
Someone convince me otherwise...

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...Or I'll be selling my rig, buying a Harley/putting a down payment on an airplane, and getting out of the sport.

Some people are again talking s**t about me behind my back at the DZ. WTF? This happened at my last DZ, and I was asked to leave when I got to my breaking point and threatened to harm my main tormentor. Apparently defending one's self is verboten if you're not one of the "in crowd."

I've had it with the "gay" jokes. I am hetero, and secure in it. Just because I am not the Alpha male, I get people making all manner of "queer" jokes. It's like I am back in jr/sr high, and those years cost me a bundle in terms of tears and therapy. I doubt other 15 year olds (12 yrs ago) can claim that bullies and asshats gave them a peptic ulcer.

Some jumpers are just plain fucking rude. They torment you until you leave "their" DZ, vis a vis buddying up with the DZO and then complaining when someone fights back, getting you booted.

I'm sick of this shit. Makes me want to request Thule AB for my next tour...

I've been getting shit on because I don't live in a tent and eat ramen so I can jump 24/7/365. Excuse the hell outta me if I have other things in my life, and don't want to jump in 20º weather.

I have never wanted to get the hell out of a place in my life so much until now. I long for a huge DZ where the high school cliques are not a factor...

Please, AF Personnel Center, take me away...

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Man, I'm really sorry to hear that. Every DZ that I have been at has been welcoming of all types of people, as the jumper-types are very diverse.

Sounds like a pretty shitty DZ. Maybe you just ought to whip the ass of the main tormentor just to put a smile on your face. :Dj/k

Sounds like a poorly run place with too many asshats. Find a new place. Don't let a few dickwads ruin it for ya.

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This is an "A" type personality sport....

Get used to it or get out.

Try to find a more "family type" DZ. Most are small, but they don't have the large amount of backstabbing. At least its harder to hide.

About the plane....If I could afford a Pitts/Extra...I'd sell my rig in a second and never look back.
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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Try another DZ as Clay suggested, maybe even a boogie somewhere else.
Or take a month off, go try something else for a while then come back and make one more jump.
Then make your mind up.
If you don't like it, sell the gear and buy a Harley, I'm sure the motorcycle fraternity are far nicer people at heart.

He who receives an idea from me, receives instruction himself without lessening mine; as he who lights his taper at mine, receives light without darkening me. Thomas Jefferson

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if someone at my dz would be like that to me i'd be like: "Hey missy, go in the kitchen and make me some pie!" or "Screw you guys i'm going home!" ;)

Depends on how i feel like at the moment :D
"George just lucky i guess!"

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Hmm - Drama Drama Drama(Read: Marsha - Marsha - Marsha)

I don't want to be insensitive - but as was stated before - A types ar all around uss - deal with it one oway or another. Sounds like you need a thicker skin.

Edit: I reread the post I put up - Sounds like a break is in order - it sounds like you are trying to force an issue that doesn't have alot of give. So, as has happened to many a skydiver - travel on to another DZ or , as it sounds like you want to do anyway - give it up.
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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Screw you guys i'm going home!"

Hehe, this thread definately needed some Cartman in it....

As for the problem, simple solution here...move to IL and jump at SDC. :)


I get a Mike hug! I get a Mike hug!

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I've actually found the smaller DZs to be LESS clique-y than the big ones.

Find a DZ with a single 182 and 15-20 regular jumpers. I am seriously going to miss that when I have to move from NM...yeah. we don't get a lot of jumps, but every single person there is someone I'd call a friend. It's too small to form cliques...there just aren't enough people.

That being said...who cares what others think? Just be yourself, smile all the time, and be like a duck (let it roll off your back like water...)
Never meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup!

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Sounds like somebody needs a HUG!
I gotta go w/ freeflir29 on this one.
Who cares what peeps are saying/thinking
behind your back, say it with me now:
"FUCK 'EM". If you can't, maybe your better off
without us and us without you.
And since jr high? Maybe its time for more therapy!
Get a grip. Find another DZ. Have a beer. Get Laid.
Get on with your life, but don't expect us to talk
you into doing something that you don't want to do.
Hope you have better luck in the whuffo world,
let us know how it turns out, or not!

p.s. How much for the rig?

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Sounds like you're being a pussy.


There ya go. Nice. Keep that up and you'll fit right in.

1 - Try another DZ.
2 - If you don't enjoy the sport, quit. Don't let the door hit your ass on the way out:P. Look, it's just a sport. Too many people have their self image caught up in it. It's not that important to spend all your cash and not have fun, is it?

you have to change to adapt - do something different or quit - you can't make other people change

Edit: I don't like talking people into staying - we had a terrible diver who decided to quit and someone else talked her into staying - now we have to deal with doing breathalyzer testing on this first person everytime she shows. The other person meant well and didn't know the situation, but her actions resulted in worse conditions - just like a democrat.

