
Male dating preference

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I met mine 31 years ago, she was waiting tables at Sambos, (bet many of your never heard of that resturant, the balck rights groups got them closed because of the name):|

Anyway...Between her looks, and Intellegence...I was hooked...She is now an Exec. at Childrens Hospital, a skydiver and Biker...

First shot , is from out first year together...I built the bike for her...
Second shot , is from last year, with our son!

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If she's ugly, you can buy her surgery for that.
You can buy her some of those boobs - any size you like.
You can buy her contacts.
You can buy her a facelift,
If she gets a little large in the butt, you can buy her some liposuction.
Hell, you can just about buy anything to fix her up.
But, there's one thing you can't pay for...
Ya can't fix - stupid.

--Ron White
Nobody has time to listen; because they're desperately chasing the need of being heard.

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Beauty is great ...but if she has no brain I'd be bored with it all in a matter of hours.

maybe you missed the point.. if she has no brain she will never say no .. even if you think up the most bizzare shit ever.. like a letting your pet spider monkey double fist her asshole or something...
there is still a little light at the end of the tunnel


Millions of my potential children died on your daughters' face last night.

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Hi Keith,

Cong. Charlie Wison from TX ( portrayed by Tom Hanks in CHARLIE'S WAR [ I think it was called that ] ) was rather well known for hiring rather nicely equipped women for his office.

One day a female reporter was taking him to task for it and he replied, 'You can teach 'em to type, you can't teach 'em to grow big tits.'

BTW, I voted for s, i.


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Guys... if you had to pick one, who would you date?
(and lets make the "intent" of the date matter. This isn't just a "random hook up." I'm talking a potentional partner)

All of them could be dated, depending on intent. To simplify things, I assume that for each line in the list a person is well above average on this item, and well below average on other items.

1. Hot, sexy and BOO-TI-FUL. Good for couple of one-night stands, but once you're past "been there, seen that" then personality becomes more important factor than looks - hence useless for traditional LTR and family. Also makes a good mistress, or a trophy wife for some men.

2. Rich, sugar momma. Assuming lack of other qualities, it's like a job purely for money. Most likely other qualities won't be lacking though, and she'll at least look good and likely younger than her age, very likely to be smart and might have personality issues - makes a good fuck buddy if you click in bed.

3. Personality truly does matter - LTRs and traditional family. Useless for one-night stands, as once you got together next morning you usually find that you actually spent the whole night talking. It's easier to find someone to stuck your dick into for the whole night than someone to talk to the whole night. The main problem here is that a person has great personality but seriously lacks in looks, it's very easy to miss her.

4. Smart, intelligent - they are good friends. Lacking in looks you have no desire to even try getting them in your bed, and since your personalities do not click, you'll not cross the line between friendship and relationship.

Of course those are extreme examples.
* Don't pray for me if you wanna help - just send me a check. *

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