
Weekend Numbers: 14th & 15th May

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ONe jump at Clewiston with RkyMtnHigh,
Good video, including her landing ;)

Maybe I should email it to her, or be evil and post it for the world to see.... BWAHHAHAHAHA!!!!


:D:DCory..Go figure...after you left, the sky cleared and it became absolutely perfect! Erin and I did a few more HD jumps, then Kazu (Big Jap) showed up and he, Steve and I did some kickass HD..then just me and da Jap. As long as the students wanted to keep jumping, Jerry kept flying. What an awesome day!
BTW..as far as the landing...my shin surfin'....:Dit was fast as hell yet fun;) Ya know the "first canopy down sets the pattern?..um well I'm not jiggy with that downwindin it shit"...they made me:o:P:D

Thanks for being patient with me as I was on my way and then not...and then on my way again:D You're a true champ.

Jap and Steve discovered a lil problem with my rig on our jump and Jerry is doing modifications...pretty much rebuilding everything from the cutaway and reserve down to the legstraps[:/]


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Last minute trip to Oklahoma turned out to be a great decision. 17 jumps w/great weather. Met lots of cool people, two thumbs up for that boogie.

Met Kris (very cool) and probably owe a case of beer for first time meeting someone from DZ.com. Paxton did some kick ass load organizing including a sweet 6-point 3way headdown with alternating people leading a short flock between each point. You don't do that stuff in Nebraska every day.

Great Weekend,

"Human beings, who are almost unique in having the ability to learn from the experience of others, are also remarkable for their apparent disinclination to do so."

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3 jumps on Thursday - 2 H&Ps and a nice, lovely, full-altitude jump out of the Grand Caravan, that's back for the summer! :D is for the first jump out of that plane.
"There is only one basic human right, the right to do as you damn well please. And with it comes the only basic human duty, the duty to take the consequences." -P.J. O'Rourke

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1 2-way FF w/ sean
2 3-way FF w/ Bill (hippydiver) yay!!! we finally got to jump together!!) B|
*1 with Bill & Yoshi: Don't EVEN get me started on this one. Yoshi and Will (one of our packers) are still on my shit list for the nasty prank they pulled on me! :P;):D
*1 with Bill & Jed. Energy level = 0..but still fun even though I almost took Jed out pretty hard...sorry!!!! HEHE :)
1 hop&pop
2 3 way FF w/ Matt (InsaneDaddy)
*1 with Matt & Todd - Awesome dive!
*1 with Matt & Kat A. - FUN FUN FUN! Wanted to go right back up with those 2 again!! I had the biggest smile during the entire skydive B|

Sunday went out to Aggieland and helped judge the first round of the CPC meet. That was amazing and everyone had so much fun! You could see the progression between the 1st jump of the day until the last in everyone! I even learned so much by just watching! B|

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8 is the number of dollars lost betting on horses at Nashville's steeplechase.

And if it weren't for that damned "gold wings exemption", Shimell would owe a case for the first time he heard me say, "No, I would NOT like another margarita". :D

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1 jump in after a very cloudy rainy morning, 1 C license :)
CReW Skies,
"Women fake orgasms - men fake whole relationships" – Sharon Stone
"The world is my dropzone" (wise crewdog quote)
"The light dims, until full darkness pierces into the world."-KDM

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7 jumps. One 8 way RW (boy that was different for me) the rest coolio freefly jumps.
If you werent at the OSC mullins king air boogie, you missed out!
I owed beer for the first at that DZ, and paid it Sat night at the bonfire.
Thanks to Jack and staff for the free pizza Sat night around the bonfire. The hotties in coconuts were awsome, but Im not so attractive in cocounts :|.
Sweet weekend.:)
Goddam dirty hippies piss me off! ~GFD
"What do I get for closing your rig?" ~ me
"Anything you want." ~ female skydiver
Mohoso Rodriguez #865

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-1 super fun freefly with a couple of hd and sit docks
-1 hybrid, which we turned points on
-2 RW jumps.

It was a fun week, got to dust off the ol' RW suit. Also put two jumps on a 92 Crossfire-I want to jump it more!!
Since the weather was kind of icky for the weekend, started on pre-course stuff for my AFF rating. Looks like all the 4 way stuff I did is going to come in handy :)

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2 jumps from tuesday including one kick ass mindwarp!!

I suppose i owe beer for my first time cuddling with Jeth. :P


It is sunny out and pushing 90 degrees, much nicer than back home from what I hear. Whats a guy to do!!!

Yeah, the SDC weather sucked all weekend. But i found other fun things to do. I was hammered saturday night and i should apologize for all the DDs i made.

Ya, it sucked!! Freezing and cloudy. No jumps for me this weekend. :( At this rate its gonna be fall before I graduate!! >:(

Thanks for the cuddles, Sunny. It was warm and cozy. ;)
"At 13,000 feet nothing else matters."
Team Funnel #174, Sunshine kisspass #109
My Jump Site

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never anyones business: 5 : 17: 3

5 hand glider flights at Jocky's Ridge.

17 team jumps in Zhills

3 hours tunnel Orlando
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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Weather was a pain but was able to get 4 jumps in. While I waited for the weather to clear I passed my "B" test.

Looking forward to this weekend though, I hope to hit 100 so it's gonna be a good :D saturday in DavisB|

Fire Safety Tip: Don't fry bacon while naked

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0-She's "in a mood"

5-Total jumps for weekend; sunset 3-way RW on Saturday after working all day, 1 attempted 14 way (got the 8 star), 1 5-way spider that went to crap, 1 five point 8 way that was just sweeeeeet, and a 2 way sit with my bro that resulted in an almost cut

2-I'm so tired I forgot why I put this two here

1-1st time back to OSC in two years-great boogie guys. Jack has really turned the place around. A few really nice hula girls wearing coconuts too. WOW!


On my last jump, I unstowed my brakes and my right brake line had a knot in it at the finger trap...holy cow. Just when I let go of the toggles to cut it started flying right. I landed off and had to hitch a ride. Thanks to the babe in the Chevy P/U:)
Failure to prepare is preparing to fail

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