
Do you know your blood type?

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I'm sorry to hear that. :(

But I do think you missed the point of my post. I was just saying that perhaps the baby could be negative, even though your honey is positive . . . because it's based on genetics.

But I know nothing about genetics, either. Only what I learned in high school. So maybe never mind.

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Damn I am slow today. See above.

No, you're all fucking slow today. The link I posted to the encyclopedia article has been repeated 4 or 5 times now. Edited for the ;) ... lest someone think I was being an asshole. :D
it's like incest - you're substituting convenience for quality

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I'm sorry to hear that. :(

But I do think you missed the point of my post. I was just saying that perhaps the baby could be negative, even though your honey is positive . . . because it's based on genetics.

Ahhhh...gotcha, my bad. ;) I was told by my Dr. that it would be a sure thing, so when I was trying to have a baby we were getting prepared to put me on the drug ASAP.

Don't be sorry about the sister thing, she would have been older than me so I never met her. :)
btw...the world does not need a little hooknswoop running around. Plus I don't think I'd survive 2 of them. :D
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i knew it when they had to give me blood in the hospital last year, but since then... i've forgotten, and i still am having trouble finding all my documents from the hospital last year. So I'll have to say No:(

CReW Skies,
"Women fake orgasms - men fake whole relationships" – Sharon Stone
"The world is my dropzone" (wise crewdog quote)
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A Neg.

I've had to know it a few times in the past.

I'm suprised by how many people here are A Neg, its rare, and I've only met 3 or 4 other soldiers with it. (I stick close to them in combat, just in case ;) )

No kidding. I'm A Neg, and I'm the only person I ever knew with that blood type.

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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That's weird. I'm pretty sure my mom is something positive. I never heard about it before (and she told me all about her pregnancies...I think to scare me from getting pregnant.) I'll have to ask her about it. Errr....(lack of sleep), does it only apply to negative moms with positive children? (I just skimmed the link.)
There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning

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It's impressive that you know so much about pregnancies, blood types and sensitization, Kelli. I asked my father (Ob/Gyn) about sensitization and parental blood types a while ago, just out of curiosity, and he explained it all to me.

I am an O+, but I don't weigh enough to be allowed to give blood. I do feel that I am at my physically heaviest right now, though, and I keep getting heavier. Maybe one day soon, I'll be the right weight to donate.

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