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Everything posted by rfarris

  1. I'm curious as to how you are using this device. Are you testing different sections as you climb, or in the elevator as you ascend past a dish, or array. Or are you just testing your launch point? And are you now backing away from A's you used to jump because of your findings with the counter? "Always keep something between you and the stinger...like another jumper."
  2. BASE jumpers are some selfish sombitches. Lot's of times we use drivers like $3.00 whores. So, prop's to the drivers. Tell us why you do it. Tell us why you sometimes tell us "anytime man, I'll drive whenever you need me", only to leave us hanging. Tell us a funny jump story, tell us about the night you wish you hadn't drove. Tell us what your gonna do the night we go in. The night the cops show up. Tell us something. We need a break from ourselves. Listening, Rod
  3. NO...please tell us. How did you find this out? "And remember, a downwinder is much better than a bulldozer"--T.M.
  4. Gawd no!! Not the cowboy hats! I'd kill them sumbitches. For-rizzle though, ain't no sense in killing someone over some shit like that.
  5. rfarris

    321 cya

    I remember...
  6. rfarris

    321 cya

    Hey way to go leroydb..... now quick, sell all your skydive shit, get a pair of olive drab or urban camo pants, some of those high dollar paragliding boots, a compass, a laser rangefinder, and meet us at the XXXXX tower tomorrow night. Bring your own Gatorade. congrats leroy. Rod
  7. Any time Tim, I had fun...despite the old man's tractor landing. Glad I could "B" a help to ya here in the DFW area.
  8. in addition, be careful not to step on any cables that may be attached to the mounts, or going up the side of the ladder. A broken cable means bad reception, which means technician. Maybe not at that moment, depending on the particular site, but will be there soon to find out why the reception interference. Just what I've been told by a couple techs.... Oh, and don't climb past the top. There's nothing to hold on to up there.
  9. I won't get into the argument of using a Raven for BASE, (I jump one ) but I definitely wouldn't recommend you jumping that Raven 4 off of anything at your wing loading. And before you go and put that new Raven off a bridge and get it wet, P.M. me and let me know how much you want for it. edit: corrected spelling before the cool people read it.
  10. Come on Mr. Moderator, this thread has "Talk Back" written all over it!
  11. No sight naming please!! Oops..wrong forum.
  12. I think this is the one I bought my mom for christmas. If it is, it is a very nice, no frills, 35mm camera. However, there is no place to plug in a remote switch. You could modify it and adapt a bite/blow switch, but you could destroy the camera in the process. You'd be better off getting a camera with a remote teminal. Buy the QTsi anyway and use it on the ground. They are cheap and are a good camera for the price. But if you need a Minolta to put on a camera helmet, the Maxxum 4 or 5 is an excellent choice. Not much more than the QTsi. And just as small and light. They'll have the remote capability you'll need too. cya Rod
  13. kodak makes a b&w film that can be processed in C-41(the same chemicals they process your color film in), that despite other's claims, is a very, very good start. You should check it out. Unless you are shooting b&w for a publication or some other type of professional media, you can't go wrong. It will give you a good introduction into b&w photography. Whatever catches your eye. A BASE jumper doing a 3 sec. delay off a building? I used to do a lot of portrait photograhpy, very seldom in b&w. But, the green filter is often used in b&w portrait photography. The green filter will smooth the facial blemishes. Other than that, I believe the orange and red filters will accentuate landscapes, and will darken blue skys. So why are you not out taking photos? smile.... Rod
  14. I started BASE jumping after about 150 or so skydives. I guess I was always inclined to BASE jump since most people at the DZ would probably agree my skydiving was scary, my instructor said I was untalented. My therapist said I was probably just being insecure. I agree with them. I go jump now. edit; spelling
  15. I don't skydive with a camera and flash anymore, hell, I don't skydive anymore for that matter, but I think most internal, or pop up flashes now days sync at whatever the camera's flash sync speed is. The question is would the photos be worth taking a chance of getting the pop up flash broken off in freefall. And the part about high speed sync with a seperate gun is almost true, if I'm understanding it correctly. Just because you buy an external flash for your camera does not necessarily mean it will sync at high speeds. i.e.. 1/500, 1/750, or 1/12,000. Only if your system supports high speed sync. An example would be most of the newer Minolta series cameras. So in that respect, you are limited to slower sync speeds regardless if it is internal or external flash, unless you have a system that supports it. I believe in the old days, you know, the 80's (), they were only able to flash sync at 1/60 of a second. Now days, 1/200th of a second is slow. cya Rod
  16. Sounds like you are convinced there is a bit of foul play going on. But is it possible there was a slight misunderstanding about the condition and jump #'s. I ask this because I just recently had a prospective buyer back out of a rig I was selling because either he didn't initially notice the jump #'s, or I miscommunicated (accidentally) to him. And I would think most people who expect to sell gear, or buy gear sight unseen, would do so with the option of a full refund if found not to be what was expected, or advertised. In a real world I believe we'd all be better off buying all new gear from a manufacturer and keeping that same gear until it's usefulness is no more. Then burning it. This way you'd know exactly what condition your canopy is in, and would never have to worry about buying someone else's clapped out stuff. But it does not happen that way. We want cheap. Is there really that much of a bargain buying used? I say no, especially if you can't trust the person you are buying from.
  17. I jump a Vertigo 46". Have only used it 30 or so times from 1-2 seconds. I don't think 30 jumps on one particular PC is enough to say one way or the other. But it has worked thus far. Plus it matches my rig colors. I think I'll keep it. Rod
  18. rfarris


