
Should age be included in your profile?

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Of course it should be. So should zodiac sign, shoe size, marital status, race, IQ, eye color, salary, kind of car you drive, favorite color, and most important piercings - where and how many.


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Of course it should be. So should zodiac sign, shoe size, marital status, race, IQ, eye color, salary, kind of car you drive, favorite color, and most important piercings - where and how many.

OMG! No Way!
~Porn Kitty
WARNING: Goldschlager causes extreme emotional outbursts!

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If this were a dating website I'd say yes. But last time I checked dropzone.com was a skydiving related website... and age has very little to do with skydiving.

Well, other than to show how long someone has been in the sport.... What we need in our profiles is our skydiving age. Not our physical age.

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You forgot a few, sunny. Here's what we really need in our profiles -

age, sex (yes or no), marital status, zodiac sign, IQ, race, shoe size, piercings (where and how many), female cup size, male condom size, favorite color, height, weight, favorite salad dressing, helmet, salary, altimeter, audible, camera(s), dbox or open mount, favorite sex position, mothers maiden name, driver's license number, favorite type of cookie, cat or dog person, number of children and their ages, type of car we drive, list of guns we own, and which intoxicants we imbibe in (if any).

Did I miss anything?

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If this were a dating website I'd say yes. But last time I checked dropzone.com was a skydiving related website... and age has very little to do with skydiving.

Well, other than to show how long someone has been in the sport.... What we need in our profiles is our skydiving age. Not our physical age.

Agreed. I don't think that someones age should make a difference, and sometimes when you read it, you form an opinion based on age. Shouldn't matter, age is not a factor. I like the skydiving age thing. I always wonder when looking at profiles, what year they got into the sport. That would be good info.


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If this were a dating website I'd say yes. But last time I checked dropzone.com was a skydiving related website... and age has very little to do with skydiving.

Well, other than to show how long someone has been in the sport.... What we need in our profiles is our skydiving age. Not our physical age.

Last year my mother was somewhat shocked when she found out that triathlon participants usually get marked on the leg with their age. It hasn't progressed to marking marital status too, but give it time.

There are a few reasons why physical age could be relevent, but yeah, skydiving age makes more sense. Could have a field for date of first jump and let it do the math.

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It's cool to be able to be part of discussions or give input without my age being a preconcieved factor.

Just like to put in or not put in a picture next to your sign on name here... I like having no preconcieved ideas of WHO or WHAT I am JUST because I may happen to be from a different generation than you.

But because of that very thing- there's lots of times when I can contribute or understand because I have "BEEN THERE & DONE THAT!"

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I say yes - absolutely - make it an option. if you want to share your age, share your age. if you don't want to - don't fill anything in. seems ridiculously simple to me.

Maybe i'm wrong, but i didn't think it was "ridiculously simple" for HH to add things into the profile. If people are really wanting to tell everyone their age they can type the info into the "other interests" section of the profile.


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in response to:

" . . . Maybe i'm wrong, but i didn't think it was "ridiculously simple" for HH to add things into the profile . . . "

sorry - a) what does HH mean? (my mind working very slow right now i guess)
and b) my ridiculously simple comment referrred to the whole discussion, not the actual action of inputting information into a profile.

do i think age should be a mandatory field? NO, absolutely not. do i think it should be an optional field - therein lies the ridiculous simplicity.

BTW - i also very much dig the skydiving age question. that would be good to know. but also something i would make optional, you know?


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Okay all those things but also you missed:

Favorite books, musician, type of grass (as in Saint Augustine Grass, et al. not that other kind ya freaks), what cartoon character you most admire and why, number of fingers/toes, high school/college transcripts, political affiliations, oh yeah and the ever important favorite aircraft to jump from, yeah that should definitely be on there because someone might like to jump off the Wright Flyer and well we want to avoid them for sure.:S

Hmm oh yeah and favorite wine to go with portabella mushrooms and chocolate cake. Yeah that is key.

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I honestly don't think it is such a big deal, make it optional!! U don't see people fighting as to whether we must insert our ICQ number, hell I don't care whether people know how old I am...whether it relates to skydiving or not!

As for DZ.com being about skydiving yes it is, but there are also very general threads from sex to gardening to what shud I wear on my date...guys lighten up!!:)

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addressed to someone else!" Ivern Ball

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