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Everything posted by base689

  1. I trim hair down there with a hair clipper, using longest plastic comb (12mm-0.5"), so all area has got same length. I do it about once every two/three months and/or I feel the need to give it a trim
  2. > It's also very low my friend. Looks no higher than 150ft.?????? No, it isn't vey low. It's 65 m - 213 ft. They SLed it for flight pattern and available landing purposes. It can be "confusing" because the floors are extremely HIGH (more than 3 times the height of a "normal" apartment B). Just look at what it is in the first floor "windows" and think at how big there can be. Stay safe out there Blue Skies and Soft Walls BASE #689 -
  3. > OK... anyone want to send me naked pics? Well, do not ask it.... do not ask it.... Stay safe out there Blue Skies and Soft Walls BASE #689 -
  4. > He wrote an article titled "Gimme a B, gimme an A, gimme an S, gimme an E!" in BASEline magazine that defines the acronym Would it be possible to see that article published here? It would be WAY interesting Stay safe out there Blue Skies and Soft Walls BASE #689 -
  5. > (maybe monument isn't the best English word, sounds like a museum?) Possibly. Read further. It was definitely built as a monument. > most monuments would end up being A's It's not an A. No way. It's a big and thick parallelepiped. If there were people living inside it would be an apartment flat. It's got square section from base to top. It's almost as wide as deep as high, more or less a cube. Not very pleasant looking, definitely man made, and, yes, once in a while there are people that go inside. probably in future they will use it again as a museum. OK, it's sort of strange, because the height of each floor it's about slightly more than 3 times the height of a normal apartment building. Well, once it was a musem, now they have removed all the statues, paintings, whatever else. Possibly in future they are planning to use it again as a musem. Of course there are security cameras (nearly) all over the perimeter, and has got proper apartment buildings nearby. Stay safe out there Blue Skies and Soft Walls BASE #689 -
  6. > ma di che cazzo hai saltato? > Translation: what the fuck did you jump? I jumped fucking nothing myself. My mates living in your city jumped it. Fucking unbelievable. I can only tell on the phone. Call you later Those chaps have "grown up" tremendously lately, especially thanks to the efforts of BASE #1044 (and the other chap is missing only an E to complete the word). Stay safe out there Blue Skies and Soft Walls BASE #689 -
  7. > Is it square based or circular based? PM sent. Anyway, it's a "honest" parallelepiped, square section from base to top, it could be an apartment B, only nobody lives there on a permanent basis, it is only full of art masterpieces and can be visited by humans. Stay safe out there Blue Skies and Soft Walls BASE #689 -
  8. Granted that we jump objects for the fun of it, no matter how you can define it or call it or categorize it, and granted that the people involved have ALREADY jumped a bone fide B (with all details that "belong" to a B). I am talking about a "definite" monument that is shaped as a B, has got NONE living permanently in it, in special occasions there authorities (=military/whatsoever) that "populate" it for the celebrations, and, yes, there are also security issues with videocameras distribuited somwhow along the perimeter (not along the whole the perimeter ). And, yes, it is completely within the city limits (it has got real B's all around). Would you define such a monument as a B in BASE terms? Stay safe out there Blue Skies and Soft Walls BASE #689 -
  9. base689


