
Love: does it suck?

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Love is *amazing*.. Until you get your heart broken.. But the love bit is still great.
"There is no problem so bad you can't make it worse."
- Chris Hadfield
« Sors le martinet et flagelle toi indigne contrôleuse de gestion. »
- my boss

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... said for her nothing good has ever happened because of it. What do you think?

Many of us are here because someone in the past were stupid and fell in love.

I'm quite definitily in the "good" cathegory, so I have to say that the statement is wrong.

And I've been in love and gotten disappointed, but it was still a good experience.

Life is full of risks, and getting heartbroken is one of them.

Relax, you can die if you mess up, but it will probably not be by bullet.


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Depends on the kind of love, and the person you love - romantic love can be absolutely amazing - having a best friend and partner in crime who's always there for you no matter what is the coolest thing ever. Unfortunately such is not the case for most love -- most people want drama in their lives and are don't have really strong values to begin with, so the kind of love I described above doesn't really apply to them, as it involves honesty, self-sacrifice and compromise.
"I believe the risks I take are justified by the sheer love of the life I lead" - Charles Lindbergh

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Love is awesome!

For instance whenever my kids tell me they love me it is totally awesome.

However when you love someone and they do not love you back that sucks.
Divot your source for all things Hillbilly.
Anvil Brother 84
SCR 14192

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However when you love someone and they do not love you back that sucks.

truer words have never been spoken. I was married for 11 years. there was never a day we spent even a part of together that i didn't tell her i loved her. maybe for the last 5 for sure the last 4 years we were together. see never once told me she loved me. there is no worse pain than loving someone and KNOWING that they don't love you back. and no matter what. you can't make someone love you back. it took a while after the divorce to realize that the only reason she stuck around for the last 4 years ( besides the money i was giving her) was she was convinced I was gonna bounce and she could collect on the 250,000 of accidental death ins he had taken out on me. I didn't realize i was that well insured. but I showed her I didn't die:P
i have on occasion been accused of pulling low . My response. Naw I wasn't low I'm just such a big guy I look closer than I really am .

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after the divorce to realize that the only reason she stuck around for the last 4 years ( besides the money i was giving her) was she was convinced I was gonna bounce and she could collect on the 250,000 of accidental death ins he had taken out on me. I didn't realize i was that well insured. but I showed her I didn't die:P

I'm surprised my exHusband (I can count on one hand the times he told me he loved me over 13 years together...) didn't encourage me wanting to skydive when we were married knowing what he would've collected if we were still married and I went in... :S He's kicking himself now, I'm sure...
Always be kinder than you feel.

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if you can go though life only being in love with yourself you will be a happy man.

Yeah, but your woman will be *miserable* :S:D:D
"There is no problem so bad you can't make it worse."
- Chris Hadfield
« Sors le martinet et flagelle toi indigne contrôleuse de gestion. »
- my boss

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if you can go though life only being in love with yourself you will be a happy man.

Yeah, but your woman will be *miserable* :S:D:D

Ah but if she loves herself she will be happy. After all true happiness comes from within.

This has been your moment of Zen
Divot your source for all things Hillbilly.
Anvil Brother 84
SCR 14192

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Love is *amazing*.. Until you get your heart broken.. But the love bit is still great.


Love is amazing... though I've only experienced it once! It's the 'when the relationship is over' part that sucks ass... but the actual love never really ends.
"One can never consent to creep when one feels an impulse to soar" ~ Helen Keller

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I'd say its the opposite. True happiness comes from getting outside yourself, and putting others needs, dreams, and desires before your own. When you love someone like that, and they love you in the same manner, there is no end to joy. Yes, you open yourself up to be destroyed, but that is what allows that relationship to be closer, deeper, and more intimate. Great reward comes from great risk.
What you say is reflective of your knowledge...HOW ya say it is reflective of your experience. Airtwardo

Someone's going to be spanked! Hopefully, it will be me. Skymama

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