
First U.S. mad cow case confirmed

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There goes the price of beef right through the roof.

I would have thought it would drop the price through the floor if people don't trust the supply. It would go up if the meat could be guaranteed safe and was a limited supply, but if there's any doubt...


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I would have thought it would drop the price through the floor if people don't trust the supply. It would go up if the meat could be guaranteed safe and was a limited supply, but if there's any doubt...

You are correct. Same reaction from the public as when Oprah said she would never eat another hamburger on national tv.:S

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O'Reilly: 'Mad Cow' Timed to Benefit Democrats

(2003-12-23) -- Commentator Bill O'Reilly suggested today that the Democratic Party influenced the timing of the release of the news of "Mad Cow" to sink the economy before the 2004 elections.

"This is one cow that was already sick," said O'Reilly. "And I'm not talkign about Albright. This is a major tank for the economy, and I find the timing suspicious. All American Mad Cow discoveries have been announced during the Bush Administration, and this one may create the economic tsunami that washes Bush from his second term."

In related news, Democrat presidential candidate Dick Gephardt, who is boycotting beef said, "I see a day where cows of all kinds get prescription drug benefits."

Senator John F. Kerry, also rumored to be considering a White House bid, said, "This is a great day for America. Of course, I was one of the early supporters of soy patties. And while George Bush can get the vicarious rush of eating a tenderloin, I actually left my prions on the battlefield."

Rival Wesley Clark said, "This cow could take out landmines in Cambodia! No other use for it but to bring world peace."

Candidate Dennis Kucinich said, "I told you Bush was false. I told you he was tricksy."

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It would surely be ironic if a mad cow scare had the side effect of reducing the incidence of heart disease and colon cancer by reducing the amount of meat (especially red meat) eaten by americans.

Can you honestly expect Americans to really be phased by this - especially for the amount of time necessary to lower the risks of disease?

If it did, the price of red meat would go down as supply becomes too big. Then, more Americans would buy it, and it would be back to square one.

A greater effect may be found in terms of methane released, and less greenhouse gases, albeit a temporary one.

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Do you know the worst part. I'm sitting here browsing, I see, threads about Al Qaida attacks, about problems in Iraq, etc. Then I see this thread and I say out loud, "Ah, FUCK!"

I'm sorry, I love me some cow meat and cow juice. I hope it's cleared before barbecue season.
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It's a verry slim chance that you would ever get the human form of BSE. The BSE is in the brain and spine of the animal and that doesn't go toward the food industry. It is true that the only thing that gets tossed out when a cow is butchered is the moo. However alot of the parts wind up in pet food or other types or stock feed or fertilizer.
The suspect animal was a holistein cow that was lame and could not get up. This type of animal would be routinely checked at slauter because of it's condition. Also a downer type of cow like this apparently was would not go for human consumtion because of regluations. It would be used only for pet food or other industrial uses, so it would be verry unlikely for it to be in the food supply.
Since the outbreaks in Europe in the 1990s the USDA has stepped up inspections at stockyards and livestock buying stations, looking for suspect animals. A form of BSE has been in sheep all over the world for centuries, it's called scrapie.
I only hope that this doesn't bring on the devestation that it did in Europe. A case in Canada this May has brought there cattle industry to it's knees. Hopfully that wont happen here it could bring the economic recovery we've been seeing to a sudden halt.

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You seem to know a lot about BSE so a serious question: If it only spreads through brain and spine, why did so many Brits get the Kreutzfeldt syndrome (human BSE) ? The cases have been directly correlated to the increase in BSE in the UK some years ago.
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I honestly don't know. It could be sloppy handling during butchering. I wouldn't say that doesn't happen here, but in theory the sick animal should never make it to slauter without being checked.

You just triggered my memory. When the whole BSE thing "blew up" in Europe a few years ago there was talk about that the spread of it from animal to animal was caused by the feed companies using animal material in the feed and the spread to meat for human consumption was blamed on contamination of the meat in the abattoirs.
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