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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Sounds like somebody needs a HUG!
I gotta go w/ freeflir29 on this one.
Who cares what peeps are saying/thinking
behind your back, say it with me now:
"FUCK 'EM". If you can't, maybe your better off
without us and us without you.
And since jr high? Maybe its time for more therapy!
Get a grip. Find another DZ. Have a beer. Get Laid.
Get on with your life, but don't expect us to talk
you into doing something that you don't want to do.
Hope you have better luck in the whuffo world,
let us know how it turns out, or not!

p.s. How much for the rig?

I knew I was missing something!!!!!
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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If you're not having fun, you might as well do something else with your time. This is not generally a sport for the thin-skinned.

Threatening people is a real bad sign. The therapy thing concerns me, as well.

I don't know the specifics beyond what you claim, but it doesn't sound too good.

BTW, do you think you're going to get much more slack among hard-core Harley riders? If you show up in your basic biker bar with that kind of attitude, you're in for a rude awakening.

You may be better off with the plane.

FWIW, I have a bunch of rigs, a Harley and an airplane.

Blue skies,


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Dude, sounds to me like one of two things: You either need to find a new dz or grow some thicker skin.

Skydiving is unfortunately a sport with lots of politics, and that's going to mean a lot of people giving you shit at all times. Most of it is just out of fun, and even if it sounds cruel, that's a jumpers way of joking, and it must be taken lightly. A lot of people get out of the sport because of politics. Some move to another dz, only to find the same things happening there, and decide that they're not welcome in the sport because they get the shit end of the stick and so they quit. If you want people to respect you at the dz, take everything they say with a smile and laugh it off. If they realize what they're doing bothers you, they're gonna keep doing it for a laugh, so just kill em with kindness, and they'll bring you into the pack. Bitch about it, and you'll be pushed away. It's a tough thing, I know, but it's one of those things you can't avoid. There's no magic dropzone with no politics.

Trust me dude, I went through the same thing just last year. I was the shit end of every joke, every finger was pointed at me, and every laugh was in my direction. After a great deal of thought, I realized that it wasn't the other people, it was me. All I'd do is go out to the dz and bitch about how people look down on me, and THAT'S what had made them do that stuff, because let's face it, nobody likes a whiner, especially when the stuff to whine about it just in his head.

What I'm trying to say is this. Don't quit the sport, there's too much to gain from it, and too much to miss when you're gone from it. All you have to do is take the jokes for a little while, crack jokes back, smile, laugh it off, and don't worry about it. The cooler you become with the dz atmosphere, the more the others will respect you. But the second you lose your cool (like at the first dz), they're going to lose all respect for you and dislike you, and therefore get rid of you. Just be yourself, be okay with it, and take every crack with a smile, and you'll be just fine. B|

Wrong Way
D #27371 Mal Manera Rodriguez Cajun Chicken Ø Hellfish #451
The wiser wolf prevails.

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Politics only affect you if you let them affect you. Decide what you want to do at a DZ. If it's jump with friends, then get some people together and jump. If it's hang out there and drink beer, then by all means do that. If it's to try to become one of the "in" crowd then you can give that a try, but remember that that's not the same as the other two things.

Being part of the "in" crowd has never been important to me, and as a result I'm not in any of the cool cliques. Except for maybe the group that always does big-ways, but I got in that one by _doing_ big-ways, not by politicking.

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1. people are again talking s**t about me behind my back at the DZ.
2. This happened at my last DZ, and I was asked to leave.
3. I've had it with the "gay" jokes.
4. I get people making all manner of "queer" jokes.
5. It's like I am back in jr/sr high.
6. cost me a bundle in terms of tears and therapy.
7. bullies and asshats gave them a peptic ulcer.
8. I'm sick of this shit.
9. I've been getting shit on
10. I have never wanted to get the hell out of a place in my life so much until now.
Please, AF Personnel Center, take me away...

Wow. The Harley guys are gonna love you.

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Now that you've got all the good advice above to help you decide what your going to do.:)
Lets get serious,:) What kind of a rig you got and how much you want for it?

Name calling? gay, fag, The DZ is definately H.S.
If they start to play nice, why would you want to go back. Find another DZ, or quit, Don't go back to the negative vibes it isn't worth it.>:(

What kind of a rig you got and how much you want for it?:)


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What I'm trying to say is this. Don't quit the sport, there's too much to gain from it, and too much to miss when you're gone from it.

And you know this cause?

I have one of my best friends rigs in my closet. He wants me to sell it.

He has 3500 jumps, and the Advanced Gold medal in 4way....He was on several large jumps 100+

He told me last weekend that he does not miss it one bit.

People quit for several different reasons...

Dealing with the BS and politics is one of the biggest.
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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Look, here's the thing. People continue to bug people when they know it is bugging them because it is funny, and they might not necessarily know your torid high school past. Don't let it show that it bugs you, in fact agree and start making fun of yourself until it is funny to you and then the other guys will a) think your an alright guy and befriend you b) get tired of doing it because it doesn't bother you anymore. You may just end up with some friends out of it if you don't take yourself so seriously. I would throw enema bags in these guys lockers, followed up with some hamster food and make a joke out of things. ANyway, I agree that unfortunately the DZ is a place where others come to have fun and childeshly joke around. Give the self depracation thing a shot it may actually work.


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