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Everything posted by Southern_Man

  1. I just hit reply to the previous post in the thread, not meaning it as a question for you personally. "What if there were no hypothetical questions?"
  2. I'm only interested in the donation for tunnel time. It appears that is a great deal, depending on any caveats or limitations. Can you take a break during the tunnel time? If so than that is a fantastic deal. I assume it is only during one trip to the tunnel? Is there a dedicated time when you have to be there or can you come when it is convenient for you? "What if there were no hypothetical questions?"
  3. :4:1 Had a very nice date w/ a lady that I think I could really like this weekend. This was a 2nd date and it looks like all systems are go, she appears to really like me as well. Got four good jumps in over the weekend, two on Friday after work, two late Sunday after sticking around the whole weekend, glad I stayed. Some weren't my best jumps but they were all fun. Also got a lot of things signed off on my card while weathered in on Saturday, so that was produtive even if it wasn't jumping. Beer for landing off for the first time. "What if there were no hypothetical questions?"
  4. You can ask him... He will call or write back. He is a Conservative Christian. Honestly, since he is not in my district or state, I don't care. "What if there were no hypothetical questions?"
  5. I'm off work next Friday. My drop-zone is open. No shopping for me, just jumping. "What if there were no hypothetical questions?"
  6. My e-mail was for some sort of skydiving fundraiser--so much money in donations got you tunnel time, etc. "What if there were no hypothetical questions?"
  7. I got an e-mail postcard from him. Not sure how he got my e-mail address. I'm not in his district, I also have no clue what his position on any issue is. "What if there were no hypothetical questions?"
  8. I'm in favor of Spiller. The guy is just electric every time he touches the football and does things in multiple ways. His numbers are pretty good, too, when you add up returns, rushing, and receiving. I'm an ACC guy, though, so I've seen a lot more of his games and am probaly biased that way. "What if there were no hypothetical questions?"
  9. Hopefully she would reciprocate while buying condoms. "What if there were no hypothetical questions?"
  10. Yeah, to be fair, any strong religious commitment is probably a disqualifier for me. When she started talking about the scientific basis for her beliefs, that was too much. "What if there were no hypothetical questions?"
  11. I've had mine every length from bald to down to the small of my back. Currently using a #2 guard on the sides and a #3 on the top. Easy to care for and maintain, which is what is most important to me right now. "What if there were no hypothetical questions?"
  12. I'm a total noob and know next to nothing about parachute equipment so take that into account. I've used parafin quite a bit as lubrication on fishing equipment to help the fly line slip through the guides better. It is quite effective in that context, have no idea if it would translate to this one. I'm not sure why you would put it on lines that were already frayed? "What if there were no hypothetical questions?"
  13. Witches float in water..... Not sure about the candles, incense, etc. Certainly didn't have her back at my house. "What if there were no hypothetical questions?"
  14. I don't personally have a huge preference for long hair. I guess a slight preference but I've gone out w/ a few women who looiked great with shorter hair. I agree on passing on this particular haircut. It is just awful. Also agree on avoiding the Kate style. She is not a very nice woman. "What if there were no hypothetical questions?"
  15. I've decided I'm no longer going to date witches. Anybody with me? "What if there were no hypothetical questions?"
  16. Smart is sexy. Can't date anybody who isn't intelligent. "What if there were no hypothetical questions?"
  17. I probably have 6 or 7. One general purpose and the rest are more specific. I use the internet and a binder w/ sheets for many recipes. A well written, specific cookbook will give you lots of tips and explanations that will allow you to understand cooking much better than simply following a recipe. I usually just use recipes as a jumping off point. "What if there were no hypothetical questions?"
  18. Skydiving is a new hobby (obsession) for me, so I have lots and lots of opportunities to ask for new gear this year. I'm not going to be ready for a rig quite yet (and that's too expensive to ask for from my folks anyway) but I am thinking I'm going to be getting a jumpsuit. Anybody else? Skydiving or non-skydiving related. "What if there were no hypothetical questions?"
  19. You can't be drunk all day if you don't start early. "What if there were no hypothetical questions?"
  20. There's a reason I don't have a profile pic. kmills, you are a very attractive woman. "What if there were no hypothetical questions?"
  21. How you doin? "What if there were no hypothetical questions?"
  22. You are comparing apples to oranges. Ths U. S. data is about wait time ot be seen by a doctor. The Quebec data doesn't even start until they are seen by a doctor and ends at discharge or admission to another department. "What if there were no hypothetical questions?"
  23. That's my brother-in-law's name, but he is not a Skydiver and his birthday isn't until December. Happy B-Day to this one, even though I haven't been around long enough to make your acquaintance. "What if there were no hypothetical questions?"
  24. Aim for a 1/2 marathon. If you can get through the training you can definitely finish the race. Coming into the training w/ at least some aerobic conditioning will make a big difference in fitness, but the problem is that your tendons and ligaments take a lot longer to adjust to the pounding of running than the aerobic system takes to adjust. Running is a high impact sport (not quite as high as skydiving done incorrectly, though). Even if you finish I would venture to say you will not enjoy the process very much, either of training or racing. Running rewards consistency and you are best off if you put a year or more into preparing to run a marathon. "What if there were no hypothetical questions?"
  25. ] HAHAHA i was waiting for that, surprised it came so fast! That's what she said. "What if there were no hypothetical questions?"