
What aircraft do you wish you could jump from?

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I wish I could get a jump from a rigid airship. As big as some of them were back before "the" disaster, you could launch some decent sized formations from them with the number of people they held.

Beyond that I believe it would be fun or atleast good video to jump a from a lawn chair/weather balloon "aircraft" (google it, you'll find the story).

The spruce goose would be a badass thing to jump from as well!

What about you, what bizzare or old/historical aircraft would like to jump from?
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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i have only a few aircraft still on my must jum list.... fist we have the AN-2 (antonov 2) and the c-130..... a let 410 would also be nice other than those i've jumped just about every "normal" jump ship... oh a beaver would be fun to jump too... just ned to makeit up to washington to jum p it...

"i have no reader's digest version"

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The spruce goose would be a badass thing to jump from as well!


Its sitting in McMinnville Oregon on Hwy 18 on the way to the Oregon Coast.. but I think Mr Hughes only got it off the ground a few feet and realized it was a disaster waiting to happen....and it has not flown since.

Me.. I would settle for a jump out of the very first airplane I ever flew in... when I was a little tyke.. to me its still the most beautiful airplane built... the lines are flowing and the feel of flying in it with the beautiful ladies who brought us anything we needed.

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I'd love to jump from a blimp. or one of those really big choppers... like a chinook

the balloon chair would be pretty cool too. However I've done something similar, a powered parachute that ran outta gas on jump run... thats basically about the same as a balloon chair... pretty fun.

MB 3528, RB 1182

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Air Force One Chopper jump with the President's daughters... After a safety meeting with George. ( just want it to be safe that's all.)
Note to Secret Service :
I'm kidding.

You can jump the Pres.'s daughters but, what about skydiving?:ph34r:
I would love to jump from a C5 Galaxy:)
"Blue leader 1 to Arch Angel, you're clear for launch":ph34r:
If I could be a Super Hero,
I chose to be: "GRANT-A-CLAUS". and work 365 days a Year.

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In particular,
Jet (any jet) (I would (though some call me crazy) like to actually eject from a military aircraft:S.)
Hot Air Balloon
Airship (blimp/dirigible- non-rigid, semi-rigid or rigid... Don't care.)

Not so particular,
Anything I haven't already jumped from;).

ChileRelleno-Rodriguez Bro#414
Hellfish#511,MuffBro#3532,AnvilBro#9, D24868

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Since DH Otters are so good, I'd try a few other DH's, like a Tiger Moth and a Mosquito.

I don't know....they also made the Comet. :S I think they just got lucky that once. ;)

Me, I've always wanted to jump from a glider. Find a nice thermal to 12K, throw up the canopy, and jump!

I got a strong urge to fly, but I got no where to fly to. -PF

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Exiting the Constellation has been the greatest visual to date for me. What a beautiful airplane, I was momentarily stunned by how graceful it was while falling away from it.

I'm looking forward to chunking a wad-o-people out the back of a C-130 some day.
-There's always free cheese in a mouse trap.

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I'd have to go with the space shuttle -

Better chance of getting back safely.:):P

That would be cool though - figure what a 96" drouge for stability

cut that away at what 60,000 feet maybe - sounds cool.
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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