
Is this Porn or Art?

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The photo you posted is awesome and I would never call that porn.

There were a lot of pics on that link.
There was a few with woman bending over just to show their ass, and more that to me seemed they were focused on selling the sex not the art.

But what you posted looks great

Thats cool. I agree that some of the photo's there were pretty trashy, I just wasn't sure if you were making a blanket statement that anything with nudity can't be artistic.

It seems we pretty much agree though:)
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Theres definitely a mix of both in there, some art, some trashy, some arty trash. The best pictures are when you can on top of beauty also enjoy the person's personality, or how happy they are feeling/confidence etc....

The pictures here are more consistent with regards to the Q and has some discussion on this subject:

This one is definitely porn though:

http://www.shutterpoint.com/Photos-ViewPhoto.cfm?id=286164 ;)

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Some is art, some is porn.

Those done for the express purpose of inspiring feelings of desire in another are porn.

Those done to show the beauty of the human form are art.

The odd part is, some of the ones who are clothed fall more in the "soft-core porn" category than some of the tasteful nudes do.

The line is thin, and very subjective, but there is a difference.

Just my $0.02

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I suppose one could argue that porn can be an art.

I will not, however.

I tend to agree with GFD's masterbation determination:P

Also I would add the "intent" of the photo would be a determining factor. I don't see anything other than "please fuck me" being advertised/depicted/presented here.

Porn gets my vote:)
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you can't wank off to art??

Of course you can. I was being facetious.

I think the difference is, there are many people who would look at your attachment of the oil painting as art and appreciate it as that, w/out feeling a strong need/desire to jack off. In the original attachement, however, I think more men (or women), if not the majority are more likely to have the urge to jack off, then see it as an artful depiction of something--B/c there really isn't anything being presented as art. It's the intent of the message--I dont' feel in the original post there was any other intent than the obvious in those photos.
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> Is this Porn or Art?
IMHO, a "simple" naked body is NOT porn at all.
Still IMHO, some picture/movie/pose becomes porn when the "naked body" is used in a pose/attitude suggesting or doing sexual acts.
At the same time, I do agree that the line dividing a "simple beautiful naked body" stops being a pleasant " thing to be looked at and turns to be something sexually exciting (=porn) varies from person to person.
The picture I saw in the website signed by you, always IMHO, are NOT porn but nice naked bodies to looked. Yes, ART.
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Oh com e on Darius.. some is art... some is trashy...

Art is in the eyes of the beholder.. and that changes as you go around the world.

Yup, I too thinbk it's both, and neither:ph34r::ph34r: It all depends on where you stand when you look:)
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