
Are you crazy?

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I'm as sane as they come.:P

Me too. I take certain risks, and live my life the way I choose. B|

Some may disagree with my choices, but I have thought long and hard about them and have made my peace with my decisions and the consequences that may result.

Normal however, is a completely different question.:o
"There are NO situations which do not call for a French Maid outfit." Lucky McSwervy

"~ya don't GET old by being weak & stupid!" - Airtwardo

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I resent you even asking me this!!! And, FYI, the voices in my head no longer like you! :P

Keeping in mind, this is a skydiver forum. I think the proper question to ask would be, How crazy are you? .....time to put the aluminum foil back on my head. The aliens are calling. :S

Birdshit & Fools Productions

"Son, only two things fall from the sky."

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I seem to do my craziest shit around the house more than anywhere else. You know you're doing something and you go "what the fuck am I doing?" or "what the fuck was I thinking when I did that?"

Just yesterday I decided to get up on the roof of my house to remove the cap off the chimney flue so that I could use the fireplace. I'd made a cap (several thick plywood pieces screwed together to fit over the top of the flue to keep the goddamned barn swallows out).

Now that's nothing unusual, unless you try doing that with nearly 2 inches of wet snow on the roof, and your feet are slipping a bit with each step trying to climb up to the ridge and over. :S WTF was I thinking?

Note to self: remove the fucking cap BEFORE it starts snowing you fucking dumbass!

Now if anybody asks why I made a cap for the flue, it was a simple fix for a bird problem that I'd been having and the winters have been mild enough the last few years that I never used the fireplace. Since 2000, I have captured no less than a dozen barn swallows who got stuck in the fireplace and released them back outside. Who knows, some of them may have been rescued more than once. What got me to make the cap was because the fucking birds made a nest in a crook just above the fireplace, and not being able to hear high-frequencies, didn't know the birds were in there until my brother came for a visit. :|

"Mediocre people don't like high achievers, and high achievers don't like mediocre people." - SIX TIME National Champion coach Nick Saban

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I'm a bonafide crazy soab, type "A" personality. Crazy as a shithouse rat! And i carry a shitload of weapons. B| I think anyone who jumps out of a perfectly good airplane is crazy to some degree. I also have a couple of 1/4 mile race cars that are crazy fast. Since Scott Kalita's death, i haven't been able to get in the cockpit as of yet. I can't get the visual of the wreck out of my mind. It justs totally f*cks me up. He was one good parachute away from living until that concrete wall at the end of the pit put an end to his all too short life.

"You're Holding The Rope And I'm Taking The Fall"

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