
White only scholorship.

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I find this very interesting, especially wondering what the political backlash will be on their campus and around the nation.

Personally, I thought it was interesting that minority groups could have scholorships and programs setup for only those in their minority, but if even a non-racially motivated group did that for whites, it would be labeled as outright racism.



BRISTOL, Rhode Island (AP) -- A student group at Roger Williams University is offering a new scholarship for which only white students are eligible, a move they say is designed to protest affirmative action.

The application for the $250 award requires an essay on "why you are proud of your white heritage" and a recent picture to "confirm whiteness."

"Evidence of bleaching will disqualify applicants," says the application, issued by the university's College Republicans.

Jason Mattera, 20, who is president of the College Republicans, said the group is parodying minority scholarships.

"We think that if you want to treat someone according to character and how well they achieve academically, then skin color shouldn't really be an option," he said. "Many people think that coming from a white background you're automatically privileged, you're automatically rich and your parents pay full tuition. That's just not the case."

The stunt has angered some at the university, but the administration is staying out of the fray. The school's provost said it is a student group's initiative and is not endorsed by Roger Williams.

Mattera, who is of Puerto Rican descent, is himself a recipient of a $5,000 scholarship open only to a minority group.

"No matter what my ethnicity is, I'm making a statement that scholarships should be given out based on merit and need," Mattera told the Providence Journal.

His group took out a full-page ad in last week's issue of the university's student newspaper to tout the scholarship, which was for $50 until two donors came forward to add $100 each during the weekend, Mattera said.

It's not the first brush with controversy for the group. The school temporarily froze the Republicans' money in the fall during a fight over a series of articles published in its monthly newsletter. One article alleged that a gay-rights group indoctrinates students into homosexual sex.

--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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Personally, I thought it was interesting that minority groups could have scholorships and programs setup for only those in their minority, but if even a non-racially motivated group did that for whites, it would be labeled as outright racism.

it makes me laugh............ and how many black / coloured / ethnic skydivers do you know??????????

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Didn't A&M do something like this? I think they oppesed affirmative action by selling cookies at different prices, full price if youu were caucasion, different if you were african american, and different still if you were hispanic.
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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I think they oppesed affirmative action by selling cookies at different prices, full price if youu were caucasion, different if you were african american, and different still if you were hispanic.

I think they did. I'm not in the College Republicans here so I don't know for sure.
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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Personally, I thought it was interesting that minority groups could have scholorships and programs setup for only those in their minority, but if even a non-racially motivated group did that for whites, it would be labeled as outright racism.

it makes me laugh............ and how many black / coloured / ethnic skydivers do you know??????????

Discuss why this is so...................

Cultural differences - not financial - how many students do you know that pack for jump money?
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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I find this very interesting, especially wondering what the political backlash will be on their campus and around the nation.

Personally, I thought it was interesting that minority groups could have scholorships and programs setup for only those in their minority, but if even a non-racially motivated group did that for whites, it would be labeled as outright racism.



BRISTOL, Rhode Island (AP) -- A student group at Roger Williams University is offering a new scholarship for which only white students are eligible, a move they say is designed to protest affirmative action.

The application for the $250 award requires an essay on "why you are proud of your white heritage" and a recent picture to "confirm whiteness."

"Evidence of bleaching will disqualify applicants," says the application, issued by the university's College Republicans.

Jason Mattera, 20, who is president of the College Republicans, said the group is parodying minority scholarships.

"We think that if you want to treat someone according to character and how well they achieve academically, then skin color shouldn't really be an option," he said. "Many people think that coming from a white background you're automatically privileged, you're automatically rich and your parents pay full tuition. That's just not the case."

The stunt has angered some at the university, but the administration is staying out of the fray. The school's provost said it is a student group's initiative and is not endorsed by Roger Williams.

Mattera, who is of Puerto Rican descent, is himself a recipient of a $5,000 scholarship open only to a minority group.

"No matter what my ethnicity is, I'm making a statement that scholarships should be given out based on merit and need," Mattera told the Providence Journal.

His group took out a full-page ad in last week's issue of the university's student newspaper to tout the scholarship, which was for $50 until two donors came forward to add $100 each during the weekend, Mattera said.

It's not the first brush with controversy for the group. The school temporarily froze the Republicans' money in the fall during a fight over a series of articles published in its monthly newsletter. One article alleged that a gay-rights group indoctrinates students into homosexual sex.

We have scholarships only open to those of Polish descent - I'm on the selection committee. No-one has complained. Didn't even make the newspaper. .

If someone wants to endow a scholarship for a certain group, we'll take their money and administer it however they like.

But then we have mostly engineers who don't have time to worry about such things.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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I think the funniest part of this article is this line:

>Mattera, who is of Puerto Rican descent, is himself a recipient of a
>$5,000 scholarship open only to a minority group.

I think that makes his point more valid...

Edited 'cause my mind works faster than my fingers...:S
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I think the funniest part of this article is this line:

>Mattera, who is of Puerto Rican descent, is himself a recipient of a
>$5,000 scholarship open only to a minority group.

I think that makws his point more valid...

