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Everything posted by base689

  1. > But what Corliss attempted was stupid, plain and simple. Sorry, I do not want to offend you, but please keep it for yourself. If you wanna pull off a jump like that, you cannot do it (technically speaking) any differently that what Jeb was about to do. Full stop. > ...I don't think a base jumper has ever killed a bystander, but skydivers surely have. Absolutely. I agree with you. And as far as Jeb's action is concerned, I am absolutely with Jeb. I think he is a very serious bloke and a very serious BASE jumpers. And as far as "object burning" is concerned, IMHO I think that there has been no object burning, jumped or not jumped, busted or not busted. Dealing with such a high profile, there is NO WAY of carrying out the action other than the way Jeb was about to do (or very similarly). Jeb is a great jumper and a great bloke. My only comment as an active BASE jumper is the following. Considering myself, on a "world basis", a moderately skilled BASE jumper, I think that if I found myself with rig perfectly donned and ready-to-jump and I have got my feet on the ledge, after half a second I am gone (giving for granted that I have already studied the exit point and the direction to jump off towards to and whatever else is needed to pull successfully the jump off). So, my comment is: considering the pictures I saw, where Jeb is OUTSIDE fighting with security blokes, he must have been very, very UNLUCKY to have been caught, he has been caught only by a matter of few fractions of second/few seconds. Very unlucky. I wish Jeb could have pulled it off brilliantly.
  2. > Is this Porn or Art? IMHO, a "simple" naked body is NOT porn at all. Still IMHO, some picture/movie/pose becomes porn when the "naked body" is used in a pose/attitude suggesting or doing sexual acts. At the same time, I do agree that the line dividing a "simple beautiful naked body" stops being a pleasant " thing to be looked at and turns to be something sexually exciting (=porn) varies from person to person. The picture I saw in the website signed by you, always IMHO, are NOT porn but nice naked bodies to looked. Yes, ART. Stay safe out there Blue Skies and Soft Walls BASE #689 -
  3. > I have seen it done many times in BASE And you have seen VERY LUCKY jumpers too Stay safe out there Blue Skies and Soft Walls BASE #689 -
  4. > 1.89r here It's 2.48r DOWN here!!!! Ah ah ah ah!!!! "DOWN here"!!! Very funny joke!!!! Stay safe out there Blue Skies and Soft Walls BASE #689 -
  5. > Dude if you're ever selling a rig... give me a ring... I will!!!!!!!!!!! Stay safe out there Blue Skies and Soft Walls BASE #689 -
  6. > I am 5'12'' ish closer to 5'14'' I am over 6' 140 pounds so not thin by any means... WOW!!!! How tall are you, LisaMarie!!!
  7. > where should we stay in Venice, what hotels are worth staying at, which should we avoid? I DO NOT KNOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Me, as Italian, I have NEVER slept in Venice!!!!! Venice is fucking expensive!!!!!!! Every single time I visited Venice I NEVER slept in Venice, have ALWAYS been in Venice for one-day visits. Last time I slept in a small town somewhere near Treviso (in any case in a town ALONG the railway heading to Venice), then, with the right timetable, you jump on a train and in 1/2 h - 3/4 h you are in Venice city centre. Expect to pay for a couple of sandwiches as much as you would pay for a complete meal in a restaurant NOT in Venice!!!!!! So my advice: try to settle in the cheapest hotel possible/available (if something as the "cheapest" exist in Venice ) Stay safe out there Blue Skies and Soft Walls BASE #689 -
  8. > Is it hard for someone that doesnt speak Italian to get around the station? No, ii shouldn't be that difficult. In Venice they "should" speak enough English (lots of tourists all year long, so they are trained to speak English). > I assume "St Lucia" is in Venice, and "Mestre" is the suburb you were referring to? Yes indeed: Santa Lucia is IN Venice (with the train you pass on a bridge to get to Venice), Mestre is ON mainland. Stay safe out there Blue Skies and Soft Walls BASE #689 -
  9. > My other option is to rent a car and drive. I'm thinking though that a train from Venice to Reggio would be the less stressful way to go? Well, it depends WHERE in Venice you are when you are going to head to Reggio Emilia. Let's suppose your are a "pedestrian" in Venice. Railway station is in the city of Venice, and so it is easily reachable. Jump on a train, and, yes, in a couple of hours you are in Reggio Emilia (then you can take a taxi to get to the airport, it shouldn't be too expensive). If you are going to hire a car, please consider: 1) hiring a car in Italy is jolly fucking expensive 2) if you are in Venice city, there is NO WAY that you drive from Venice (no cars are allowed in Venice), but reasonably you gotta go to Mestre (a city/suburb of Venice that is on mainland) by boat and then you can move off there by car, but consider that the traffic in the Mestre area is a NIGHTMARE. So, IMHO, less stressfull and cheapest solution is to get to Reggio Emilia by train. Stay safe out there Blue Skies and Soft Walls BASE #689 -
  10. > Does anyone have any ideas as to how we can convert this damn thing? Yes indeed. Apart from following the suggertion of our friends, that is, to try to "convert" your "region locked" DVD players into a "region free" DVD player. But do not take it for granted that it is automatic that ANY "region locked" DVD player can be transformed into a "region free" DVD player by a simple hack done with own remote control. Some "region locked" DVD player can be simply hacked into "region free" DVD player. Just try to look for "insert-your-type-of-DVD-player region hack" and see if you are lucky. If not, there always exists the possibility to convert your PAL DVD into a NTSC DVD. Firstly, you must have access to somew software that is capable of allowing you to do "personal use copies", which could be DVDDecrypter and/or DVDShrink. 1) Look for SUPER Simplified Universal Player Encoder & Renderer, I am NOT sure if you can do the PAL-NTSC DVD conversion, but definitely SUPER is an outstanding freeware tool for convert any video format into any other video format 2) Look for VSO DivXToDVD: latest version is payware but look for older version which is freeware: I didn't use it myself but I read that it is indeed used for PAL-NSTC conversion. And, thinking a little bit better about DivXToDVD, I successfully used it to convert DivX NTSC into DVD PAL, so it "should" work successfully into the PAL-NTSC conversion thing. Good luck
  11. > I thought the motivation was kindness, and compassion for those that don't have their own to look at in the mirror Oh My!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was just thinking the same
  12. base689

    RE: Ethics?