    > the time and date will be 01:02:03 04/05/06. That will never happen again Ah ah ah ah LOL Very funny indeed Consider that for us Europeans that have got the date format of day/month/year, that would happen at 01:02:03 of 4th May 2006 Stay safe out there Blue Skies and Soft Walls BASE #689 -
  10. > Florida maybe? Well, not exactly.... > Where's Algarve? Algarve is the southern part of Portugal, Europe. Algarve "contains" the most western/southern part of Europe. Sand beaches on easterna part, rock beaches in western part. Nice beaches, nice weather, even if a bit windy in the rocky part. Very famous for surfing in the "vertical" western part (the part starting from the southest tip going up north). Stay safe out there Blue Skies and Soft Walls BASE #689 -
  11. > After 40 everything goes south But please consider that there are blokes that like so much girls 40+, even if having "things going south" Stay safe out there Blue Skies and Soft Walls BASE #689 -
  12. > if ya like them I'll give ya some naughty talk Yes, we like. Now, let's go on with the naughty talk What about few pictures without bra? We WON'T tell Bryan, be sure!!!!
  13. > What should I do about it? ...get-them-softly-massaged-by-a-bloke...? Stay safe out there Blue Skies and Soft Walls BASE #689 -
  14. Happy birthday, Rhonda Lea!!!
  15. Now you put it slightly better. Because when reading: "Will figure out shipping for outside the US after auction ends. DON'T ASK before auction ends, thanks" could be ALSO interpreted as: "After the auction, I am going to put any fucking high shipping expenses I like ". > Anyone can go to and do it themselves - why don't they? Yes, they can. But that was not written exactly so in your auction, wasn't it? > Trying to figure out 10, 15, 20 different countries would drive me crazy. If you do a country-by-country shipping expenses list, yes, I agree. But a smart way to do it "short" would be to define FEW classes of shipment. I.e., from US shipping to different European countries can have different fares, but they do NOT differ too much from each other. From US shipping to Italy or to Austria would NOT be so different, so, pick up the highest European country fares, and stick to it. As far as far east is concerned, pick up the highest fare and put it in your list. Lots of eBay sellers have 5 or 6 shipping fares covering all the world. Is it perfect? No, it isn't. Is there so much difference between countries in the same continent? No, there isn't. A lot of eBay buyers prefer a definite shipping price rather then "the lowest (but uncertain) shipping price possible". Or, follow my very humble advice: in your auction put the following clause: "Shipment expenses: please go to, determine the right fare to your country, then add 2$ for packaging/whatever else and THAT will be the final shipping cost." Stay safe out there Blue Skies and Soft Walls BASE #689 -
  16. > My girlfriend slipped and accidentally impaled herself on another mans penis I'm not sure what to think of this. Any suggestions or advice? ROFLMAO Dude, you are WAY TOO funny to be true Stay safe out there Blue Skies and Soft Walls BASE #689 -
  17. > I'd be asking the same thing. Yes indeed. ME TOO would be asking the same. > You are having these people put blind faith in you that you are not going charge them a sky high shiping fee... Absolutely. I absolutely agree again with this: There is NO POINT for me to go to eBay to buy an item to save big bucks (either with respect to web shops or with respect to real life shops) and then, AFTER HAVING WON THE AUCTION, discover that I am going to pay MORE than "another shop" because eBay seller has "gone mad" with shipping price. > Dude if I'm going to bid on somthing I want to know at least the approximate TOTAL cost to me. If the item cost $100 US and shipping is $50US I'm not gunna bid. Agreed. Or, if the 100$+50$=150$ is a better price than the price of "another shop". Yes, a lot of eBay sellers put a low price on item and a high price on shipment because shipment fee is NOT charged. It's typical of lots of "small-electronic-stuff" (plugs-earphones-similar stuff) coming from Hong Kong: item is 2$, shipment 12$, but 14$ is still a very good price for me, and then I go for it. But I know what my total expenses are BEFORE bidding Definitely I am NOT going to place any bid on items where I do not know clearly what the final price (item+shipment) is. Especially if you consider that I live in Italy and that most of items I buy on eBay come either from US or from Hong Kong (which items coming from Honk Kong, once here, get charged of 5.50€ minimum, but that's another story ) When I buy on eBay I want to save money with respect to real life shops, NOT to give free money for sky high shipment prices to Mr. Smart-Ass-eBay-seller
  18. > I know there are jumpers out there (friends) who tie all their lines together in the centre during their packing - above the tailgate. I did it; I was used to use a pull up cord (just below the lower part of cloth) to keep all th elines together. I stopped doing it when I forgot it (lesson learned: NEVER finish to pack at 2:00 am, too tired to notice anything wrong), I SLed a B, was EXTREMELY lucky to walk away with it on my feet and parachute with no damage (10%: skill; 90%: luck). That event slowed down a little bit my BASE jumping; in the meanwhile I discovered a web site where there were reserve packing instructions written and pictured by a white haired old chap who was using the freebag bridle to hold the reserve lines all together in the middle. So I took it and adapted it to BASE parachutes: from that day/event on I stopped using pullup cords to keep the lines in the center, rather I use the bridle to keep the lines all together in the middle. I just do a loop and a knot with the bridle just few cm's/inches below the PC (so there is plenty of bridle slack to work with and to be free to pack the parachute and so on), and, about at the end of packing, it's simply IMPOSSIBLE to leave the bridle knotted up there: sooner or later you have got to pack or to store your PC Just my 0.02€ Stay safe out there Blue Skies and Soft Walls BASE #689 -
  19. > 22 years old ! in 2001 Yeah, "big celery head" (="capa di ciddone") Stay safe out there Blue Skies and Soft Walls BASE #689 -
  20. Wow, a lot of kids did their first jump! I did my first at 40 in 2000 And from there I started a new life
  21. base689


