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Everything posted by bodypilot1

  1. Quote He probably makes in the high six figures talking people into this total bullshit. Fuck off, says the mind, you’ve seen his car! *** Get a new car Mark! Your making us "high six fugure" income Instructors look bad?
  2. SHIT? I have never seen a Mickey D's that fast!
  3. More information about your skydiving history will give us a better idea of what is best for you to get back in the air, or if it's best you start over in the FJC. 134 jumps from when to when? Do you have an A or B license? Ed AFF-I 94
  4. 15 minutes to a DZ that takes awhile to get enough people together to get a load up. 45 minutes to a DZ that turns a load about every 17 minutes.
  5. Quote I just hope I dont make my first Bird Man jump only to land and think, 'was that it?' Quote Ya, dont try it, you'll hate it.....
  6. Cool. Looking forward to it. PM me and we'll talk about coaching and when you'll be there. Ed
  7. Usually you only owe you 1st case of beer after you have did your grad jump, and then after any "first". But we'll take it anytime your willing to bring it! Your welcome. You pick things up fast and will be soon spending all your money at the DZ! Just never brag of doing a jump that was your 100th, 200th or 300th in a place with no whipped cream! Never try and sneak away from the DZ after the jump too, and you'll never get the mayo? The mayonaise just happened to be the closest thing to whip cream at the time. RightJP? Ed
  8. some feedback on Cessna exits, particularly anybody who is jumping out of a 182 or 206 with the forward door. look here Some coaching from a BMI also may help too? Be safe. Ed
  9. If you have kept a good log of your past jumps ,with a signature of a licensed skydiver, they will look at your log book and decide from there. You probably will have to set through an FJC though. I have had someone return to the sport that I remembered from years back, similar to you, about 50 jumps, no license but a great log book record of his jumps. I also remembered how "heads up" he was so I just did a short 1 on 1 refresher course and then a refresher jump with controlled turns and back flips. Try and go to the DZ that you did your 50 jumps at and they may have someone working there that remembers you? Some DZ's have different ways to get you back in the air, so take this info I'm giving you like a grain of salt. Getting your A license has alot more objectives now than 5 years ago, so try to do it right this time? Ed AFF-I 94
  10. I guess we'll have to hear exactly how bad it was if he jumped in 30 plus winds......
  11. Did he have a PRO rating?
  12. *** Huh? What is it your trying to say?
  13. Quote I saw a guy in a SF3 with Orange wings getting kitted up *** That probably was J-Pee also known as diablopilot on here.
  14. long as some electronic device does it for you, right? *** When you do up to 14 jumps a day at times, it gets hard to keep track, so after the day is through I can go back over what I did thanks to the latest technology
  15. [reply ]You can always tell the people who log their dives...
  16. Quote He had homeowners insureance and he had to eat it. *** As I said, it must be STOLEN. If he knew his Insurance agent well enough, well...........
  17. Quote one of the Queer Eye guys . . . Quote You took the words right out of my mouth!
  18. Quote Just curious, but do you tell them it was stolen from your home, or do you tell the truth that it was stolen at a dz? Do most insurances cover this? *** Your home owners will cover anything STOLEN form anywhere, as long as you have your gear writen in your policy before it's reported stolen and have pictures of it.
  19. Quote How about cut away and never found? Quote Maybe. It depends on how well you know your insurance agent and can sweet talk them sometimes?
  20. Quote Speaking of insurance, if you have renters, or homeowners insurance, that might pay for the canopy. It might. *** Broken gear NO. Stolen gear yes.
  21. Quote how much $$ on average do you make per year??? I know it isnt the most lucritive position, just curious on average what you folks are making on average.. *** Average income?Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Don't get a divorce!
  22. TMI
  23. The great feeling is now why they are expecting! Congrats.
  24. NO. Not unless you pull your toggles down far enough to stall your canopy. Half brakes will reduce your forward speed. Hover in half brakes until you're at 100 feet or so, then let them up, let the canopy dive, and flare normally at the end.
  25. Fun Exits? Go last out of the Skyvan. Lay on your stomach and grab the bar on the underside of the aircraft. Flip out forward and hang on as long as you can! The pilot will think you have left and rotate toward the ground. Hold on and be sure not to get flipped back in the plane, as your body and legs will oscillate in the wind as he descends faster. As you get pulled off the plane from weak hands and feel your body decelerate, be sure to look at the plane in it's dive! And check your spot if your ass is WAY OUT! Oh ya, you didn't hear this from me.