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Everything posted by skymut

  1. My wife is a whuffo. The frst couple of years were a bit of a struggle, but since we worked it out, things are fine and skydiving is a non-issue. It can work if both parties want it to and that just boils down to committment level. BTW, there is still hope that one day my wife will go up on a tandem...she toys with the idea from time to time.
  2. BEEEEEEEEEEERRRRR!!!!!! I would be fine with a DOCTOR PEEEEEEEPPPPER!!!! Sorry, after that 'skydiving pet peeve' post, I couldn't resist. Yea, I love porters, those babies rock. I describe a turbine porter as a mosquito with a rocket strapped to it's back. Matt A well-informed person is somebody who has the same views and opinions as yours.
  3. BEEEEEEEEERRRRRRRR!!!!!! I hope he wasn't too serious about the beer thing Matt A well-informed person is somebody who has the same views and opinions as yours.
  4. Matt A well-informed person is somebody who has the same views and opinions as yours.
  5. My folks are fairly well off, but probably not millionaires. I'm glad too, my dad has worked very hard and built two successful businesses during his life - he deserves to kick back, take some trips and play some golf. They will give me hand if I'm in a bind and ask, but I have chosen to blaze my own way, so it has been very rare to ask. Even when I have asked, I usually pay it back. Matt A well-informed person is somebody who has the same views and opinions as yours.
  6. Wishing I was in Rantoul..and posting like a mad man. Matt A well-informed person is somebody who has the same views and opinions as yours.
  7. vibes for healing. I feel your pain, I'm closing in on 18 months I've been out of the jungle as far as the medical stuff goes for a while, now I'm dealing with some of the bills that insurance didn't cover. Hang in there!!!! Matt A well-informed person is somebody who has the same views and opinions as yours.
  8. Oh please, this is just ridiculous: ebay item Matt A well-informed person is somebody who has the same views and opinions as yours.
  9. Until this thread, I never took a look at the number of posts that any of the users have, then I noticed sunshine's. HOLY CRAP!!! Matt A well-informed person is somebody who has the same views and opinions as yours.
  10. healing vibes to you
  11. pay off my bills, buy a rig and get my knees back in the breeeze
  12. You had two starches, you ought to be ashamed. Doc Atkins is going to come back and kick you in the backside. Matt A well-informed person is somebody who has the same views and opinions as yours.
  13. I originally came across it here I think it was a reply to the infamous Hamster Dance. Do badgers eat hamsters? Matt A well-informed person is somebody who has the same views and opinions as yours.
  14. skymut

    'fess up guys

    I'm not trying to blast your b/f, but come one, doing laundry isn't rocket science. Takes but a small bit of effort, and even less thought process. But hey, if the way you guys split it is how you like, then rock on.
  15. [replyDude that's one TALL order to live up too, especially if that's how your would have people perceive you Good luck
  16. I have to agree with ChaosKitty that it is more of a human condition than that of skydivers specifically. Since my layoff from the sport, amogst friends and family I don't let them call me 'Matt the skydiver' anymore (especially since I haven't jumped in 18 months). It got me to thinking, how dumb is it to define oneself by the sport or hobby that they are involved with, seriously. I would rather be known as a dedicated spouse, trusted friend, close relative and a person with character, morals and who is kind to everyone who crosses my path FIRST. If I can be all that AND a skydiver, so be it. At least, that's the person I'm trying to be. Matt A well-informed person is somebody who has the same views and opinions as yours.
  17. skymut

    'fess up guys

    You're not a married man are you turtle? Matt A well-informed person is somebody who has the same views and opinions as yours.
  18. Just out and about, I'm okay with it, even in restaraunts. However, and this just happened on Sunday night, in the movie theater....that is a HUGE pet peeve of mine. We had some mouthy teenagers behind us and one of them left the phone ringer on, then started having a conversation in the middle of the movie. Putting that phone in their eye wasn't exactly the 'orifice' I had in mind. Matt A well-informed person is somebody who has the same views and opinions as yours.
  19. I'm an adopted kiddo. I'd be more than happy to answer any ????? about it. Matt A well-informed person is somebody who has the same views and opinions as yours.
  20. skymut

    'fess up guys

    My wife teaches Biology and A & P courses for the local junior college, usually night courses. I get the call that she's on her way home, so I start getting some dinner ready, nothing fancy, but good. It got me to thinking about some slacks that I ironed yesterday, washing some dishes earlier tonight, and the load of laundry that I just finished. How many of you other guys out there got da mad dometic skillz? Come on, you know you got 'em. Let's hear it. Matt A well-informed person is somebody who has the same views and opinions as yours.
  21. Since women are unable to check if its down and take a flying butt leap from the bathroom door onto the toliet, thus falling in. Hey, I don't make the rules, but I dang sure follow them (well okay, in this case anyway).
  22. I think the important part is putting the seat down after you taken care of business....this will buy more points with the ladies. Matt A well-informed person is somebody who has the same views and opinions as yours.
  23. I'm glad this thread popped back up, I new about the 'first' and buying beer thing, and of course, the beer line, but I have never been given any particular 'rules' to go by. I hold the same view as yourself, however, I have bought beer 2 or 3 times because it was 'required' and I didn't know that 'alternatives' were available. Thanks for asking. Matt A well-informed person is somebody who has the same views and opinions as yours.
  24. That's what I'm talking about. Matt A well-informed person is somebody who has the same views and opinions as yours.
  25. skymut

    Weather Woes?

    Glad to hear it...buildings can be fixed, things can be repaired/replaced...friend's and family can't. We have a saying here, 'if you don't like the weather in texas, wait a minute.' I've never seen anything like that. Be safe. Matt A well-informed person is somebody who has the same views and opinions as yours.