    > They are going to a lot of non-US jumpers too. Yes indeed. In this part of the world (Italy) as soon as a young dickhea...... ehhmmm... a BASE jumper has completed the word B.A.S.E., prepares his letter to Rick, and I helped a lot of them providing the "frame letter" (Italian folks are NOT very keen on languages ) to be filled by each with their own data
  22. base689

    846 x 200

    Way to go, Lika!!!!!
  23. > Equally, no matter how good the teacher is, if the student isn't prepared to listen to their advice then you may as well not bother. Exactly. If the "new wonder" is a GoG (Gift-of-God= a gift that God sent to mankind to spread and share the sport of BASE among ALL whuffos), no matter how good/talented/precise the teacher is, the Gift-of-God, as soon as the have the minimal (but really MINIMAL) skills/knowledge to barely survive, they do what they have to do: being in mission on God's behalf, they need to spread and share and take to knowledge the sport of BASE to ALL the whuffos in the world, and for this purposte they do things as: 1) jump in daylight (yeah, the video is WAY better) 2) jump with stadium crowds underneath the object (why to spread the sport of BASE only among FEW people?) 3) jump unjumpable objects (my mentors are sissies/soft cocks, not having the balls to jump a site like this) 4) do as instructors to others "new-wonders" (and possibly future GoG (well, why limit the GoG in mission on God's behalf to only the few of us?)) 5) jump with front winds (because the parachute opens better) 6) to share their fantastic BASE stories with whuffo friends at the bar (hey, I was alone in that jump, if I don't tell about it to my whuffo friends, how can mankind come to know about my fantastic activities?) 7) other similar "good stuff" > They feel somehow that existing jumpers have an absolute duty to take them on and show them the sites. This is not the case, although it might often be beneficial for them to do so. Very well said indeed. > It amazes me when i read posts by people looking to get into BASE or having just completed their course accusing BASE jumpers of being insular and elitist. I wonder why people/newbies guess that we are bloody fucking bastards that keep things for themselves?!?!?!? No guess: WE ARE THAT!!!! > You have to reciprocate, at the very least you have to be trusted with it. That is something that takes time to build up. Another very well said point. > So if the price now being paid by newbies is the slight frustration of not getting it all on a plate when they return from their courses, maybe having to wait many months until a mentor becomes available, or having to take it very slowly, then I'd say that's a very small price indeed. Again, very well said
  24. > Just curious. When I had long hair it happened a couple of times Few times. Never in person (jolly hard, since I am short and well built and quite hairy...) but because my name is a female name in Anglosaxon countries. 1) In England during a summer English course, two countryfellows of mine introduced me this German girl in their class: "Hello, I am Andrea, nice to meet you" "Hello, I am Andrea too , nice to meet you" 2) A friend of mine was coming to pick me up by car to have dinner all together, and he had a French customer with him, to whom he said: "We are going to pick up Andrea" (Andrea in France is a female name); once this French chap saw this bierded bloke (the good myself) exiting my door house, I have been told his face was jolly disappointed 3) Few times signing PM's here on DZ, I have been misunderstood by a female one, misunderstanding soon solved explaining that my name in my country is a name for blokes Stay safe out there Blue Skies and Soft Walls BASE #689 -
  25. > ...I would put that as an option since the pool is one of my favorite place to do it... Now, you got to add 2 options: 1) pool (=non-salt water) 2) sea (=salt water) Never done it myself in non-salt water, I guess non-salt/salt changes a bit the "friction" stuff Stay safe out there Blue Skies and Soft Walls BASE #689 -