    > Is this considered acceptable? While I (almost) agree with all my BASE mates that expressed their opinion saying that that is an acceptable behaviour, I say the following. First: we must consider "who" is this skydiver that is taken to watch a BASE mission: is he/she trusty so that he/she is NOT going to talk about it/about the object with other skydivers? Second: from a general point of view, while it perhaps can be "within" the BASE ethics, it is NOT a great idea to take "generic" skydivers to witness BASE missions because they can talk about it and moreover thay can talk about the object, and the more he/she talks, the more skydivers come to know abnout the object and the more skydivers know about the object the more it exists of a "do-it-yourself" BASE jump. So (I am speaking for our group (=Italian BASE)) we definitely avoid as much as possible to take any "skydiver" to witness a BASE mission. Exceptions being: 1) skydiver who are taken to witness BASE mission because they are being trained to BASE jump 2) a person who FIRST is a true and trustful friend of one of us and THEN is a skydiver Other that the above, I don't see any "advantage" in taking skydivers to witness BASE missions (leave alone the fact that the more "people" come to know our objetcs, the higher is the chance that "Gifts of God" come to know our objects and then here we go with broad daylight actions and stadiums crews and burnt objects, but this is another story). Just my 0.02€ Stay safe out there Blue Skies and Soft Walls BASE #689 -
  13. > I love the way they feel... in my hands and my mouth Yes indeed, but not only. I love how they smell, how they look, how they feel in my hands, how they feel in my mouth, how pleasure they give to the "bearer" when manipulating the nipples, how they look ON the girl they are attached to, how much pleasure they give to both when doing naughty things on them with "other-parts-of-body", how they... whatever!!!! Did I give the impression I like boobies?!?!?!? Stay safe out there Blue Skies and Soft Walls BASE #689 -
  14. base689


    One thing I know for sure is that my friend #658 has placed an order on Phoenix for a V2. When #658 will get his new V2, that's another story
  15. Congratulations to be back in air, Rosa!!!!! Blue Skies to you
  16. > Well no doubt your ass is lots nicer than mine so I'm sure the ladies will notice sooner or later This is NOT a competition of whose ass is better than somebody else's ass, nor I am more handsome than you. This is just having fun sharing with the girls OUR pictures of how we are, even if we are NOT perfect or even if we are NOT the most handsome blokes on the planet
  17. > Sorry, after Gia's posting, every other ass will suffer by comparison. I fully understand, but, come on, it's not fair!!!!! It's not a fair comparison at all!!!!! At least, let me be "judged" by some girl!!!!! Stay safe out there Blue Skies and Soft Walls BASE #689 -
  18. OK. Here's my contribution to the thread. I just succeeded going to the restroom for few minutes , but definitely it's not so easy to get a "back" self picture with a mobile phone, but here it is. OK, go on with your comments (whichever they can be, good or bad)
  19. > ...there aren't any "package" why not rectify the situation? There are, there are. At least there is one thread, but very good indeed:;post=320444;page=1;mh=-1;;sb=post_latest_reply;so=ASC Then, I will give my contribution to THIS thread as soon as I can have the freedom of taking a picture of my ass Stay safe out there Blue Skies and Soft Walls BASE #689 -
  20. Very, very nice and cute ass, Gia!!!!
  21. Thank you very much indeed!!!! I really appreciate it!!!!!
  22. Let's state in advance that I have never been with a prostitute (and I hope I will never have the need to), where kissing is "forbidden" (for obvious reasons
  23. I drive a Volkswagen Polo 1.4 TDI (3 cylinders 1400 cm³ turbo diesel) Here comes few pictures (yes, I know, it’s a little bit dusty ) Stay safe out there Blue Skies and Soft Walls BASE #689 -
  24. > I thought all you guys would love to jump her bones! Well, not exactly. Yes, she is a very beautiful lady, but that does NOT automatically turns her into a HOTTIE. > I would love to have a face like that Why?!?!? > Comparing oneself to others doesn't do anybody any good Why? Why should you? Why should you compare yourself to a model/actress/whatever-beautiful-lady-appering-in-magazines?!?!?!?!? You are you, she is she. What is the purpose of a comparison like that? What you "could" do is to compare yourself to your "best-yourself", being your "best-yourself" yourself at the best of your possibilitites/capabilities, putting yourself in the best reasonable shape and so, without going crazy for that. More than that, it's useless. You have got your own life, like any other "normal" girl, and what you need is to related yourself to other people "around you", no need to look for "extraterrestrial" models like an actress or mannequin or so. Myself? Yes, when I look at a such beautulf lady, I think: "Yes, she is nice, she is beautiful, she is very beautiful, she is extremely beautiful" and I am astonished for at least 5 minutes. Past which 5 minutes, I think back to my life and try to "take care" of my girl friend and try to "enjoy" the look of girls/ladies "around me" (=real people). I fill up my life with real girls/ladies, not with top models/actresses/whatever. Just my 0.02€
  25. > Me and my roomies like to play with GI Joes, too ROTFLMAO I was laughing looking at your pictures when a collegue entered my office Stay safe out there Blue Skies and Soft Walls BASE #689 -