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Everything posted by base689

  1. > Does any one else use modified bridles? I do not personally have this mod on my rig, but few BASE jumpers have got it; it's quite common in certain rigs. Old version of Prism (the rig I own and jump) got a hook velcro strip (4" - 10 cm) along the right inner (=on the inside)/outern (=close to the right edge) part of bottom flap and, of same length, there was a pile velcro strip on bridle; such a set up was for keeping in place the velcro from pin to BOC/PC; such a setup has been substituted by a normal bridle (without any patch of any sort) and kept in "place" by a tuck tab sewn where there was the hook velcro strip. > Does this mod really create a snag point? No, it doesn't, provided that on rig there is the hook velcro and on bridle there is the pile velcro. Being the "final" product a bridle that a certain point has got a small patch of pile velcro, it does not create a (real) snag point (provided it is sewn at "state-of-the-art" way). I would see potentially dangerous a bridle that has got the hook velcro patch on it, though; this way (hook velcro on bridle), it could hang on virtually anything (any piece of cloth, for example). Stay safe out there Blue Skies and Soft Walls BASE #689 -
  2. > How do you like me now, bitches? I agree with every single word you wrote, mate!!!
  3. > ok, but it looks SO huge on that camera phone Amanda, you're very nice and very cute you too!!!
  4. > ok, here's mine although I cant compare to Conundrum Sorry, Amanda, yours CANNOT be compared to Conundrum's one until you take a picture of yours in the SAME garment/outfit as Conundrum's Stay safe out there Blue Skies and Soft Walls BASE #689 -
  5. You are very nice and very cute, Chelle!!!!! Thanks for the picture!!!! Stay safe out there Blue Skies and Soft Walls BASE #689 -
  6. Done. I never met Shannon (I live in Italy). Though I did read some of Shannon's posts, she was a nice and cute girl indeed. It's really astonishing all the love she spread all over the US skydiving community, that everybody is so touched by her loss. Blues Skies, Shannon Freefall free for ever We shall meet one day in that place where there are no more tears. Stay safe out there Blue Skies and Soft Walls BASE #689 -
  7. > how would I go about capturing footage that was burnt onto a DVD? You can do it easily with Nero. Using Nero Recode you can import ANY sort of video footage, DVD files included. You can copy the VIDEO_TS folder from DVD onto your HD, and then tell Nero to load that VIDEO_TS folder on your HD; then, you can edit it, create your own menu, burn your own DVD. Other software's can do that (=directly import DVD files), TMPGEnc is one of them. A freeware software than can convert ANY video format into ANY video format is SUPER (go Google for it: SUPER Simplified Universal Player Encoder & Renderer). SUPER does not accept the VIDEO_TS folder but it does accept the single .VOB files; then, you can do whatever you like with them. Stay safe out there Blue Skies and Soft Walls BASE #689 -
  8. > on full moon nights, people may go to the numbers on a runway (indicating magnetic direction) > depends on the airport... Well. I understood now. I do not know about US, but in my country, after Mr. Bin Laden started to attach western world, also using airliners, they started to put such a safety measures at ALL AIRPORTS. So, there is no fucking chance to enter any airport throughout my country, daytime, nighttime, anytime. The only anytime-accessible runways are in those "airports" which actually are NOT meant for passenger/civil/commercial airtraffic, but only for skydiving/private owned/private operated. Yes, few of these have got written numbers on head of runway. Didn't know anything about his story about running naked along runway without clothes on full moon nights, though Stay safe out there Blue Skies and Soft Walls BASE #689 -
  9. > You know, the runway numbers? No, I do not know about any runway number. I am completely lost (I not american, nor I am a native speaker of English ), please help me understand!!!
  10. > I tend to go with the philosophy that the people who are the most willing to take their clothes off are usually the ones you least want to see naked Well, obviously I cannot speak about US reality about nudist beaches/places, but I can tell my experience in my neck of the woods. I am used to go to a "nudist" beach in my hometown in summertime with my girlfriend. I wrote nudist in inverted commas because it is NOT officially a nudist beach. It is so de facto because it's a quite difficult (=not so easy) beach to reach (you gotta do a small climb). This beach is surrounded by rocky cliffs, small passage to get to it. The fact that it is not so easy to reach means that it is quite secluded and the "average" family cannot hit that beach by chance, and people started to sunbath naked there, and tradition has remained. And because this "difficulty" in reaching this beach, authorities tolerate that people sunbath naked there. Everybody in my area knows that "that" is a nudist beach, so if the "average" people with kids does not want their kids look at adult nude people, the above "average" family simply does not go there (that nudist beach is really small, plus there are plenty of "normal" beaches all over the area). This "nudist" beach is really free, if you want to take your swimming suit off, it's fine, as well as there are people that keep their swimming suit on, that's fine also. What my big point is: people don't go to a nudist beach to watch other naked people, a real nudist goes to a nudist beach to feel free, that's it. It's very simple. For the freedom. It's an incredible feeling to stay without swimming suit while staying on a beach, when you swim, when you walk, when you sunbathe, when you talk to people. So, I don't care if there are old fat people without clothes; in "my" nudist beach there are quite few old people, none of them is fat, but I wouldn't care if some of them were fat. I do not stare at the girls that sunbath in the nude, so why should I care if some old folks like to sunbath in the nude, why should I care if some old folks like to feel free exactly as I like to feel free? As I do not stare at nude girls, I simply don't care if someone (=girls) look at me thinking I am nice or I am ugly, I stay there, I do not put myself deliberately with my nudity in front of anybody, I stay on my own with my girlfriend, so I think I am not "hurting" anybody with my nudity (in a place where 50% of people is naked). If someone is looking at me, I don't care, I think I am not doing anything bad (after all, I am in a place where half the people stay without clothes on), so if you look at me or you do not look at me, it's still fine. "Living" a nudist beach it's a matter of how free you feel, NOT a matter of "others looking at me" NOR a matter of "I look at others". I think a nudist beach is a "pleasure" for everybody, not only for young/fit/extremely good looking young people. Should all "not-good-looking-people" shoot themselves or should they not to stay under the sun without clothes if they feel like doing so? I don't think so... Should be nude sunbathing only a privilege of the rich/nicelooking actor-like people that sunbath nude on their million $ yacths? I don't think so. I haven't got the body of a superathlete, but if I like to stay naked under the sun in a place where I cause no disconfort to anyone, I don't see why I shouldn't do so. I like to stay naked because of the freedom coming with it, NOT to look at other naked people, NOR to show off my HOT body (which is NOT so hot ). When my eyes are on a naked girl by chance, firstly I think that I know that they are naked NOT for me but because they like to feel free, second I think they are sweet, are sweet also the not-perfect-body girls, that's it. The world (nudist beaches included) belongs to everyone, not only to supermen/superwomen. If anybody thinks about going to a nudist beach to watch people (considering nude good/superb looking young people to be "nice to look" and considering nude fat old people to be "terrible to look") is simply deadly wrong. Just my 0.02€. Stay safe out there Blue Skies and Soft Walls BASE #689 -
