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Everything posted by Southern_Man

  1. In the end it doesn't matter if I support it or don't support it. Since the data is already public the only difference is whether it is aggregated or not. As you point out it is already available in aggregated for for a price. If somebody wanted to put that out as a free product they could and nothing I, or anybody else, could do to stop it. I'm not thrilled about the idea but it is one of the costs of having open courts and public records and the alternatives to that are far worse. I greatly suspect the police already have access to that before they come to your window. Heck I believe in quite a few states they are performing automated searches by scanning license tags and feeding them into the system. "What if there were no hypothetical questions?"
  2. What's the false premise? Legislatures are trying to make (and some have already made) videotaping at ag businesses illegal. Farm cruelty It does not exist to the level those at the likes of PETA would have you believe And whay they and others would call cruelty is debatable as well Yes, those are debatable issues. When you have debatable issues it is good to use actual facts and/or video recordings as evidence to advance the debate. "What if there were no hypothetical questions?"
  3. I can search the local court house records for crimes by name any time I want, so I think the criminal record is already public. There are some limitations, as the records are kept by court (so I can't see if somebody committed a crime in a county way across the state unless I search there as well) and I think the ones in the court of non-record (misdemeanors) are dropped after a time period, but court records are already public. "What if there were no hypothetical questions?"
  4. Not entirely unexpected of someone whose psycho-social indoctrination (including education at the Evangelical Seminary at Maulbronn) took place in 16th Century Germany. If it helps illustrate the tenor of the time and society in which Kepler lived, I'll mention that his mother, a healer and herbalist, was tried for witchcraft. Kepler's Witch: An Astronomer's Discovery of Cosmic Order Amid Religious War, Political Intrigue, and the Heresy Trial of His Mother is a really interesting book about this background. "What if there were no hypothetical questions?"
  5. I guess nobody read the link I posted for context. The US did about as well on this survey as other developed nations did. The results were pretty much unchanged over the last 20 years. Not sure why this got as much publicity as it did. Sure, I wish out nation would do better but it doesn't appear this is the cause of lots of alarm. "What if there were no hypothetical questions?"
  6. Lots of sports federations give a "developmental spot" to countries without representation. I am assuming that Vanessa Vanakorn got a spot that way. I am generally OK with sports giving out a limited number of these spots as they are attempts to help a sport become established and developed in nations without tradition in the sport. Eric Moussambani representing Equatorial Guinea in Swimming is one renowned example but there are many others. Athletics (Track and field) lets any nation without a qualified athlete enter one athlete in every Olympic games. I am less enthusiastic when the person in question is like Vanessa, somebody who lives outside of the country and is not part of an organic attempt to grow the sport inside of that country. It does indeed smack of high priced tourism. I am also not enthusiastic about such participation where the presence of such unqualified people has a negative impact on the rest of the competition. Chewing up the course has a negative impact on other competitors. "What if there were no hypothetical questions?"
  7. If you read the full report the Americans placed near the top of the poll on most questions (South Korea was the only one that was consistently higher, I believe). This is true for all but two questions, one about the big bang and one about the evolution. Even here, if you slightly altered these questions and asked about what "astronomers" or "biologists" believed the American scores went up considerably, indicating that Americans were familiar with the theories of the big bang and evolution. Here is a better analysis that puts the results into context much better: "What if there were no hypothetical questions?"
  8. Pretty much nobody minds being asked to sign your logbook. If your jump numbers are right you should be jumping w/ instructors or coaches most of the time and they should be signing your log book. Once you get your A license you should be jumping with other people a lot of the time and you can ask them to sign your log book. I realize you said you are an introvert but this is a social sport--ask people to sign your book, ask how their jumps went that day, make some friends. "What if there were no hypothetical questions?"
  9. "Hey, can I get you to sign my log book?" "What if there were no hypothetical questions?"
  10. I'll do my best here in hopes to NOT start a religious/theological feud. First, there is a lot of analysis on the internet from both Protestant and Catholic sources on this text. How this text was translated from it's original language to English must consider the context of the historical moment and times in which it was written. Did Mark write the original text in Greek? Aramaic? Latin? I myself don't know. What I do know is that these three languages don't directly translate to English. Thus, a better understanding is realized by going back to the original language. Finally, does this scripture stand alone or is there other scripture i.e. text in other books of the Bible that can shed further light and explanation on this? It was written in Greek. The translation is not really an issue in this particular case, as Mark generally and the ending in particular is not difficult Greek. The issue with this particular passage is that most scholars consider Mark 9-20 to be a later addition and not part of the original text. It does not appear in either the Sinaiticus or the Vaticainus the two oldest complete manuscripts of Mark. It appears to have been added relatively early as the first quotation of the longer evidence appears to be by Justin Martyr (d. 163 CE) Many of the manuscript traditions that included it note that there was dispute about its authenticity. Of course this has not really been much of an issue for most of the church's history as Orthodox, Catholic and Protestant traditions have considered it canonical (as they have with other additions such as the story of the woman caught in adultery in John) and thus I would consider it within that tradition to be as authoritative as any other text. Interestingly many of the ancient Ethiopian texts do not include the longer ending but I have no idea whether the Ethiopian Orthodox consider the longer ending canonical or not. A lot has been made of the spurious nature of this text in relationship to snake-handling but probably just because it threatens the more established churches authenticity then because of any logic to it. Snake handlers also seek validation for their beliefs in Luke 10:19 Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you. and in Acts 28 Paul gathered a pile of brushwood and, as he put it on the fire, a viper, driven out by the heat, fastened itself on his hand. 4 When the islanders saw the snake hanging from his hand, they said to each other, “This man must be a murderer; for though he escaped from the sea, the goddess Justice has not allowed him to live.” 5 But Paul shook the snake off into the fire and suffered no ill effects. Interestingly I just realized that for all I've read and seen in snake handling I have never come across any mention of working with scorpions. "What if there were no hypothetical questions?"
