
Thank you Lisa!

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I'm not much of a poster here, but Lisa has always been a great greenie, and a great person as well. I remember her more from her Square One days when she helped me out with (and made sure I was experienced enough for) a canopy purchase. She does indeed rock the house in every way imaginable. Gotta meet this woman someday...;)
Doctor I ain't gonna die,
Just write me an alibi! ---- Lemmy/Slash

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1. I thank Lisa for being a moderator on these forums.

2. I thank Lisa for the advice she's posted on these forums regarding safe canopies.

3. I thank Lisa for her advice she's given many others regarding life in general.

4. I thank Lisa for lettign me get to know her at Perris.

5. I am most grateful that the only thing that has changed is #1.

Thank you in advance, Lisa, for all the help you'll continue to provide me and others!:)

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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Thanks Lisa.

No... thank you. If my brain weren't quite so fried at the moment I'd explain why, but I expect you all know what I mean.

Funny how timing works out... Since my lappie took a swim I now have no computer to moderate from anyway! :D:D

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Hey Lisa,

I don't know when you'll read this, but I just wanted to say;

You Bytch slapped me when I needed it.
You made me laugh when I needed it.
You made me really think when I needed it.
You sent me pm's when I needed it.
You cheered me on when I needed it.
You listened to me on the phone when I needed it.

So, if you need anything....just let me know.

You're pure class, lady!:)
Love ya,

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Before Lisa was heading out of town she stopped by my place to destress. Aparently, she had a pretty stress filled day. It was nice to be able to help her out before her trip started (seeing how much she has done with this web site & how much fun she was in Sebastian).

She'll be back for the Bytch Boogie, so all of you who miss her make sure to show up! She said something about shots poured down carved ice pieces (not a good description but ask her for a better one).

Safe travels Lisa and many great new beginings in California! I know you'll kick ass and have a blast doin it. At least you won't have to watch out for those aligators in your back yard anymore:D:D
Tunnel Pink Mafia Delegate

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Lisa, good luck we spoke about this before Jeanie, I just did not think it was gonna happened, anyway I'm glad I got to know you and I have another video with you in it. Are you gone or I will have the chance to see you before.


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! She said something about shots poured down carved ice pieces

it's called a "booze louge" i think i spelledit right.. ya know a louge... likein the olimpics a big ice skate thatya ride down a rn like a bobsled sorta...... ya know like backwards than the skeleton.............. let me see if i can find a link......



"i have no reader's digest version"

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