
No Costume, No Candy??

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It seems each year more and more Kids show up at my house on Halloween trick or treating but have made no effort at all to wear any sort of costume.

No Make up, No Costume, Just plain street Clothes and a Bag for the goodies. Typically these are older kids (Early Teens).

This year I was thinking of going with a No Costume, No Candy Policy. I always kinda felt that the kids should at least make an effort at creating a costume if they are going trick or treating.

Am I just being an asshole?? What would you think about a house that would not give candy to kids that didnt bother to dress up?

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There usually embarressed enough already to be old enough to not think they should be trick or treating but out robbing the neighborhood of candy. At least the girls. :S

It is TRICK or treat. Ready for the consequences?

Is usually not enough to make a big deal about it. But sometimes they get the alternative treat. Full size M&M's for the kids. Mini candy bars for the iffy ones.

I'm old for my age.
Terry Urban

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I know what you are saying.. And every year I tell myself.. Next year all those teenagers show up with out a any effort at all at a Costume, They will not get squat from me..

And then I end up giving em candy anyway.:S

Maybe this year I will hit the Halloween Close out sale and buy cheap Halloween masks and Makeup. Kids that show up without a costume get a cheap Mask or Make up kit. Others get Candy.

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Just drop a couple of beers in their bag! If they're knocking on doors begging for handouts, at least they're not knocking over your outhouse.

Edit to add: That said, I do like the rock idea. Reminds me of the time someone at the DZ slipped a bowling ball in a guys gear bag. He said later that carrying it to the car, he was think'n 'man, I must just be a bit more worn out than usual after a day at the DZ.'
Experience is what you get when you thought you were going to get something else.


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I know what you are saying.. And every year I tell myself.. Next year all those teenagers show up with out a any effort at all at a Costume, They will not get squat from me..

And then I end up giving em candy anyway.:S

Give them leftover fruitcake.:P
"There are only three things of value: younger women, faster airplanes, and bigger crocodiles" - Arthur Jones.

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I've often (well, annually) felt the same way as you do. I guess I didn't want to get my house vandalized. We also already have a couple of neighborhood grouches, and they really are assholes (I just play one online), so I sure don't want to be lumped in with those guys.

We usually get those miniature candy bars, and give 2 or 3 to each of 'em to each little kid. I'll also do the same for a too-old kid who does take the time/effort to put together a neat costume. But for the sullen 16 year olds in civvies and a plastic grocery bag - they only get 1 apiece. That's a compromise that works for me.

P.S. - sometimes they try to get away with not even saying "trick or treat". Bullshit, kid - I make them say it. :D

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I've noticed the same thing. They just walk around with backpacks on backwards and open. They don't even say "trick or treat?" and don't say "thank you" either. I usually have a few rocks in the bowl and slip them into their bags quickly before they see it. hehe

holy shit why not give them eggs and TP too for when they come by your house later that night?

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I know what you are saying.. And every year I tell myself.. Next year all those teenagers show up with out a any effort at all at a Costume, They will not get squat from me..

And then I end up giving em candy anyway.:S

Just as well.... I would not want any of those fuckers coming back after midnight and egging or toilet-papering my house/cars because they got pissed that I didn't give them anything. Fucking kids.... :S
"Mediocre people don't like high achievers, and high achievers don't like mediocre people." - SIX TIME National Champion coach Nick Saban

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Maybe this year I will hit the Halloween Close out sale and buy cheap Halloween masks and Makeup. Kids that show up without a costume get a cheap Mask or Make up kit

One year we handed out those cheap whistles to the older kids - it was awesome hearing the whistles throughout the whole town.

Some of the parents didn't appreciate it, but we got a kick out it! :ph34r::ph34r::ph34r::ph34r:

"Let's do something romantic this Saturday... how bout we bust out the restraints?"
Raddest Ho this side of Jersey #1 - MISS YOU
OMG, is she okay?

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Oh, just give them the candy and let them eek out the last few years of their childhood before the real world slaps them in the face. Go to Publix, they have BOGO's on candy this week, it won't cost you much at all! :)

She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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every year for the last 2 years, we are getting litterally Hords of Muslim kids, that don't wear costumes, (other then the disgraced women having to hide in their Bercas)....I keep old shitty candy for them!

Well. I guess that's a buzz-kill.

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I have had 18yo kids show up at the door smoking cigarettes and asking for beer. As I stand there drinking a corona I say "I'm out" and close the door.

For the little ones I pass out candy. I also buy my son a big bag of candy and then take the candy we collect trick or treating and throw it away and switch it for the candy we bought.

My overly paranoid parental instinct.... :)

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every year for the last 2 years, we are getting litterally Hords of Muslim kids, that don't wear costumes, (other then the disgraced women having to hide in their Bercas

Isn't Halloween a decadent non-Islamic holiday???:o:S
I would think they'd rather eat a pork chop than go out with all the heathens, door to door, getting candy from the unclean.[:/]

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