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Everything posted by CarrieByTheSea

  1. Costco sells a big bag of frozen, one-pound individually-wrapped packages of organic broccoli for a great price!
  2. So fun! Those are fantastic! We are both creative by nature, but my creativity seems to be limited to interior design, painting & scrapbooking. I find it tough to carve pumpkins as well as I would like to. Having said that, we carve pumpkins almost every year! This year we are doing either one of these or the other. P.S. Your "punk" pumpkin is my favorite, though it is hard to pick. I love asparagus, it looks like a demented "Wilson", and just fucking funny overall. Nice job!
  3. Again, a tough call. While I tend to agree with your position, I know for me those whom I now tolerate I do not trust--motives or otherwise. From my perspective it seems as though they now realize they have something to benefit by reaching out to me. At least in my position, I will be just fine whether I embrace their efforts or not. I choose to because I believe as you do--that somehow it is better to make strides toward tolerance and trust and not harbor the pain of the past. Still, very much easier said than done. I certainly cannot blame those who are not so willing to forgive. "Nature is cruel, but we don't have to be." ~ Temple Grandin
  4. While I tend to agree (and understood the first time ), I must concede I have never been black or gay or anything I could possibly or completely understand what such animosity toward me feels like, much less over and over and over. While I have forgiven those who have wronged me in my past, I have not forgotten and now find myself tolerating them vs. accepting them. It is tough to accept people (in this case, accept the evangelicals) for who they are when you (in this case, when you are gay) have bared the brunt of their cruelty. "Nature is cruel, but we don't have to be." ~ Temple Grandin
  5. For me, it is more one of those situations so black and white that you let people like the Petkovs dig their own grave (no pun intended) while you take the high road. What is more astonishing to me is not that Mr. Edwards has not retaliated in some way, but that the Petkovs--or anyone--can harbor so much hate. How does someone live that way? I would think getting a reaction from the Edwards' family would be more gratifying to people like the Petkovs than simply ignoring their ridiculousness. I am actually really impressed by Mr. Edward's handling of the situation (per the linked article). Agree on the "fucked up" assesment of the Petkovs. "Nature is cruel, but we don't have to be." ~ Temple Grandin
  6. I purposely state "steamed broccoli", because whenever I have orderd "steamed veggies" it consists of 97% zucchini and squash, a slice of red-bell pepper or two and one piece of broccoli. I LOVE broccoli. I mean, I really love it. I eat it every day.
  7. CarrieByTheSea


    Formaldehyde--even worse. I admit, I missed that. I was busy talking. And the person I was talking to just informed me of the answer. "Nature is cruel, but we don't have to be." ~ Temple Grandin
  8. CarrieByTheSea


    Of course. In Season One he killed a serial child molester/rapist. This season he has already killed yet another serial killer who liked to put young women in a barrel of water and electrocute them, then dump the body-filled barrel in a scummy pond. At least when Dex kills them vs. the system, I do not pay a thing and get the same result. Having said that, I watch for Dexter's inner monologue; it is hilarious, fucked-up and makes for great entertainment. "Nature is cruel, but we don't have to be." ~ Temple Grandin
  9. CarrieByTheSea


    I disagree. For example, in the first episode of the season, Dexter goes against "the code" and murders the man in the bathroom because he is having a tough time dealing with the loss of Rita. In addition, in the second episode Dexter answers the question, "What do you want?", proposed by his victim with an emotional, "I want my wife back.", as he stabs him. Just to name a couple recent examples. I am excited to see the storyline with the yet-named character played by Julia Styles. Dexter has never murdered "an innocent" and clearly she knows what he did. "Nature is cruel, but we don't have to be." ~ Temple Grandin
  10. CarrieByTheSea


    I recognized her right away, but I am told I have a gift for placing faces quickly. "Nature is cruel, but we don't have to be." ~ Temple Grandin
  11. CarrieByTheSea


    So what is everyone's thoughts on this season so far?--specifically, Julia Stiles' character emergence. "Nature is cruel, but we don't have to be." ~ Temple Grandin
  12. CarrieByTheSea


    It_is_debatable. Though I have a degree in both psychology and sociology, I am no expert--just a sales girl. My opinion remains firm at psychopath, not sociopath. To be clear, I was more responding to the comment that Dexter is not supposed to care about anyone because he is a sociopath. Clearly he_does_make a distinction to_some_degree between good and evil and cares about_some_people to_some_degree. Thus, if one insists he must be in the sociopathic box because everything fits but this, this and this, than OK. I conclude he does not fit. "Nature is cruel, but we don't have to be." ~ Temple Grandin
  13. CarrieByTheSea


    Dex has never been a sociopath. "Nature is cruel, but we don't have to be." ~ Temple Grandin
  14. CarrieByTheSea


    Anyone watching this season? "Nature is cruel, but we don't have to be." ~ Temple Grandin
  15. I also love the movie. It was very-well acted and produced. I teared up at the very end when Temple gave recognition to her mom--definitely my favorite part.
  16. Google query: How long will nuts last? Best answer found: How long can I keep my nuts? Reason: I have a large canister of dry roasted macadamias I opened about 10 months ago. They still look, smell and taste fresh, but I wondered... What did you Google today? "Nature is cruel, but we don't have to be." ~ Temple Grandin
  17. I agree. I_did_say there is a 99% chance I could/would not do it. Having said that, I am not against the "right" to end one's life willfully. The 1% of the question for me lies in the event someone is suffering with little-to-no-hope of survival and it is either I put them out of their misery or let them slowly die in misery. I would put an animal out of its misery; would I/should I not a man? For me, the money would not be a factor. But, baring such extreme circumstances, a random with a few mill to give me to pull a trigger would not inspire me to do so. Even in my extreme example, I would find it difficult, but so do most people that must "pull the plug" and say goodbye. "Nature is cruel, but we don't have to be." ~ Temple Grandin
  18. A sea turtle? I mean they are endangered and humans are plentiful, even those who do not give a shit. "Nature is cruel, but we don't have to be." ~ Temple Grandin
  19. A man/woman offers you his/her entire savings to pull the trigger. He/she wants to die, but cannot do it themselves for religious reasons. Would you? If so, under what circumstances? What is funny to me in listening to responses is the varying amounts of money that would make it "worth it", and the varying factors (like if he/she was in pain/dying soon anyway) and--of course--the trigger-puller's own factors in their life and what good they would do with the money. And if not you, then the suicidal man/woman will find someone else, so why not you? Everyone gets upset when the OP does not acknowledge his/her position, so I will go ahead and say, I am 99% sure I could/would never do it. But, if that man/woman were drowning along with my cat, and I could only save one, I would save my cat and donate half the money. "Nature is cruel, but we don't have to be." ~ Temple Grandin
  20. So wonderful you rescued, and even better from an SOB . I am very happy to learn you will spay (so important). Very cute puppies. We are not-really-but-always-pretty-much in the market, but I would never want to put a pup through the travel. And again, life on a family farm sounds pretty good in dog ears. "Nature is cruel, but we don't have to be." ~ Temple Grandin
  21. I know many dogs that would LOVE a farm. My mutt, included, but we do our best to make sure he gets a morning and evening run and an outing in-between on top of his weekly day/s at doggie playcare. Do you know what mix they are? Where did they come from/how did you come to have them? "Nature is cruel, but we don't have to be." ~ Temple Grandin