  11. Yes, that is the wrong way to go about it. "What if there were no hypothetical questions?"
  12. Provides validation for their chosen belief system, promotes in-group bonding, marks them as separate from outside groups, and a host of other social/cultural benefits that are common with religious beliefs and practices (and which are likely beyond the scope of a message board). "What if there were no hypothetical questions?"
  13. I did not mean to imply that snake handling was currently practiced in the COG, only that it was a significant part of their history in the early years of the 20th century. It was the closest snake-handlers ever got to being established as part of a larger denomination. It is not surprising you (or most) have never met anybody who condones or practices snake handling. Estimates are tough but I haven't found any that say there are more than ~20,000 snake handlers total. And they are not always all that open about those beliefs to outsiders. When you are engaging in practices that are frowned upon by the authorities it is wise to keep your head down. In addition to the places you mentioned there are also significant snake handling populations in Kentucky, southern Indiana, and north Alabama. Anybody who is interested in reading more about snake-handlers I would highly recommend Salvation on Sand Mountain by Dennis Covington. "What if there were no hypothetical questions?"
  14. That has been the norm for snake handlin in the south since the 1940's. I got a whole history lesson from my cousins wife when they were trying to talk me into coming to their church so they could cast out my demons. Yeah.. good luck with that.. I like all my demons right where I can find em. I think a whole lot of those people were picking up snakes long before they figured out it could be a religious sacrament. "What if there were no hypothetical questions?"
  15. It grew organically out of Pentecostalism in the Appalachian region. It was never practiced by most Pentecostals but was significant in the Church of God (Cleveland Tennessee) which schismed into the Church of God (Tomlinson)--now known as the Church of God of Prophecy. A faction led by George Hensley left and became the Church of God with Signs Following. Snake Handling churches exist mostly as a loose network instead of a denominational structure. Many (though not all) snake handling churches are part of the Oneness movement among Pentecostals who baptize in Jesus' name only (instead of the Trinitarian formula). The same impulse that led some early 20th centure Pentecostals to take literally the Biblical promises regarding speaking in tongues and healing also led some to take literally the promises in the ending of Mark. "What if there were no hypothetical questions?"
  16. Creation theory is not a scientific theory It does not make testable predictions and is not falsifiable. "What if there were no hypothetical questions?"
  17. Many do, myself among them, but if that was really the case there wouldn't be so many conservative state legislators who seek to enact such laws and governors willing to sign them into law - either because that's the way they personally feel or because they think that's how the majority of their voting constituents feel. Well, right. I was mostly commenting that there does not seem to be much commenting on it here. I certainly view it is inevitable and maybe we have reached a point where everybody sees the rock rolling down the hill and picking up speed. Just as background, Virginia elected a democratic slate (Gov, Lt. Gov, Atty General) in November and they declined to defend the same sex marriage ban in court. "What if there were no hypothetical questions?"
  18. Many apologies, I meant to and truly thought I started this thread in SC to begin with. Guess people view the spread of same sex marriage with inevitability now. "What if there were no hypothetical questions?"
  19. "What if there were no hypothetical questions?"
  20. I will sleep better tonight knowing such security measures are in place. "What if there were no hypothetical questions?"
  21. Our second snow has come and gone. ~12-14 inches here, hard to tell for sure with all the drifting. I love sitting in the hot tub (with said bottle of wine) when it snows. "What if there were no hypothetical questions?"
  22. Me too, what a day "What if there were no hypothetical questions?"
  23. Are you saying it is OK to kill people who aren't guilty of the crime which they were convicted of, simply because they were not innocent of other charges? Or may have been criminal lowlifes in general? Because that is what this reads like. I find that a horrifying statement from a member of the bar. Are you familiar with the work of the innocence project? "What if there were no hypothetical questions?"
  24. ID has no selective criteria and no predictive ability. It is really just a God of the Gaps theology. Poor science and poor religion. "What if there were no hypothetical questions?"