
Please Help Name Our Deli!!!

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My family recently purchased a convience/gas station in Rutland VT, we are turning into a nice little Country store and deli. It would be great if you guys could help us narrow down a name for the deli! We are a bit of an Italian family and will be serving up lots of homemade soups, sandwiches a la catre italian meals plus "take n bake" pasta dishes ect.

When we are able to putt the website togather I'll link it here.
Travis Roy Foundation. At very least its a tax write off

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I'd say don't get too fancy. Something like Tony's Deli, or Momma's Deli. Say it a few times and see how it sounds, and be sure to look around and make sure your name is not similar to a business that's already in the area. And don't put up a sign that says "Eat here and get gas."
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(This is not legal advice. Get legal advice from a VT attorney.)
Whether you do or do not incorporate, make sure you don't name the place something that's already taken by another business in Vermont. Don't want to get yourself sued over something completely avoidable like that. There are ways to check that, depending on which state you're in. Every state has different laws and rules about that sort of thing. Having handled the creation of a lot of start-up small businesses, I can tell you that there are a lot of little things (and a few big ones) that can expensively set your plans back if they're not done right, on time, the first time. I know lawyers don't come cheap, but it may be well worth your while to hire a VT lawyer (shop around!) to help shepherd you through the process and make sure all your ducks are lined up just right.

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Dude my parents and brothers came up with the 3 suggestions, offer up some alternatives like everybody else if you have some

over 100 views and only 6 votes... Damn people is it that hard to choose 1 of 4????
Travis Roy Foundation. At very least its a tax write off

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I was gonna say "Salvador Deli," but it has already been used and it's not Italian...however I still thinks it kinda catchy...

otherwise, I go with lil' italy...
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>If you were located on an airport, I'd say "Bernoulli's."

>>I approve this suggestion.

That would be an ideal name. I would probably even relocate to an airport just to use it...but is it really an Italian name or is it Dutch, Swiss...or something else?

I Guess it really doesn't matter for us Americans as long as it ends in an "I."
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Take 'n Bake sounds good. :)
Particularly if that is what your using to set yourself apart from other delis.

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>If you were located on an airport, I'd say "Bernoulli's."
>>I approve this suggestion.

That would be an ideal name. I would probably even relocate to an airport just to use it...but is it really an Italian name or is it Dutch, Swiss...or something else?
I Guess it really doesn't matter for us Americans as long as it ends in an "I."

Fine, fine, be pedantic.

Then call it "Leonardo's Deli" and decorate it with flying machines and square canvas parachutes.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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