
Why do you do it

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It helps me dry off after a shower, or washing my clothes;)

-- Toggle Whippin' Yahoo
Skydiving is easy. All you have to do is relax while plummetting at 120 mph from 10,000' with nothing but some nylon and webbing to save you.

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Well first of all because it's freakin fun as hell !!!! :)
But there are so many other reasons...the freedom is a big one, jumping seems to really put things in perspective for me, kinda centers me. When the canopy opens, it's so quiet. I don't get that kind of peace anywhere else (2 kids = NO QUIET :P) And the people you meet are just absolutely incredible. There are so many fun things to learn and do. The list can go on and on.

But the big one, I do it for myself, it makes me feel alive and I LOVE it!!! Skydiving has become my one selfish indulgence. Knowing that I do it for myself, to make myself happy and nobody else!!! Such an incredible feeling!!!


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1) Because flying your body rocks!

2) I like to think that I'm ok at it.

3) If I could freefly and skip the canopy flight, I probably would.

4) The people in skydiving are more real to themselves than anywhere else that I've seen.

5) The sport is:

a. limitless in potential
b. young enough to improve itself dramatically
c. fun from Sunset to sunset (even afterhours)
d. competative in a fun way

etc. etc. etc........

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It helps me dry off after a shower, or washing my clothes;)

No joking I jump dried some suits that were saturated after the big rain storm at rantoul this year. I sqeazed a 2 foot squirt from a gripper, after the jump perfectly dry. I didn't even have to flail like I do in the commercial dryers.

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I do it for every reason people have stated so far, and so much more. A good portion of it really isn't possible to put in words. At least not for me, I'm sure Michele could quite easily ;)

Besides the fact that it's so incredibly fun and exciting and all, I have never been "Normal". And I absolutley love thinking about the fact that I have taken off in many more planes than I've landed in. I like being different than the average fatass 18 year old. The people in this sport even though I just started and hardley know any of them, are FRIGGIN AWESOME! So yeah, that's the short explanation. You'd have to read my mind to know the rest 'cause I can't really put it into words :P

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For me it's all about challenging myself. No one has ever "mastered" any style of flying, and I like it that way. You can have 200,000 jumps and still learn something new on every one. It's all about an endless challenge, always pushing yourself to be better in every way you can, on and off the dz.

Besides, it's fun as hell, and have you ever seen a girl in a freefly suit?!?!?! Ooooooooohhhh........... B|

Wrong Way
D #27371 Mal Manera Rodriguez Cajun Chicken Ø Hellfish #451
The wiser wolf prevails.

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