
Classic Whuffo Questions

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Or..."Can you jump in the rain?"....."No, because we would be hitting the pointy end of the raindrop on the way down and that hurts.
i always get if both of your parachutes failed would u cry/get scared lol its very hard explaining the fact that i wouldnt really have time to be scared as i would be to busy trying to fix it
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I must be one lucky dude, got the only whuffo mate that understands and asks me good questions back- only coz ive said so much about it hes buzzin to try it plus hes a snowboarder so not retatrded. Couple of othere mates are the same to the rest ive well given up, just snile insanley and act like your not all there or give them a full detailed explanation then they never ask again :S

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Took a friend out to make a tandem a while back. While watching a HIGHLY repectable women's 4 Way team practice an exit and dirt dive, she asked me if they were going to "do tricks in the air".

I informed her that hookers turn tricks, skydivers turn points.

Your humble servant.....Professor Gravity !

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Took a friend out to make a tandem a while back. While watching a HIGHLY repectable women's 4 Way team practice an exit and dirt dive, she asked me if they were going to "do tricks in the air".

I informed her that hookers turn tricks, skydivers turn points.

I heard a similar one a few months back when I was at Eloy. A very experienced 4way team were out for team training and were dirt diving when a whuffo commented 'Hey look, I think they are all going to try fall together'


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was explaining the parts of the rig to a tandem (because what other kind of conversation would I have with her) and after getting to the pilot chute she asked "I thought you said you were jumping, why would you need the have a pilots chute" I just couldn't answer, just had to smile.

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Whuffo:"How many jumps ya got?"

I tell him.

Whuffo: "How many are simulated?"


BAHAHAHAHAAHAHAH....wow...they just get worse and worse...

I've had the same questions as everyone else has posted already, BUT now that I work at the Colorado windtunnel part-time, that brings in a WHOLE NEW BARRAGE of stupid questions...not trying to hijack, just felt like sharing the other side of it too...

1. "So where do you jump from?" I used to just point to the doors and that results in a confused look and them asking me again...and then i just say from the top.
2. "How do you land?" - :S
3. "What happens if the air runs out?" - Don't worry we have a reserve tank of air in the basement.
4. "So if I do this enough times, can i become qualified to do the real thing and jump from planes" - This one just irritates me now...
5. "How do the instructors stand while the wind is on?" - We have magnetic shoes
6. One classic one happened just this past Saturday, a woman in the lobby of the tunnel asks me: "So this is indoor skydiving right?, so then does that mean we are outside right now?" (again in the lobby)
7. "Where is the parachute?"

I tried to have mercy and be understanding in the beginning....but now I just don't care...:D
Puttin' some stank on it.

----Hellfish #707----

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>>>>>2. do most injuries occur when you hit the ground?

That's actually a fair question, as funny and obvious as it sounds. Injuries resulting from acft exits and corking are ones that would be the exception. Not to mention the Deland skydiving who was hit by the Otter and probably a few other anomolies.

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The next whuffo that asks me "why would you want to jump out of a perfectly good airplane?" gets a thumb in their eye.

What gets me is people who jump out of perfectly good boats. :S

Are they insane? What's the sense in it? They might drown. :D
Owned by Remi #?

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The next whuffo that asks me "why would you want to jump out of a perfectly good airplane?" gets a thumb in their eye.

LOLOLAROFAPMP for all these others - but yeah, so sick & tired of hearin whuffo's 'perfectly good airplane' crap. -

Guess I do have 1 'ex'-whuffo tale; threw my mom out of a plane for her 60th (told her on the way to lunch I had to 'pick up something at the airport') - on her video she had her hands clenched up in fists. Me, "Why'd you clench your fists, were ya skeered?!". Her, "No, I didn't want to lose my diamond rings!". She calls herself a skydiver (with 1 tandem), and I call her an ex-whuffo.
Strafing field mice, twice an hour.

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What gets me is people who jump out of perfectly good boats. :S

Are they insane? What's the sense in it? They might drown. :D

But I have this big steel tank full of compressed air to breathe! What could possibly go wrong??

[/i've had scuba mishaps]:P
Illinois needs a CCW Law. NOW.

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