  11. I learned to swim in the sea when I was about 4. My dad taught me. I was born in a sea city, and until I was 18 I have always lived in a sea city, furthermore I spent (until 18) at least 3 months in summer time at the seaside, swimming, snorkeling, breath-holding dives, whatever you do when you spend a whole season at the seaside. I never touchd the non-salt water of a swimming pool until I was 12 or something. Now that I work in city in the inner land, once in a while, in off-season (=not in summer) I go swimming in a swimming pool; otherwise, when it's summertime and I come back to my home town in weekend, I love to go swimming at the seaside. BTW, I am an OWS Instructor (I am NOT now in teaching status, anyway I passed my exams in 1997). Stay safe out there Blue Skies and Soft Walls BASE #689 -
  12. I am with you and with your kid I wish you the best of luck Take care you two Stay safe out there Blue Skies and Soft Walls BASE #689 -
  13. Just curious. Seriously. Myself as a bloke, I feel "weak"/exhausted/tired after masturbation, about 80% of times I do it. I am wondering how women feel after masturbation, if they feel weak, tired, ehausted, shattered, in great shape, very happy, whatever. There is no need for girls to post for details, only if they feel doing so; I' d like to see the votes, though. I am really curious about that. Stay safe out there Blue Skies and Soft Walls BASE #689 -
  14. I think a lot of folks here who wrote that Point Breaks sucks is just because of the approach a skydiver ahs got when about to watch a movie about skydiving/containing skydiving scenes. My point is the following. A movie made for GENERAL public is what it is: a movie tha must entertain the masses, and with certain type of movies the masses expect to be surprised/astonished/thrilled by super-action scenes. So I found a great movie Point Break, as well as I found great movies all the James Bond's movies, Vertical Limit, Mission Impossible, whatever-on-this-subject. When I go to watch a movie of the above kind, I expect to watch nice/funny/incredible stunts, I DO NOT expect to watch detailed and FAITHFUL scenes about the sports portrayed there. So, with the eyes of "general public" I found great scenes the skydiving scenes of Point Break (yes, it not possible to be good in relative works/mastering freefall since your first jump, so what? ), the "skydiving/BASE" scenes of James Bond movie (yes, it is NOT possible to jump off a vertical wall, chasing a Pilatus Porter in freefall going headdown, getting into the cockpit, taking the piloting "handle" and throttle and get same Pilatus to climb and save your ass, so what? ), the alpinism scenes of Vertical Limits (yes, it is not possible that with high mountains boots you run off a mountain, freefall for 20 m - 66 ft below you/in front of you and with an axe in each hand shouting and find yourself perfectly attached to the wall that was front of you still being in one single piece and with your arms still attached to your body, so what? ), the non-protected free climbing scenes in Mission Impossible (yes it is NOT possible that being non-protected you launch yourself off a position, fly 4 m - 13 ft and grab another rock, so what? ) as well as the motorcycle scenes of same Mission Impossible (yes, it is NOT possible to ride a motorbike in "counter-drive", getting the two wheels sliding while shooting and being very, very accurate in shooting and NOT falling down, so what? ). When I go to watch one of the above movies I expect to have fun (=to watch incredible/fake stunts (99% done with special effects performed in the lab with computers)), I do NOT expect to watch real and faithful-to-reality scenes of the sport portrayed. If I want to watch real and cool scenes about skydiving, I go and watch Olav Zipser's DVD's and alike Just my 0.02€ Stay safe out there Blue Skies and Soft Walls BASE #689 -
  15. > at least be up front about it and identify yourself Littlestranger, I read your profile. You seem quite new to the sport of BASE. Also, there are reasons that do not allow a BASE jumper to fill properly his/her own personal data, it is NOT to attack anonimously other people, rather to protect himself/herself from letting the world to know who he/she is, and for a BASE jumper who does jump ANY sort of object (as I do) this comes quite obvious. Marc, on the other way, is an outstanding BASE jumper with brass balls, but he is NOT famous worldwide because he is French, and French BASE BASE jumpers very, very rarely come and write on English forums (in fact, it comes a surprise to me that Marc wrote here). I know Marc by fame since 1999 because is a very dear friend of #657, my mentor. > hiding behind the anonymity of the internet is rather cowardly Not indeed, read above. > afraid of being flamed because you have an opinion? Have you ever thought for a while that he COULD be one of the locals whose object have been burned (there nothing worse than elude security and throw that in the authorities's face) and he has ALL the rights of the world (BASE ethics speaking) to be pissed off? You seem quite young in the sport of BASE; wait few years, when you will have YOUR OWN objects, objects that YOU discovered, the YOU opened, that you know the know-how (how to get into, when to get into, how often it is adviseable to jump, etc etc) and then you will come to me and tell me if you are sad/sorry/pissed off if someboy coming from off-town came in and jumped your object in broad daylight, sending video to TV's, making fun of authorities, burning it..... Just my 0.02€ Stay safe out there Blue Skies and Soft Walls BASE #689 -
  16. > Ever been injured during sex? Sort of. Many years ago. After having started with different positions, we were doing what you should call "doggystyle", it was about 2 minutes we were doing so, we were very excited, I was thrusting hard, she was moving a lot too, more and more, in the "retracting" movement it happened my dick came out, there was no time to think about anything, in the "approaching" movement my dick hit somewhere "outside" her pussy/belly, sort of bending, it hurted so much because it was so stiff. I rolled on one side in pain, we waited it became soft, we checked for injuries, nothing noticeable. After few minutes we began again making love, after we came, we checked for any sign of blood in the condom, luckily the content of the condom was "normal": what a relief!!!!! It's been scary (and painful ) when it happened but the night ended happily Stay safe out there Blue Skies and Soft Walls BASE #689 -
  17. base689


