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Everything posted by moodyskydiver

  1. Mountain Dew Code Red (but thats ok because AndyMan owes me 2 cases of Corona and a bottle of Jack next weekend at the AOT boogie.Woohoo!) "...just an earthbound misfit, I."
  2. heh! Thatd be just my luck.Catch the dang thing and my boobies come flyin out. "...just an earthbound misfit, I."
  3. Well, I was supposed to be making another jump today,but the weather crapped out on me.Called the DZ and my JM said its all high winds,low clouds and pouring down rain. Also A trailer truck smashed into a bridge support and the overpass collapsed.This was near the route I would have been taking today had I gone to the DZ. All the surrounding area is sending medical teams to help out. Jeez! what a crappy day.Now its started raining here too! Oh well, I guess this just means I get to jump more at the Casa boogie next weekend. Sorry,just needed to vent. "...just an earthbound misfit, I."
  4. Wanna borrow a map? heh! "...just an earthbound misfit, I."
  5. Ok, now that alot of you have give your opinion I guess its time to put mine in... It has been an adventure inwhich I have faced the dragons and walked amongst the clouds. "...just an earthbound misfit, I."
  6. I'll post mine later..I wanted to see what everyone thinks. "...just an earthbound misfit, I."
  7. Pull the old "live in my house then live by my rules" thing. My parents loved that one. But I cant say much.I'm 20 and live (rent free and restriction free) at my parents house while I'm in college.But I do help out-taking care of the horses,help training, grooming etc. "...just an earthbound misfit, I."
  8. Wow! This post has really taken off. Cool answers y'all!Keep them coming! "...just an earthbound misfit, I."
  9. I'll be there Sat and Sun, but I dont know if I'm jumping or not. "...just an earthbound misfit, I."
  10. A friend of mine asked me an interesting question and it got me to thinking.I figured I'd ask y'all the same and see what happened. If you could describe you life up to the present point in one sentance,what would it be? "...just an earthbound misfit, I."
  11. I totally agree with you one this one, Zennie. My answer would be no. "...just an earthbound misfit, I."
  12. see previous post. I agree.Some guys do look damn good w/a shaved head. "...just an earthbound misfit, I."
  13. Ok, I'm EXTREMELY bored and have nothing to do. Anyone care to meet me in the pub?
  14. BS!!!! I'd sleep with Vin Diesel in a heartbeat!!!!! "...just an earthbound misfit, I."
  15. "oh my God!" is always a classic with me.I'm never failed to be amazed by something during a jump. After I became a student my JM was helping me get the gear off after a jump one day.He said"Ok, I'm gonna take stuff off of you until you tell me to stop..." I thought that was funny.While we were ridin' to altitude,on that jump, I went over the hand signals for free fall with him. After he had gone through all of them he did one I'd never seen before.It was the sign language sign for "asshole" (yes there really is an actual sign for it and it doesnt involve flippin' the bird lol). Well he did that and kinda moved it around abit. I told him I didn't know what that one was for. He said "it means quit flyin' like an asshole" LOL!Hes cool! I love having him as a JM. something I used to tell my boyfriend everytime after I made a jump: "Ok, now you have to take me home and proove which is better:skydiving or sex" Heh! worked every time! Too bad I'm single now. "...just an earthbound misfit, I."
  16. Hmmm...for me there are a few things I look for in a guy. 1. He has to be attractive and not a total slob(weekends at the dz dont count-you're expected to look grungy there lol). 2. He has to be able to catch and keep my attention.i e good sense of humor, interesting etc 3. I like a guy to be spirited.The type that you can tell loves to have a good time and loves life. 4.I dont know about any other girls, but I like a guy who is confident in himself and just a tad bit aggressive. A "take charge and strive for what you want" kinda guy. 5.HONESTY!!!!! 6. manners,compliments,good morals and converastion are inportant. 7. shared interests (esp. skydiving)is a plus oh well... I doubt I'll ever find a guy with all of these..but so much for hoping.Anyway, theres my answer. "...just an earthbound misfit, I."
  17. Sounds like a good plan to me! "...just an earthbound misfit, I."
  18. moodyskydiver


    LOL nope... wasn't me. "...just an earthbound misfit, I."
  19. Thanks HH! Its all cool now! Dang..48 new emails in one day! "...just an earthbound misfit, I."
  20. I kinda know how you feel. My fiance left me a few months ago. His excuse was 'he was too busy to be tied down' and 'he didnt think I could handle bein at the dz all the time'(I was a newbie..about to start AFF).Not to mention he left me with over $4000 worth of debt from my credit cards he decided to party on. Oh well. Shows what he knows,b/c I know for a fact that I'm at a dz alot more often than he is.LOL! Too bad I had to find a new dz b/c I didnt feel comfortable around the jerk!But all is well and I love my new dz sooo much more than the old one. Besides, I've gone back to school,got a new job *possibly* and have continued jumping without the slug!May he rot in hell! I hope things get better in your life!Best wishes!
  21. Cool! I'll try to catch it. I'll still be recovering from the AOT boogie though.Heh! "...just an earthbound misfit, I."
  22. moodyskydiver

    New gear!

    One word...BEER!!!! Congrats man!Have fun with your new gear. "...just an earthbound misfit, I."
  23. Well, I personally love my '99 Chevy 1/2 ton.( I think I'm just gonna marry my truck! LOL!) But hey? you can never go wrong with a Corvette.Hell get a 'vette or a Harley and I'd be on your doorstep!LOL(jk) "...just an earthbound misfit, I."
  24. moodyskydiver


    heh! Doggie style!Doggie style! LMAO! Sorry Andy, just had to take the cheap shot... "...just an earthbound misfit, I."