
Let's hear it for Sangiro! (Need tall reply numbers here!)

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Let me take this opportunity to remind you all to put your money where your mouth is.

Sangiro, you run a hell of a website, I have learned a few things and laughed my ass off over the whole waving to FJC people right before a bounce to scar them for life, so allow me to buy a jump ticket for ya!
DZ.commers rule.

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Thanks for the link Andrea; been meaning to that for a long time. While the modest donation woefully under represents my appreciation for this wonderful place Sangiro has created for us, it's still rewarding to express one's thanks in a tangible (drinkable :D) manner.(especially since I've limited myself for years to experiencing intoxicants vicariously through my buds) Have to do this more often as fortunes permit. Keep them reminders comin :)


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Thank-you very much for creating and nurturing dropzone.com and having it become _the_ skydiving web destination and community.

"No tyranny is so irksome as petty tyranny: the officious demands of policemen, government clerks, and electromechanical gadgets." - Edward Abbey

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i'm tall, here's a reply;)

hey sangi try to sneak away sometime saturday the 13th or sunday the 14th, i'd like you to celebrate air with me.

whatdya say?


An invitation to share air with Lew? OH.....MY.....GOD!

Clay is gonna be soooo jealous! (Me too!)

HH, you ROCK!

And Lew, is this your "return to the air" dates?
It's your life, live it!
RB#684 "Corcho", ASK#60, Muff#3520, NCB#398, NHDZ#4, C-33989, DG#1

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maybe... no promises, but it's a goal. conditions need to be perfect, and i'm still piecing gear back together... but yeah...

sorry, not hijacking the thread.

big thanks to sangiro for all his hard work and free time given to us


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Oh, he's all right I guess. At least he has that accent going for him.

Let me take this opportunity to remind you all to put your money where your mouth is.

Andrea, seems like most everyone's ignoring your fine suggestion! So I'll repeat it for you...go below to REALLY show your appreciation (especially bail money...never know when that's going to come in handy ;))


Doctor I ain't gonna die,
Just write me an alibi! ---- Lemmy/Slash

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