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Everything posted by Southern_Man

  1. Exactly. So how do we tell if she's made of wood? Build a bridge out of her! "What if there were no hypothetical questions?"
  2. I'm still trying to figure out what the malfunction was? "What if there were no hypothetical questions?"
  3. I do have an attorney. I am not really seeking legal advice here, only anecdotal experiences. I'll rely on my attorney for legal advice. I am (understadably) anxious about the whole thing. "What if there were no hypothetical questions?"
  4. I agree, I just wonder if people have experience w/ an ex claiming this and if it gained any traction? "What if there were no hypothetical questions?"
  5. I am an AFF student, divorced w/ shared custody of my children. My ex has just filed to move out of state. So we are going back to court and I am moving for custody. I was not skydiving at the time of the original hearing. I was just curious if any of you have had this brought up as an issue (such as X parent is reckless or unstable because they skydive) and what was the outcome. You can PM me if you would prefer. "What if there were no hypothetical questions?"
  6. Not marrying them is not going to prevent them having children. One isn't really tied to the other. Amazing this is still going on in this day and age. "What if there were no hypothetical questions?"
  7. sometimes w/ my kids in front of a movie on Pizza night (Fridays). By myself, I almost never watch TV but eat a lot of meals in front of the computer. "What if there were no hypothetical questions?"
  8. yeah, did 4 jumps over two days this weekend!!! "What if there were no hypothetical questions?"
  9. I've been out to the bars a few times, but it is not really for me. Too many smokers and too many people who are drinking to get drunk. By and large not a great place for me to meet people. I have met people though activity groups, like a hiking club I am in and a running group. Much better way, but online has worked very well for me too. I've only been on the free sites. "What if there were no hypothetical questions?"
  10. I've had good luck w/ dating sites. Met a lot of very interesting women. Haven't really met "the one" yet, but I've made some friends, had a few brief relationships, and had a lot of fun doing it. "What if there were no hypothetical questions?"
  11. You've missed one of the world's great mullets! "What if there were no hypothetical questions?"
  12. I have no more insight into why they date me than I do into why they don't. In other words, not a clue. "What if there were no hypothetical questions?"
  13. They hate us for our freedom. "What if there were no hypothetical questions?"
  14. They don't usually give me a reason. "What if there were no hypothetical questions?"
  15. I agree that it is probably an excuse. It's unfortunate that both men and women can't just be completely honest with each other. I would much rather hear the truth. I think 5' is a great height for a woman. "What if there were no hypothetical questions?"
  16. Does it count if she is begging you to stop? for any reason? "What if there were no hypothetical questions?"
  17. I've already had the seasonal flu vaccine (because they give it to us at work). I've also already had a case of the flu, though I didn't get tested I'm fairly sure it was swine flu, since that was going around the schools when my daughter brought it home to me. Therefore I don't think I'm getting the extra vaccine. "What if there were no hypothetical questions?"
  18. I predict another in-box blowing up. "What if there were no hypothetical questions?"
  19. I'm 6', so generally the women liking taller guys is an advantage for me. I think the kids thing is situational. I have kids of my own and have no problem dating a women w/ kids. If I was in my 20s with none of my own, I think I might have a different view. There's no such thing as a woman being too smart. "What if there were no hypothetical questions?"
  20. I don't get the too short thing, I really like shorter women. (Or the too sexy thing, either?) "What if there were no hypothetical questions?"
  21. She was a lady, not a girl. I'm not sure why you think they are dangerous, she was very nice. Also, perhaps the hottest woman I have ever dated. Absolutely stunningly gorgeous. Didn't have some other things I was looking for and we only went out once. "What if there were no hypothetical questions?"
  22. I voted intelligent. I want all of them but intelligence seems to be the one I am least willing to compromise on or have the least broad interpretation of what it means. Women can have different, but both nice, personalities. Same w/ looks, there's a fairly wide variety of nice looking women. Smart, really just has to be there or not. Smart is sexy. "What if there were no hypothetical questions?"
  23. I would use the term Persian because the one woman I dated who was from there used that term to refer to herself. I don't know if all/most people from Iran would refer to themselves that way but she did. Good enough for me. "What if there were no hypothetical questions?"
  24. I choose to start in the fall, knowing that I may jump through the winter (I am in VA, so a bit warmer than you and my DZ is open weekends all year round). I'm still trying to get my 2nd jump in. One student at the DZ started after me, though and was trying to get his final check dive in last weekend. Not sure if he has it by now. You can get through the AFF fast depending on circumstances. I am not that interested in rushing and I don't mind the cold. "What if there were no hypothetical questions?"
  25. I just got my learner's permit, but it was only a paper test. Have to practice up to get my license but hope to have it by Christmas. Mostly going to go sight-seeing riding in the National Parks, I think, no commuter stuff for me. "What if there were no hypothetical questions?"