    To further add, when he's home, I like to call him at the last moment for a midnight climb, knowing he went to the gym earlier that evening and worked out, just to hear his response. And it's never one of "no, I'm too tired and old". It's more like "Okay, where and when". Always up for somethng new. The man put me off my first tower, (well, more like pushed), and we have climbed many more together. To attest to his humbleness, it wasn't until a few more responses on this subject and his first name being thrown out that I realized who you all were talking about. I didn't even know he had a BASE number. What was it? 652 or something? With respect Rod
  19. I voted "no"... Helmets, or any other safety gear is a personal choice. But I can see where from a politically correct standpoint, if it supported some kind of insurance requirement, or a lawyer's advice to avoid a law suit, you'd have to do what you have to do, and let those who want to comply have fun. Maybe an explanation why you'd even consider requiring helmets would clarify this issue more, for me anyway. Some of us newer jumpers may not be familiar with past proposed helmet laws at BASE events. Is it an insurance issue? Lawsuit thing? Just curious. I wear a helmet because there is always that chance I'd wish I had it on. Rod
  20. There really isn't a good way to guesstimate the length of the stripes. I've heard that the distance between the flanges is somewhat standard though. So that could be a way to get a close idea of the height. Not sure though. In a nut shell, it's a map of a particular "section" of earth that shows heights of certain tall objects in that section. Pilots use them. . It's generally a bad idea to leave underwear on the tower. Please don't do this.
  21. Damn.. I thought this thread was going somewhere good. Go to Blockbuster and rent the movie "The Usual Suspects" or go to Wally World and buy it. It's a kick ass movie. Plus It'll take your mind off this other B.S. mentioned. On a more controversial note, fuck em. They shouldn't have given them a reason to classify them as "usual suspects". Flame on. Cya at the top. Rod
  22. rfarris

    new year

    And a Merry Christmas and a SAFE new year to you too my friend.
  23. Are you saying you have 250 to 300 jumps on the original set of Slinks on each rig? If not, how often do you replace them. Has this been tested and published in the BASE environment? And if so, why aren't they standard on rigs just like the wide risers, opposed to the mini risers, which seem to have been proven inferior? I ask this because of your disclaimer statement at the end of your post. I'm just curious. Thanks Rod
  24. umm...nope, but I see your point and agree, ethically. chow.