I think if he really wanted to make the point, he would turn that scholarship back in because it is based on race and apply for a merit only scholarship. THAT would be a strong statement. This sounds like more of a publicity stunt.

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I think if he really wanted to make the point, he would turn that scholarship back in because it is based on race and apply for a merit only scholarship. THAT would be a strong statement. This sounds like more of a publicity stunt.


Depends on the circumstances...

I was offered a scholarship in the neighborhood of $3000 due to my Native American heritage if I chose to be an engineer. Moot point I guess, since I didn't go into engineering, but if I had, I would have taken it. No, being a blue-eyed red head didn't give me much opportunity to be discriminated against as a Native American, but since my father was the one footing the bill at the time, (he is Native American) I would have taken it to spare him the expense, regardless of the premise behind it.

If it helps, I would have taken the scholarship offered if I was going into that field regardless of the reason behind it...scholarship is such a political game...if they want to play it that way, then I would use it to my (and my family's) benefit.

However if I specifically wanted to hold this up as a political statement, then I guess I agree...turning it back in would be a better way to do it.

I guess maybe that's hypocritical of me...my thoughts are either play the game, or try to make change...but ya can't do both effectively. [:/]
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it makes me laugh............ and how many black / coloured / ethnic skydivers do you know??????????

Discuss why this is so...................

Cultural differences - not financial

Thank you, Clint. As a latin woman, I was raised to be pretty conservative. I was raised to not do "wild" things, like jump out of airplanes. It is a cultural thing, for sure.

I couldn't care less if they want a "white only" scholarship. My family actively runs a non-profit charity organization that sends all their money/donations back to Peru. My father also chooses to generously pay a few Peruvians' college bills here in the US to help out those in need that are not as well off financially as he was when my family came to the U.S. (My parents are all about giving back.)

This organization can choose whomever they want their money to go to. Let's face it, people and life, in general, is biased. This stunt is probably being done for the shock value. They obviously don't agree with affirmative action. I am not sure that I agree with affirmative action myself, but I am always interested in hearing everyone's opposing views.

Besides, I am Republican. (Btw, it's not so bad...the last time that I said that out loud, I was offered a marriage proposal...lol!) Furthermore, my father always made way too much $$$ financially for me to even think about accepting scholarship money that could be better used by someone who truly needed it...which was often my caucasian friends. :ph34r:

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understand that i really don't give a fuck about race at all. i'm mixed,like every one else, and i only hang with cool people whatever their look or back ground is. because i'm in such diverse suroundings...i don't hear alot off racial shit....until i come to these dz forums that is. now i'm not talking about spic and niger jokes or shit like that . i'm talking about the posts like this.

white people for the most part go to better schools growing up becauase schools are mainly paid for by property taxes, so they might need a bit more help. thats all affirmitave action is ...a little help to level the playing field.

i 'm not so sure i even am with affirmitave action, but i understand why we have it. just because race relations are getting better and minorities are moving up in the world doesn't mean we're there yet. so is a post like this to rally white guys together or what? if so you gotta get with it bro ....we're all the damn same when you really think about it.

there is no anger in me as i write this post...so don't feel me wrong...just trying to explain the other side. ....i've got a purto rican friend who can't get in the nyfd, even though he has an honorable discharge from the marines and 2 years off college. why? because in a city off minorities...the nyfd is still 95% white only.

any ways.....blah blah blah blah ....peace .

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"Rally white guys together..."


You've got me pegged as he wrong kind of redneck, the ones your thinking of are mainly in Georgia.:P

No, I posted this since I thought it would spur an interesting discussion of both sides of the issue.
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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Nah, I think it's because if they had white-only scholarships, they'd have to give it to people that can't spell "scholarship".:D:D Don't hurt me.:o

I doubt there will be much political backlash, especially since it's a bunch of kids at some podunk school. It would make good late-night tv fodder tho...


I find this very interesting, especially wondering what the political backlash will be on their campus and around the nation.

Personally, I thought it was interesting that minority groups could have scholorships and programs setup for only those in their minority, but if even a non-racially motivated group did that for whites, it would be labeled as outright racism.

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I think the funniest part of this article is this line:

>Mattera, who is of Puerto Rican descent, is himself a recipient of a
>$5,000 scholarship open only to a minority group.

I think that makws his point more valid...

I think if he really wanted to make the point, he would turn that scholarship back in because it is based on race and apply for a merit only scholarship. THAT would be a strong statement. This sounds like more of a publicity stunt.


I agree completely, if he thinks it's that wrong to do, he should obviously be turning that scholarship down, otherwise he's just a sell-out.

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"Rally white guys together..."


You've got me pegged as he wrong kind of redneck, the ones your thinking of are mainly in Georgia.:P

No, I posted this since I thought it would spur an interesting discussion of both sides of the issue.

There is no issue at my school. We have them, no one makes a deal out of it.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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Besides, I am Republican. (Btw, it's not so bad...the last time that I said that out loud, I was offered a marriage proposal...lol!) Furthermore, my father always made way too much $$$ financially for me to even think about accepting scholarship money that could be better used by someone who truly needed it...which was often my caucasian friends. :ph34r:

You're not supposed to give out the details of our dinner. Gheeze!
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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