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Everything posted by moodyskydiver

  1. Yeah,but it takes a long time to get to England in a rowboat! LMAO!!! "...just an earthbound misfit, I."
  2. Note to self: DO NOT get on a load organized by AggieDave at AOT!! No one should have to be subjected to the horror of my boobies flappin' around in freefall. eek!Not a pretty sight! "...just an earthbound misfit, I."
  3. Thats cool man! I have hair almost down to my waist and I've been thinking about cutting it too. I have a friend that just found out her cancer is no longer in remission.I told her if she decided to go back on chemo therapy then she was welcome to take mine,if she wanted it.I'm not sure if shes gonna do it or not.She said shes real tired of feeling bad on chemo. But its still a good concept. "...just an earthbound misfit, I."
  4. ROFLMAO!!!! Man,that sounds like something a few of my friends would do!! "...just an earthbound misfit, I."
  5. I'll be there later with my Corona. "...just an earthbound misfit, I."
  6. I agree. Jury selection has begun here in my home town for a similar trial. A guy raped and murdered his 7 yr old step-daughter. I'm glad I'm a college student (therefore exempt from jury duty) b/c that kinda stuff bothers the hell outta me. "...just an earthbound misfit, I."
  7. Join the club! I recently got out of a very screwed up engagement. That rock is headed for the eBay auctioning block if I have my way about things! Anyone wanna buy a 1/2 kt solitaire? Heh! "...just an earthbound misfit, I."
  8. I'd only jump it if I were at a DZ where no one knew me.Even then I'd have second thoughts. "...just an earthbound misfit, I."
  9. Hey Betsy! You should come down to Aggieland for the Aggies Over Texas boogie,Sept 13-15. Come party with us chick! "...just an earthbound misfit, I."
  10. Nothing! In too much pain to do anything but hobble back to the house! "...just an earthbound misfit, I."
  11. What exists...a single chick skydiver? Yeah,they exist...but I think I'm one of the very few thats left.(which makes me a lonely single chick skydiver) NOT COOL! "...just an earthbound misfit, I."
  12. Besides...I'm not Clay!(sorry Clay,I just couldn't pass up the cheap shot!) "...just an earthbound misfit, I."
  13. Happy Birthday! Glad it was a good one! Mine was this past Monday(aug 12th). "...just an earthbound misfit, I."
  14. My bf did it and I've always been crazy,so it kinda fit. Then we got engaged..great!even better,a skydiving couple! NOT!!!! I was very broke and didn't have the $$$ for my student b/c I hated not being able to jump and had to sit at the DZ every weekend(per his request for moral support)..he decided he didn't think I could handle his extremely busy life and he left me. Oh well! Now I'm about to do AFF 5,I'm single and having fun,I think I might have a new job,and I'm goning back to college.As far as I'm concerned..he can go to hell and I'll skydive w/o him!!! OK..Sorry..I'll get off the soapbox now. "...just an earthbound misfit, I."
  15. Thats actually the main thing my mom wants me to have.She said if they're gonna pay for my rig then it will have a cypres or she isn't gonna shell out a dime. I was like "OK,fine with me!" Like I said..I'm spoiled. "...just an earthbound misfit, I."
  16. Texas.But I dont have the gear yet(still on student status).But I'm gonna start gettin' the little things a bit at a time...goggles,altimeter,helmet etc. "...just an earthbound misfit, I."
  17. Guess it never hurts to try.But,then again, I'm the baby of the family (20 yrs old) and they spoil me rotten. "...just an earthbound misfit, I."
  18. No comment! "...just an earthbound misfit, I."
  19. Well, my family did agree to help pay for my jumping and my gear as long as I stay in college...that count? heh! "...just an earthbound misfit, I."
  20. On the way to altitude I noticed a guys toenails painted baby blue.I asked him about it and he said he was with a girl the night before and she had gotten the rest of the way to altitude we razzed him about not being able to keep her "entertained"...heh! "...just an earthbound misfit, I."
  21. Doin' good except I'm currently single and my foot hurts like hell. (Yep! You guys heard it right-- a SINGLE CHICK THAT JUMPS!! LOL). "...just an earthbound misfit, I."
  22. Nothing! I was just trying to get around her big butt so I could feed the others...and she decided to back up right about then. Trust me I'm not into horses..I like guys waaaaayyyy to much for that(especially skydiver guys). "...just an earthbound misfit, I."
  23. Well,since I didn't get to go to the DZ and jump this weekend, I decided to work with our horses. In the process,one of our mares decided my foot looked like a comfy place to stand, therefore breaking one of my toes. So now I'm sittin' here in pain wishing to hell I had just gone to the DZ! Hopefully I'll be feeling good enough to jump next weekend in spite of my foot. Just thought I'd be a post whore and start a new thread since I've read all the others. "...just an earthbound misfit, I."
  24. Well,actually, I've had this same icon on my profile before.Then I found my current one and switched them. I'm tired of my current one and want to switch back,but cant.see? I'm an idiot. (and a moody female that cant make up her mind) "...just an earthbound misfit, I."
  25. I totally agree with you skycat. I have a good deal of Native American blood in my family(Comanche nation) and I am sadened by the way Native Americans are treated.But you dont see them throwing a fit and demanding compensation.Its all so ridiculous. OK,I'll get off my soapbox now.Sorry,just my .02 worth. "...just an earthbound misfit, I."