
Do you get nervous before you jump?

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Definitely normal, most jumpers have this initially. But after a period of time, your body adjusts. There are a bunch of other threads on this. Do a quick search. I actually kind of wish I still had that nervous feeling. Once you lose it, you can't really get it back.


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As I've mentioned in other threads, when I was a student I asked that same question of all my instructors. They all said the same thing: the day you lose that feeling entirely is the day you should take up bowling, because you are a danger to yourself and others at that point.
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Let's see...nervous? Absolutely! I thought at least once to myself that I could always ride back down on every AFF level. And, yet I never did.

Then I graduated AFF and was nervous on my first solo. After that, I was more excited than scared.

My fear has evolved as I've been jumping.

On my first pack job....Will it open?
On my first two way...What if I screw up? Will I look stupid?
On downsizing...Can I land this thing? Will I hurt myself?

Accept the fear, just don't let it control you. That's my goal on every jump.
Take me, I am the drug; take me, I am hallucinogenic.
-Salvador Dali

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I'd venture to say that every skydiver probably gets at least a little nervous before each jump.

Hurling yourself out of a plane is something I hope no one gets completely used to, to the point they're not nervous at all!

Plus, the more we advance, the more challenges we'll offer ourself, which will give us more stuff to be nervous about.

Right now we're nervous because we don't have many jumps, and we're still in a state of shock that we're actually jumping from planes...200 jumps from now, we'll be nervous if we can plant the head-down okay without flipping all over the sky. B|



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That low jump nervousness goes away. I felt my knees really knock for the first time since my training when I did my balloon jump in Rantoul this summer. I still get nervous when I'm with a group that has an objective, 'cause I don't want to mess everything up.

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I am almost desperate to get out of the plane at altitude and it has nothing whatsoever to do with fear. After turning on my Cypress and having a gear check I'm just looking forward to the skydive and the canopy ride.

I love it. I have no fear at all when I climb out.

I had some almost crippling fear about the whole idea when a friend of mine got critically injured by a freaking dust devil. But now that she's jumping again, I'm full-force happy to get in and out of the plane.

Twin engine planes, though, please.


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That low jump nervousness goes away...I still get nervous when I'm with a group that has an objective, 'cause I don't want to mess everything up.

I agree...The fear of looking stupid in front of one's friends or ticking off the group far outweigh the fear of getting out the door a lil' further on...:$ -at least it does with me! :)
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Definitely normal, most jumpers have this initially. But after a period of time, your body adjusts. There are a bunch of other threads on this. Do a quick search. I actually kind of wish I still had that nervous feeling. Once you lose it, you can't really get it back.

that last line is wrong.

if you want that feeling back go out drink and eata box of exlax the night b4 your jump! as ths gas expands in yout intenstine on the way too altitude....YOULL BE NERVOUS. if that doesnt do it. wiat til pull time!:S
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Well this one is easy to answer, since I've answered it on another thread. All I have to do is a cut and paste.

I had about 100 skydives when I went to my instructor and told him that I was still nervous while in the airplane, and right before I jumped. He told me that the day I stop being nervous is the day I should stop skydiving.
The nervous feelings I experience now isn't something that gets me all freaked out, it's some thing that keeps me aware of what's going on. I have over 3000 skydives and I ask myself each and every time before I leave the plane, what the hell am I doing. Once I'm out the door and in freefall, I'm fine. I feel the nerves creeping back in right as I'm deploying the canopy, ready to deal with a malfunction if needed. When I'm doing bigger way formations, I'm nervous under canopy, watching others and making sure they see me. It's only after I've landed and walked in that I'm not nervous any more.
May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds. - Edward Abbey

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A little, but it's perfectly normal.. once I'm out the door, everything is cool and I just ewnjoy the dive :)
To put your life in danger from time to time ... breeds a saneness in dealing with day-to-day trivialities.

--Nevil Shute, Slide Rule

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0-1500ft: a little nervous as I watch the ground go away and I think about how low I am with no canopy over my head.

1500-11000ft: rehearsing jump in my head or counting the stitches on the rig of the person in front of me. This is the nice relaxing part of the plane ride.

11000-13500ft: checking gear again, touching handles, and thinking about how not to funnel the exit/leave late/go high

13500-0ft: :oB|:)

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