
Happy B-day Michele!

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Happy Birthday Michele!

I look forward to spending this day celebrating with you.

Without hijacking this thread:
I want to thank you for being there for me this past year to make it possible for me to be alive to spend another birthday with you. If it wasn't for you being there for me and continuing to be there now I don't think I would have made another year alive. You are an amazing friend.


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Thanks, everyone! Dee and I are going with Dad to the coast for dinner; it should be wonderful...but what's made it really wonderful is this thread! Thanks, Lisa!! (and even though you're not celebrating your birthday, happy "other" day to you!!)

You guys rock - I appreciate the wishes very, very much!

Hugs to all!


~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek
While our hearts lie bleeding?~

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sorry we haven't gotten the phone hook up yet girl, but let me not forget to say


you remain one of my all-time favorite people on the whole planet, you enigmatic wonder-woman!!!

have a great day, hope to talk to ya soon...


I miss Lee.
And JP.
And Chris. And...

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I had a wonderful, sweet time with my Dad and best friend - walk at the 3rd Street Promenade, dinner and drinks on the coast, walking along the water...great company and better conversation...

And my father gave me a birthday gift which will be treasured for the rest of my life...he knows how to spoil his "little girl" even if he says he sees new lines on my face. LOL!

Thanks again for the wishes; and Micro, I'm sorry I missed your call - let's make sure we talk this weekend...

As for stories. Well, I have to be doing something interesting to write an interesting story....hopefully, that boring state of being will change shortly, and some stories will come forth. :)
Thanks again, everyone, for making me smile a whole lot.


~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek
While our hearts lie bleeding?~

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