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Everything posted by rfarris

  1. Zennie here's my thinking on this.... And again, I'm a newbie here, but nonetheless, have several objects I jump, and share. I believe you and I are close (within a few hours of each other). I know for a fact there are numerous objects between us, not being jumped, but were at one time. If I've done my duty by trying to contact the local(s), without success, then I'm pretty much convinced that it is now my object to jump. However, I will still treat it as if it is being jumped by locals, i.e., not prancing out in the middle of the day with my neon yellow freefly suit with floral patterns, video camera, cheering section.... I've had visitors to my sites saying "Dude that's a day jump", and I'm like, "Dude, no it's not". A jumper just passing through who elects to day jump an object and get's seen, just may have screwed up someone elses only object that was being jumped at night. All's I'm saying is, if I was traveling and ran across a tower I thought was very jumpable, I would approach it as if it is being jumped. Just because I see no proof that there are locals, doesn't mean there aren't any. Some of us are in locations that other jumpers would have a hard time believing there could be a BASE jumper there. I'm pretty sure you feel the same way. cya Rod
  2. And would those be tall buildings??
  3. I checked OTHER. I'm a babysitter for a multimillion $$$ roofing material company. I believe the technical name for my position is Supervisor. BASE jumping is more than just a recreational pastime for me. It's a weekly stress reliever. I wasn't supprised to see the majority of the votes in favor of computer related careers. After all, that's where the big push has been for the past 10 or so years. Rod
  4. I like that! I once climbed to the top with my mentor (close to 400 jumps), the conditions couldn't have been better. I exited first, after about 10 minutes of hesitation. Quite frankly I was scared. Well I landed, and waited, and waited, for him to go. After what seemed like an eternity, his canopy broke the dead silence of the cool winter night. Once on the ground and securing our gear, I was amazed to hear him say "I was scared too". There are gonna be those times when it just does not feel right. If it don't, don't do it. No shame, just back down. Rod
  5. I'm curious as to why you backed down? Was it wind direction/speed, gut feeling, or.....?
  6. rfarris

    Ground Crew?

    I don't think so. More importantly, I don't know. I've jumped 600' A's with six stripes, and 450' A's with six stripes. Your best bet is to walk up to the gate and write down the site #, then look the site # up on one of the tower search websites. They are fairly accurate. Rod
  7. rfarris

    Ground Crew?

    Yes, If you'll be my driver.LOL!! Let me see if I can dig it up....
  8. Have only been jumping regularly since the first of this year. I have right at 30 jumps. Half of them solos. All from three A's I opened myself. You'll notice in my posts I don't give technical advice on jumping, due to my low jump #'s. (I haven't been to the Potato State yet) But to answer your poll: I do solo jumps. New sites, and sites previously jumped with other jumpers. cya Rod
  9. rfarris

    Ground Crew?

    If I'm understanding your question right...... depending on your geographical location, I bet there are jumpers near you looking for ground crew. If you are serious about wanting to ground crew, let it be known, in a public forum such as this, or over on BLINC. Just because you may not hear by word of mouth around your DZ about BASE jumpers looking for ground crew, that dosen't mean there isn't someone near you looking, but being very discrete. I once contacted a person for ground crew who over a year ago posted on a forum about wanting to ground crew in my location. My hat goes off to the ground crew!! I've never done it, and to be honest, I don't think I could. I'm too much of a chicken. Rod
  10. rfarris

    Canopy Size

    I don't know.... I saw this skydiving video one time of these European dudes swooping cows. The coolest thing I've ever seen. Well, not really. But it was awesome. I've been trying to incorporate that into my landings lately. But those Euro cows they were swooping just stood there. These U.S. cows run like hell when they see you coming. Maybe it's just that mean swoop sound that only a Super Raven can produce. Disclaimer: I'm not suggesting anyone use a Super Raven for BASE. Or cow swooping, for that matter. YeeHaw.... Rod
  11. Sounds all too familiar Dex.. Nice story.
  12. rfarris

    video ettiquette

    Well Leroy, it depends on who you are talking to. A lot of these guys are "do as I say". Not "do as I do". My theory is, if you are stupid enough to jump an illegal object during the day, which is prime for video, then by all means, video it, only if it is YOUR object. Burn your own shit. If you are invited to another jumpers object, then you better respect that person's object. Screw your video. smile, your on candid camera. later, rod
  13. rfarris

