
Captain Underpants

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ha ha ha ha ha.

okay, my mom's in town. as i sit here at the computer, she is reading my 5 yr old nephew a book about a guy named Captain Underpants.

have you heard this crap? it is the most ridiculous thing i've ever heard in my life. it's also got a character named wedgie woman in it. ha!

whatever happened to Harold and the Purple Crayon or The Giving Tree or Shell Silverstein's poetry?????

Captain Underpants?????????????



What was everyone's favorite childhood story or booK?

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Purple dinosaur? Think yourselves lucky, at least he can speak english!

Here in the UK we have the delights of the gibberish-mumbling Teletubbies. Argh, the pain!

Oh and on a side note, I apologise for all those kittens I must have killed. My hand just got old :D:D

'buttplugs? where?' - geno

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At least, you don't have to listen to a purple dinosaur! :)

That character is EVIL...

Death to Smoochie!! ;)

"Here in the UK we have the delights of the gibberish-mumbling Teletubbies. Argh, the pain! "

We have the same thing here in Canada....we call them politicians(spel):S

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okay myfav book from when i was little was " where the wild things live" or something to that affect... another good one was "40 little thieves" or something like that.. talked about how they came to the door and took all the soup and such......

on a side note, who here ever put thier undie on thier head when they were little (or even last week) and ran around the house... i did and i know there are more of you here too.....

"i have no reader's digest version"

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>>on a side note, who here ever put thier undie on thier head when they were little (or even last week) and ran around the house... i did and i know there are more of you here too.....

Hell I do that when I go to the store to with the wife to make sure she gets the right size. Nylon/silk feels good on the chrome dome:S

Get great service from the clerk. Can I help you sir?>:(


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on a side note, who here ever put thier undie on thier head when they were little (or even last week) and ran around the house... i did and i know there are more of you here too.....

You wanna here/read something funny?

When I was a boot on Parris Island we were having Senior Drill Instructor Time. (For those who do not know it is basically two hours to Shit/Shower/Shave and write letters, etc.) Anyway, I was goofing around in the head and put my skivvies on my head and started dancing around the squadbay with just my skivvies on my head singing that stupid song "Wiggle it, just a little bit" for poops and snorts.

As I come out of the head doing that one of my Drill instructors walks in and bang catches me.

They made me go to every squadbay in the company and perform that little number. It was December 89 and it was the first time it had snowed on Parris Island and it was the first time it had snowed there in many years. Let's just say the cold did little to help matters:S.

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We have the same thing here in Canada....we call them politicians(spel):S

Hahaha... so true!


They made me go to every squadbay in the company and perform that little number.

Man.. I feel for you on that one, LOL! Bet it got a lot of 'appreciation' from the squaddies!

'buttplugs? where?' - geno

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