
What have you accomplished and how does it compare?

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Im 32 and havent really acomplished a lot to shout about except for getting married and emigrating.
Pretty poor eh?

Compare yourselves against this


At age 32:

Penniless and unemployed, Buckminster Fuller decided against suicide, resolving instead to live out the rest of his life as an experiment to see what one person could do to help humanity.

By the time of his death at age 32, Alexander the Great had conquered almost the entire known world.

Composer, conductor and painter E. T. A. Hoffmann began to write the tales for which he is now primarily remembered.

English artist and poet William Blake wrote and illustrated "Songs of Innocence."

Johann Rudolf Wyss wrote "The Swiss Family Robinson."

English parson Thomas Robert Malthus wrote his "Essay on the Principles of Population."


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I haven't accomplished as much as Earl Vickers did.

"In the wake of the firing of Jocelyn Elders as Surgeon General for her use of the m-word, Earl Vickers proclaimed an International Day of Masturbation and used the internet to organize the biggest simultaneous orgasm in history, with media coverage around the world."


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My marriage
My kids Alexandra 10 and Brandon 7
My Job, promoted to the rank I wanted to obtain.
Happiness and good friends.

I to am helping out with the shooting of idiots, so little time and such abundant targets!! >:(

Fire Safety Tip: Don't fry bacon while naked

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My accomplishments are not great when compared with others.

On the other hand, my personal burdens are not so daunting when I look around and see what other people have to live with.

That knowledge certainly keeps me in check.

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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In the last or so week I guess I personally have had an extreme life review. I've had to decide what's important and what isn't. My biggest accomplishment and it's only recently come about, is that everyone I love knows I love them. I had to swallow a little pride to do it but when it comes down to deciding what's important and what's not, finishing things left undone and saying things that need to be said become very important. To me that was quite an accomplishment. :)

Peace and Blue skies everyone!!!! ;)

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I think a lot of people are selling themselves short.

I may not be Buckminster Fuller or Alexander the Great but I am extremely proud of what I have accplished. I don't think it's egotistical to be proud of your accomplishments and to have a good self-esteem.

I graduated college in 3 years with an engineering degree. I was also the first person in my family to go to college.

I have made over 400 skydives.

I've found the love of my life.

I've traveled quite a bit, especially being an Army brat. I saw the wall in Berlin before it came down. I've been to France, Canada, Mexico, Turkey, Korea.

I've gone white water rafting down the Colorado river.

I have (had) a black belt in Taekwondo.

I proudly hang my paintings on my living room walls. And I designed my own tatoo.

I just got the highest performance rating possible at work. And I work on the External Tank for the Space Shuttle.

I expect something good to happen for me today.

Come on and speak up. I'm sure all of you have done some things that the majority of the world would never dream of doing.


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My accomplishments are outstanding.
I assist young adolescents to become young adults, and play a small part helping to shape their lives:)B|
You are not now, nor will you ever be, good enough to not die in this sport (Sparky)
My Life ROCKS!
How's yours doing?

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I put myself through the last 2 years of private college.
I am working on a really great relationship with a really great guy.
I took my degree in sociology into being a programming manager for the space shuttle.
I have a wonderful son, and a good relationship with his father -- I value both.
I am taking very good care of my father.
I can speak several languages comfortably.
I can figure out how to do most things, preferably without reading the instructions.
I was a good skydiving instructor when I was doing it.
I have walked on hot coals. AND, while there isn't video, there are pictures.:)
Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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Aw jeez. All right, I'll try.

I finished 2 degrees in 5.5 years

I speak German

I've visited and/or worked in most countries in Europe, plus Argentina, Brazil, Peru, Costa Rica, and Mexico. I can get around and ask for most things I need in all of these places, which doesn't suck.

I'm in a wonderful relationship

I quit smoking

I'm sure there's more around here somewhere...

you've got to ask yourself one question: 'Do I feel loquacious?' -- well do you, punk?

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I don’t have a noble prize, but I am very happy with where I am.

I have accomplished almost any goal I have put my mind to.
There is some that I am constantly working on but they are long term goals and in the next 7-10 years I should be there. I hope.

Life is good no matter how bad it gets.:)
I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain

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Okay, me too.

I raised my son alone and he still likes me.
I was on a world record skydive.
I've visited (or at least driven through) 40 of the 50 US states.
I make a mean cheesecake.

But none of that compares to what Earl did. We're talking worldwide orgasm! :o

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Ya, nothing spectacular here. But so far I have met the goals/dreams I have set for myself. Like:

1) get engineering degree
2) get job in city
3) buy great downtown condo with spectacular view
4) Travel the world (so far Switz, Italy, Germany, France, Cameroon, Kenya, Greece, Sweden, Mexico, Canada, Caribbean -- many more to go!!)
4) get masters degree -- in progress

I also have a wonderful hubby who completes me, so I feel pretty good about where I am at age 30. :)
Oh, I speak French and I have a new goal to learn Italian before our next trip there in '07. ;)

But I do wonder, sometimes, where I'd be if I was more driven with work. I think I could be more successful there. But I just like to do so many things, I can't give 200% to work cuz then theres no time for all the other great stuff in life. (Like skydiving!! B|)
"At 13,000 feet nothing else matters."
Team Funnel #174, Sunshine kisspass #109
My Jump Site

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I'm 32 and have a reputation as a tequila guzzling JACKASS. Some people tell me that I am not a good JACKASS but I am trying really hard. Don't hear about any of THEM starring in a Budweiser Super Bowl commercial with the famous clydesdales!
Vinny the Anvil
Post Traumatic Didn't Make The Lakers Syndrome is REAL

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I think what one accomplishes should be determined on its own and what one believes is important -- and not compared to others because its all relative... and society puts so much emphasis on things that aren't really accomplishments in my book...

that being said.. i would have to say my biggest accomplisment that I did on my own, and that society and family didn't expect of me, was to run a marathon. It took months of discipline and getting out of bed early in the morning. Nothing felt better than knowing I could do it. (since then I have run 3 others).

Hopefully one day I will have the accomplishments that others have stated: like having a child, having a great family, starting some type of philanthropy, giving more back to others, helping others out, etc. :)

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I've never really been into the social accessories side of things but, I have more friends than enemies,
more fun than most of the people I know, I'm happy doing my own thing, have my own goals, and enjoy the company I keep.

.. and I don't have a pot to piss in.. whats more, there are even people who envy me.

I don't have the money or the looks (even if I did, I wouldn't have the ambition) but being me right here & now is where I want to be. ;)

Benchmarks are for the undecided. :P

-- Hope you don't die. --

I'm fucking winning

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I don't think I've accomplised a lot as far as things you can measure/being recognized for/awarded for.
I mostly just think I accomplish a lot, depending on the love I show for others, when I turn away my selfish desires in order for others to be happier,etc
I measure what I do, by how much I am bettering the lives of those around me:)

Mother to the cutest little thing in the world...

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