
Tater Debate

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Intresting...I was just looking at potatoe ricers online to make shreaded potatoe hash browns....

dosent matter what kind of tot/hash brown you want...just fry them in BACON grease :)

Growing up, 'taters were fried in bacon grease as well as eggs for breakfast. We would actually have more longevity if, green vegetables smelled like bacon!;)


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Actually, I am changing my vote.

Demeris loaded baked potato... If you're in the Houston area and haven't had the 5ish lb artery clogging work of art, you're missing out!
"I may be a dirty pirate hooker...but I'm not about to go stand on the corner." iluvtofly
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Face it........no matter how taters are made (mashed, sliced, fried, baked...etc) they taste fucking awesome.

Hahahah +1

And just for shits and giggles......

Speedracer~I predict that Michael Jackson will rise from the dead.
And that a giant radioactive duck will emerge from the ocean and eat Baltimore.

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Garlic cream cheese mashed potatoes, along with tonight's dinner of venison wellington, tenderloin sliced 3" thick, wrapped with bacon, pan seared and then placed into the pastry dough and baked just long enough for the pastry to be golden brown.

I can't wait, maybe some acorn squash with butter and brown sugar as well.

Asparagus with hollandaise would be good as well, unfortunately it is not in season.[:/]

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Chips (no not crisps), proper chips, cooked in Dripping. Artery hardening stuff - but proper scran.

Crisps? Dripping? Scran? Man, I love reading posts by you English blokes. It's like reading something written in code.

Back on topic: one of the previous posts made the point: the potato exists for only one reason: to be a delivery mode for grease. In that regard, the tater tot and deep-fried hashbrown (moreso than the pan-fried variety) are the summit of perfection: their increased surface area to volume ratio maximizes their delivery of grease to my gullet.

Elvisio "thank you for listening to me use scientific mumbojumbo to validate my poor diet" Rodriguez

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Just trying to educate our colonial cousins.

Crisps (U.K) = Flat, thin, fried potato shavings ..... Potato Chips (USA)
Dripping(U.K) = Beef Fat (drippings from the roast - yummy)
Scran (U.K military) = food

Chivalry is not dead; it only sleeps for want of work to do. - Jerome K Jerome

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Just trying to educate our colonial cousins.

Crisps (U.K) = Flat, thin, fried potato shavings ..... Potato Chips (USA)
Dripping(U.K) = Beef Fat (drippings from the roast - yummy)
Scran (U.K military) = food

+ french fries, freedom fries chips
Experienced jumper - someone who has made mistakes more often than I have and lived.

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I assume this thread is limited to a discussion of the white, starchy, Irish or Idaho potato and that I would be out of line to mention the better tasting and culturally superior sweet potato, baked, split open, and smothered in butter and brown sugar.

sweet potatoes are most welcome in this thread.
"What if there were no hypothetical questions?"

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Just trying to educate our colonial cousins.

Crisps (U.K) = Flat, thin, fried potato shavings ..... Potato Chips (USA)
Dripping(U.K) = Beef Fat (drippings from the roast - yummy)
Scran (U.K military) = food

+ french fries, freedom fries chips


Chivalry is not dead; it only sleeps for want of work to do. - Jerome K Jerome

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