
If you won the Lottery?

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I would buy a huge Tour Bus and put the DZ.com Logo on the side and tour all the dz's hitting all the competitions, boogies, etc. I would also have the Power Puff girls with me. And Spy38W would be my pilot and take care of Sunshine. I would have Dove there too. Sebazz would be our chauffer. He gets free jumps too.:)

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I'd probably quit my job, it's funny, a few years ago I would have thought that I'd want to work, now I realize that I work only to have money for the fun things in life. Of course I'd have to invest some of it to make sure I had something left in 10 years.

As for the rest of it... maybe do the motorhome thing and see the country, make stops at any DZ that happened to be in my path and change my path to make it to the DZ. I'd have to make stops at Carhenge and the worlds largest ball of string, things like that. I think I'd like to have big boat and sail around the world. I would make sure the people are love are debt free and leave them a little something extra. Whatever's left over I think I would just use for whatever caught my attention at the moment.

They say that money can't buy happiness, but it can buy a certain amount of freedom, I think I'd like that. :)

"Like" - The modern day comma
Good bye, my friends. You are missed.

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If I were to win the lotto I would start off by buying a brand spanking new rig and canopy. I would give some to my family and church, buy a new car and invest the rest of it. I may take a trip to old Mexico and get drunk on some very old tequila. While a get a lot of suckey suckey from a local seniorita.

CSA #699 Muff #3804

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Ok so when you look at it I don't think a $5M lotto is actually that much money.

First to get the most out of it you need to take the cash up front. When you do this they automatically cut it in half.

So start with $2.5M

Then THE MAN wants his cut at least at 35%.

Now you're at $1.6M

Then if you plan to quit your job and live off of this amount you need to invest it all and pray for an 8% return per year.

This cuts you down to $130K/yr.

Then when you take this out of your investments THE MAN >:(wants to take another cut on the profits you made so now you're down to...

counting on fingers and toes...hmm...

About $84.5K/yr:o

WHOA, Never mind... bye the rig, hop on the bus, make a pit stop past Tijauna, and crack open the beer I'm tourin' the country... YEAH!!!



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I would invest the money in CDs...and live off the interest...that would be more than I make a year teaching.

I would quit my job and play for a couple of years. Then I would probably try to get my old job back. I taught at a private school (the pay was shit). The classes were a max of 12 kids. I would teach part time, and play the rest of the time.

Yeah, I would buy a second rig, pay off the credit cards, pay off the house, buy a new car....I might even think about helping a certain person pay for his nursing degree...

It is fun to think about life with that kind of money!



I'm a Doll!!!!

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Depending on how much it was, wouldn't it be cool to be the owner of your own Otter?

Yeah, thinking of what I would do with the money after I started skydiving my first thought was to buy a DZ. Now after being around for a (very) little bit, I have decided that I would much rather buy a perpetual jump ticket, or a bunch of jump tickets plus a semi fast airplane. I think it's more trouble than it's worth to own a DZ or plane, unless you were to own a specialty aircraft that would be suitable for touring DZ's, aka Mullins King Air

Hook high, flare on time

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Ok so when you look at it I don't think a $5M lotto is actually that much money.

First to get the most out of it you need to take the cash up front. When you do this they automatically cut it in half.

So start with $2.5M

Then THE MAN wants his cut at least at 35%.

Now you're at $1.6M

Then if you plan to quit your job and live off of this amount you need to invest it all and pray for an 8% return per year.

This cuts you down to $130K/yr.

First post by someone who actually has realized that you don't get all that money and that it really doesn't go that far when you take all the taxes out of it.

But...............it is nice to dream, ain't it?;)

I intend to live forever -- so far, so good.

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The answers is simple-
Win the lottery -
Buy toys-
Go on permanant vacation-
Go from DZ to DZ in a semi-crappy van and just jump my ass off-
Maybe once in a while treat myself to a Motel 6, but only if it's within crawling distance-
Sometime during that trip the wife would probably jettison my ass-- (or I'd cut her away-)
I'm such aa bastard-

Easy Does It

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If I won the lottery I would:
  1. Purchase a whore house in Nevada with real classy babes so I could charge big spenders out of their witts
  2. Purchase chopper to offer sex in the air to big spenders
  3. Employ the flying Elvis team for the hell of it
  4. Jump once a week with all my naked whores as advetizing for my whore house
  5. Employ four full tome Norwegian lesbians who know how to sing, to feed me grapes


Me Jungleman! Me have large Babalui.
Muff #3275

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Bill, as former owner of a bungee crane: They don't make them large enough for BASE. That is unless you want to jump without a rig.

Depends on your definition of large. I've seen a couple of videos of crane BASE jumps.

Sky, Muff Bro, Rodriguez Bro, and
Bastion of Purity and Innocence!™

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Employ four full tome Norwegian lesbians who know how to sing, to feed me grapes

You seem to have a recurring theme of lesbians feeding you grapes. Perhaps you should revise that to something more realistic such as "4 skydiving women feeding you pies?" :ph34r:

I don't need to win the lottery. Clay promised that when he gets his super dooper spy job he will hire me just for laughs at the top of the pay scale. :D

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C'mon allow me some dreams. Four skudiving women are more likely to knife me and take my money and buy beer (that's how much I have) dump my body and take my rig. I will for now stick to the Norwegian lesbians.B|


Me Jungleman! Me have large Babalui.
Muff #3275

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Lotto . . . $5m? Hmmm.

Buy $5m worth of my company's stock, get a seat on the board and fire some of the a-holes that have made my life a living hell. I figure that could be fun for a few days. I assume the stock would retain, if not increase slightly in value because of the corporate restructuring.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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>I'd open a DZ, until the money ran out.

So after Taxes and etc from 5 mil how are you going to keep ther DZ open more then a month? ;)

Me? I'd stay at work for the benifits, move next to the DZ, buld a house that rivals the Cribs on MTV with at least 2 hot tubs, a pool that is wired with fiber optics to show the stars and a comet like that kid from Blink 182 has, a rigging loft for Jessica an I, a SWEET fiber in every room/private T line/ all 2.1+ GHZ/G4 computer network and all wood floors with wood that had to travel at least 3000 miles to be in that room.

And most importantly of all.... a boom boom room to show my bling bling in.

Yesterday is history
And tomorrow is a mystery


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If I won the lottery?
Simple,actually.I have some friends at the dropzone who would have VERY good x-mas.
I would make all Winnies(dzo and the nicest woman to ever draw breath) money problems go away.
And after all that, probably have almost enough left over for at least a case of Corona. Just a thought.......Ralph

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