
How about a two-year marriage contract?

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Mexican legislator proposes 2-year marriage dissolution option

"Until death do us part. That's what generations of couples have vowed at the altar. But a legislator in Mexico City wants to give them a much shorter option.

"Leonel Luna from the leftist Party of the Democratic Revolution wants to make it easier for couples to divorce if things don't work out the way they hoped in the two years after tying the knot..."
Full story: CNN

Sounds like a good idea to me - an automatic expiration date, like on perishable foods. If you do nothing to renew the contract after two years, you are automatically divorced. No messy legal paperwork, no expensive lawyers - you just walk away from each other and start a new life.

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Mexican legislator proposes 2-year marriage dissolution option

"Until death do us part. That's what generations of couples have vowed at the altar. But a legislator in Mexico City wants to give them a much shorter option.

"Leonel Luna from the leftist Party of the Democratic Revolution wants to make it easier for couples to divorce if things don't work out the way they hoped in the two years after tying the knot..."
Full story: CNN

Sounds like a good idea to me - an automatic expiration date, like on perishable foods. If you do nothing to renew the contract after two years, you are automatically divorced. No messy legal paperwork, no expensive lawyers - you just walk away from each other and start a new life.

They would just get to do what the rich and famous and Hollywood types do all the time. [:/]
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Ah...like a learners permit.;)

ha ha

One of the girls at my MBA program got engaged.
She was VERY athletic and VERY attractive.
But as soon as that ring went on her finger.....well...aaahh...she "expanded her assprint".

To quote my Indian friend "Oh look she's happy now! And her husband will not be happy at all." :o

So I for one as a dirty dog love this idea! That's an extra two years of keeping the "happy" weight off.
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Don't have any idea what the benefit of marriage would be in that situation.

30 day trial period. You don;t like it, return it.

Shouldn't the trial period be the relationship BEFORE marriage? Isn't that was dating is about?

Maybe instead of having a 2 year expiration on marriages it would be a better idea to have terms on how long you have to be together before you can get married, and likewise, living together should be a requirement. That's when you really get to know someone.

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Sounds like leasing with an option to buy.

Hmmmmm...could I lease now and then sublet for cash?

Could you do multiple simultaneous leases/sublets?
That would beat the hell out of working for a living.:|
"There are only three things of value: younger women, faster airplanes, and bigger crocodiles" - Arthur Jones.

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Sounds like leasing with an option to buy.

Hmmmmm...could I lease now and then sublet for cash?

Could you do multiple simultaneous leases/sublets?
That would beat the hell out of working for a living.:|

That's what I was thinking...short-term sublet, early retirement.
My reality and yours are quite different.
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Don't have any idea what the benefit of marriage would be in that situation.

30 day trial period. You don;t like it, return it.

Shouldn't the trial period be the relationship BEFORE marriage? Isn't that was dating is about?

Maybe instead of having a 2 year expiration on marriages it would be a better idea to have terms on how long you have to be together before you can get married, and likewise, living together should be a requirement. That's when you really get to know someone.

Much better idea.

the 2 yr thing would stop people even trying to resolve differences.
I think marriage SHOULD be hard to get out of and hard to get into.
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Don't have any idea what the benefit of marriage would be in that situation.

30 day trial period. You don;t like it, return it.

Shouldn't the trial period be the relationship BEFORE marriage? Isn't that was dating is about?

Maybe instead of having a 2 year expiration on marriages it would be a better idea to have terms on how long you have to be together before you can get married, and likewise, living together should be a requirement. That's when you really get to know someone.

I 100% agree with the first statement.

However the rest, not so much. I would've been pretty pissed if I was told I couldn't get married because I hadn't been with my spouse long enough, or because we hadn't lived together first.

Who gets to determine how long is long enough? And what about those who aren't comfortable with moving in together before getting married?

Yeah, it sucks that people are abusing the institution of marriage, but it isn't our place to determine who can and can't get married.

I do think it should be harder to get divorced, but that's just me. I think people give up on marriage too easily.

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However the rest, not so much. I would've been pretty pissed if I was told I couldn't get married because I hadn't been with my spouse long enough, or because we hadn't lived together first.

Who gets to determine how long is long enough? y.

ME, Ill be the arbiter ;):ph34r::ph34r:B|
You are not now, nor will you ever be, good enough to not die in this sport (Sparky)
My Life ROCKS!
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Great idea, though hardly innovative; a German politician tried to pass a similar law a few years back, making the expiration be 7 years instead of 2.


She's pretty easy on the eyes!:)
"There are only three things of value: younger women, faster airplanes, and bigger crocodiles" - Arthur Jones.

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However the rest, not so much. I would've been pretty pissed if I was told I couldn't get married because I hadn't been with my spouse long enough, or because we hadn't lived together first.

Who gets to determine how long is long enough? y.

ME, Ill be the arbiter ;):ph34r::ph34r:B|

:D:D:P I guess it's a good thing I'm already married then. I probably wouldn't have passed.

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What if you're just really forgetful? I would never be able to stay married if I had to renew every 2 years... :S

I suppose the government could send you a renewal notice, like they do for a driver's license. ;)

And you get to put one of those cool stamps on her butt. "Hey Jim, check out. . .aww, she renewed in April!"

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My mother had a similar idea, but for 10 years. For the second or third time (when renewing the first time, or after 20 years of marriage, going for the next 10), couples could get a permanent marriage. I thought it sounded like a good idea! Plus, since a lot of couples have big anniversary parties at these decade milestones, it wouldn't be much of a change to make it a "remarriage" ceremony/reception.

There's also the Pagan practice of Handfasting. It's like a trial marriage for a year and a day. It starts May 1 & ends May 2 of the next year (so you can't just go from one to another). After the full time is up, you can choose whether to marry permanently or move on. I've been told this is where the June wedding tradition comes from. ("back in the day" it didn't take long to plan a wedding when it was just the village in attendance).
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Maybe - IF there are no kids AND the woman's not pregnant. But 2 years is a pretend marriage. Marriage is marriage. Do it or don't. Nowadays living together doesn't carry much, or any stigma, depending on where you live I suppose. But marriage is a commitment - for more than two years of just screwing like bunny rabbits.

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In the first 10 or so years of my marriage, I would have walked 30 different times. If I wasn't broke, Catholic, emabarrassed, you name it.
We had huge fights that lasted longer than 2 years at a time.
After all of the years we have been married now, I can look back and say "geez, we were KIDS!"
Kids don't have the ability to make great decisions. But having 'commitment' decided for us, by the Church, by our parents, by our society, we stuck it out.
WOW! I thought I was in love when I married the man, but after having 2 kids, adopting 1, fostering lots others, building a life together, a family together and a community together, I realize I really didn't know what love was. Or maybe it's just that much better after all of that togetherness.
[email protected]

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