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  1. That’s a heck of an obituary. I had an SST as a backup rig for awhile in 1979-1980 or so. Wendy P.
  2. I believe my son was 22 when he told me he’d never use PayPal because Musk was a flaming asshole who treated too many people too poorly. That was 18 years ago. So I think the asshole thing is genetic. Most of us have one, we just don’t use it to present to world every day as our best side Wendy P.
  3. I always thought why stay? Wendy P.
  4. I made one at a Confederate air show when I had 30 or so jumps; using a friend’s cheapo. We were the landing on Normandy Beach. Wendy P.
  5. Hey, we’re pretty old here. Anyway, Murder, She Wrote is on right after, and that Jessica Fletcher is pretty hot! Wendy P.
  6. Every generation thinks it’s the peak of society and evolution. But just as humans aren’t the peak of evolution, they’re only the current point, we’re the current point socially. We’re less connected than previous generations, and more fearful. The next generations won’t be able to live just as we have, but neither do we live just as our parents did. That said, the environment we live in is a huge challenge, and we’re not really helping the next generations; that’ll be a massive problem. Cities and towns provided a massive problem in the past, so did empires, and so did the plague Wendy P.
  7. I’m told that for a guy, as long as there is enough thread to hold the legs to the waistband, and the boys sort of in place, it’s good to go. My mother, on the other hand, said that girls should NEVER go out with old underwear or safety pins in their bras, because they might be hit by a car and hospital personnel might see that shame. As if… Wendy P.
  8. Both my husband and I have had to send stuff back; I’ll admit I bought from a lesser-known manufacturer in part because of impatience with the long wait time. You can also try it for the season, and send it back when the jumping slows down locally (if it ever does; and summer May just be that season). I do think your rigger owns some of the responsibility. I got my changes done free because the manufacturer was who measured me. Wendy P.
  9. wmw999


    Winsor, I didn’t say what you’re implying I did. Brent is the specialist in single input/single output “analysis” of climate change. This is a forum; tl:dr is a likely response Brazil is also complicit in climate change, whatever its manifestation; rapid population growth and deforestation of the Amazon counts. It’s in part a reaction to the “fuck you, we got ours, you have to protect your resources rather than using them because the richer world already sailed that ship away.” The danger of any position is that the drawing of lines tends to group unlike quantities together. Ask a devout Muslim or Jew about the difference between an Episcopalian and a member of Westboro Baptist Church and the answer might well be “ doesn’t matter, they’re both Christians.” Which, as long as they’re both far away, is probably OK. But who would you rather have on city council or a school board? I try not to box individuals in; I’d appreciate the favor of consideration Wendy P.
  10. wmw999


    I know that some people don’t think they have a cold until a doctor takes a culture. Since they don’t go to the doctor, well, they’ve never had a cold, and colds aren’t real. Iterate for COVID and climate change. This story in Time refers to where I used to live in the south of Brazil. One friend’s son has probably lost his farm (other than the actual land, but buildings and infrastructure are probably gone). Her mother was rescued from her second story apartment by being carried down, then boated via two boats and an ambulance. Her mother’s reaction was “there are so many nice people.” Her brother’s apartment building is flooded on the ground floor. Several of my friends are without water at all, or drinkable water, for the foreseeable future. House damage with others. These are the educated and well-off. Now imagine the poorer people living in lower-lying areas. Now consider that there was flooding there last year when I was there that killed about 40 people. This is a chronically lightly-flooding area, kind of like parts of Houston. It’s where people live and have jobs and family; “choosing better,” uprooting, moving elsewhere and finding new work, housing, and connections isn’t just a simple matter of when. Those of you who consider climate change to be a liberal plot to steal your freedom, you’re wrong. Just because you don’t have COVID today doesn’t mean it’s not real, and that it doesn’t affect others differently. They’re real people, not just nameless foreigners who chose poorly when it came to being born Wendy P.
  11. Im going to say it’s not likely a problem. Rigs sometimes used to come in large, medium, and small. Try putting a couple of pillows in and try it on again. If you’ve selected for firm fit, it’ll be tighter. If for loose fit, less so. My husband and I share a backup rig that’s perfect for neither of us; laterals a little short for me, shoulders a little narrow for him, a little long for both of us. We’re fine, and we both have the experience to know. Try what I suggested above. Or as long as the shoulders are the right width, you can probably send it back for a harness adjustment. After discussing the measuring with your rigger; he or she is supposed to be the expert Wendy P.
  12. I guess I could have used the word “one.” Then, of course, I’d be pedantic. That’s the conservative way — no one is perfect, so there’s always something to pick at. And to your (you, specifically) question to many of the more liberal if there is something we disagree with — I do think the pendulum of speech acceptance has swung too hard in one direction. But, since for so long it was pegged in the “it’s OK to say whatever you want about minorities and women” direction, I’m OK with that. It’ll swing back to a new normal; one that tolerates mistakes, and pays attention to context. Wendy P.
  13. Isn’t that why God invented immigrants? They come with change, but so does everything else. Wendy P.
  14. I agree that educating women is key; right now the birth rate is still relatively high in the countries that are still building infrastructure (like supporting massive amounts of cars, power plants, etc). Having cheap and easy alternatives for transport is important; to me, the cell phone is a good example of a transformational tool: it doesn’t require wire strung everywhere, and it makes things like banking generally available without all of the physical infrastructure needed to support the traditional technologies. At the cost of human contact, however. Wendy P.