    Winds and A's

    I thought I'd start a new thread about winds and antennas. I'm curious as to what winds some of you are willing to climb in, anticipating jumpable conditions at altitude, and at what point in the climb do you make the decision to climb back down. I recently climbed back off of a 600' that when I started there was no wind at all on the ground. At 1/2 the way up, the winds were down the wire, or in my face as I was facing the sector I intended to fall in. But as I went on up to 600' I found the wind in the opposite direction, splitting the wires, or in my back, pushing me in the sector I was facing. Thinking that I'd be facing a head wind at opening altitude even though I'd be exiting with the wind at my back, I climbed back down, went home with a . Maybe I was being overly cautious, but I survived the climb back down. Has anyone ever encountered 180 degree wind conditions, especially from such low altitudes? Later, Rod
  14. rfarris

    first base

    Yep Mac, I'm affraid it is. Touchy subject, I know. later, Rod
  15. rfarris

    first base

    Hey, Mine found out. I just blame it on her. After all, she got me into skydiving. I just went over the edge and started BASE. (I love you honey) If she isn't in it, you will never be. Well, and still be married that is. Mine excepts it, therefore I get to jump once a week from one of my several objects. She won't drive for me though. I'd be curious as to how many married BASE jumpers out there whose wives, that don't jump, help them out. I've heard other jumpers say if they got married, they'd quit jumping. Anyway, you only want to make a couple jumps. Go to BD. That's all you'll get anyway. Rod
  16. rfarris

    first base

    Yoshi dude, Not sure if you want to BASE jump, or not sure if you want to do your first jump at BD? If you are not sure about BASE jumping, don't do it. You won't like it. If you are not sure about making your first jump at BD, then try to hook up with some one around your area that can help you. Don't go at it alone. Since you seem to be real concerned about getting caught, me too, BD or a FJC sounds like what you need. Rod
  17. rfarris

    Balloon Jumps

    Having never made a balloon jump, mostly because of them not being readily available down at the DZ I once hung around , and the other was the price of a lift ticket when one did come around, I couldn't share first hand experiences from a balloon. BUT, I would say if you had the chance to jump from one, yea, I'm sure it would be an excellent way to experience a freefall from a fixed object, getting the feel of dead air, going into a track immediately after you launch and maintaining your heading. Are they a good way to get ready for BASE? Well, possibly from the standpoint of the launch to the deployment. But I don't think balloon jumps could prepare you for the decisions BASE jumpers make at opening. Especially from low objects. If you get the chance to balloon jump, go for it. Jump as many times as you can (afford). Try to stay head high and stable on all of them before going into your track. Have fun!! Rod
  18. rfarris


    I've never been in this situation, But have often thought about how I'd react if I was on my way up and the MAN showed up and demanded I come back down. I just recently climbed back down off of a 600 footer for the first time a few nights ago because of freaky winds (hey T.M. wish you could have been there, hope you're having fun in TF by the way). That climbing back down shit sucks. If the winds are right, I ain't climbing back down for no one. I figure my survival chances are greater if I make the jump, rather than climbing back down. Besides, If HE catches you on the thing, you're already in trouble whether you jump or not, right? Might as well give him a show. Maybe he'll be so impressed that I'm a BASE jumper, he'll forget all about it. Yea right. YeeHaww!!!! Rod
  19. rfarris


    Nice video! Welcome back. Ouch on the landing. Looked like it hurt. To my untrained eye, and my poor playback quality, it looked like something was dragging behind the right side of the canopy. I saw it just as the camera zoomed in to you and just before you went sizzling over the tree tops. Thought maybe you had lost a steering toggle. Anyway, I'm thinking why turn around and take the downwind landing? Of course without having been there and seeing the landing area in your sector at the base of the tower, I'm just speculating that the downwind was the best option. It looked like to me the wind was blowing strong enough that you may have been able to hold your position facing the tower with some 1/2 brakes, and S-turns to bring it on down. Nice jump Faber. Rod
  20. rfarris


    Faber, I demand the video drop me an email with it. Rod
  21. rfarris

    Just got my B

    Congrats Mac!!
  22. That is my biggest fear also. A couple I climb are outside climbs. Which means small "A", which translates into climbing around the outside of the tower at exit point to the sector I'm exiting. Then, once on the side of the tower I want to be on, I have to do an "about face" wilst hanging on. So back to the original post, yea, antennas are dangerous. (only my point of view) What really scares me is once I get to the exit point on the ladder, I latch onto a rung with my D-ring and tether and lean back so I can make final gear preperations. Because once I get to the side I'm exiting, it's pretty much hanging there waiting for cars to pass, or that damn train to go by. cya Rod P.S. I lost my jump partner today. He headed out for that span in the spud State. Have fun T.M.
  23. I'm not familiar with that camera, but it's not a light leak. A light leak would burn the film, meaning overexsposure. The overexposed portion of the film would be lighter, not darker. The more light that hits the film, the lighter the picture. Less light, and the picture will be darker. I think your problem has something to do with the shutter not fully opening during exposure. Have you tried visiting one of the many photography websites on the web? you'll find your answer there. Rod