lines>:(streeing line(right) broke on slam/openingB|> finger tip cut off and had to land rear risers.
Sun. :no rig until Sat![:/]
Still a good weekend:S:ph34r:
If I could be a Super Hero,
I chose to be: "GRANT-A-CLAUS". and work 365 days a Year.

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