    > Guys only like big boobs right? You are bloody wrong!!!!!!!! Personally, I like the shape of the boobies (and their "consistence") not (only) their size Stay safe out there Blue Skies and Soft Walls BASE #689 -
  18. base689


    > she's a friend and the picture was taken by a photographer Please, tell your friend she is a really cute and beautifull girl
  19. base689


    You are a really cute girl!!!! Thanks for having posted a picture of you!!!
  20. base689


    > Ok, which of these 2 do you like best???? Well, to be honest, as far as pictures are concerned, boobies in picture 11 are really nice indeed. But in real life it could turn out that the small boobied girl is hotter/sexier than the big boobied girl Stay safe out there Blue Skies and Soft Walls BASE #689 -
  21. base689


    > My favorite boobies.... Pardon me a question: did you take that picture yourself or did you just downloaded from Internet? Stay safe out there Blue Skies and Soft Walls BASE #689 -
  22. base689


    > how's this Yes, nice girl with nice boobies, but the picture is taken fron Internet, so it does NOT count for this thread. I think the author of this thread wanted to see boobies of girls BELONGING to DZ Stay safe out there Blue Skies and Soft Walls BASE #689 -
  23. base689


    > How's this? Is that a picture of you? Stay safe out there Blue Skies and Soft Walls BASE #689 -
  24. Yuo are fucking amazing, mate!!!!
  25. > would you rather recieve a great hand job from her? Yes indeed