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Everything posted by rfarris

  1. rfarris


    I thought I recognized you chickenman.... wuzz up?
  2. rfarris

    PD Slinks

    Faber, please send me money!
  3. rfarris

    PD Slinks

    Let's see...it's 1/4 turn past finger tight? Or, is that when tightening the wing nut on the PVC p-trap under my kitchen sink. Hell, I can't remember. I've debated whether or not to use the Slinks on my BASE rig. My initial thought on using them was what benefit would I gain by using them. If they are in fact stronger than the steel ones, then I guess they wouldn't be such a bad idea. And I see DB's point also. If I am constantly taking my slider off between jumps, I would think the potential for error is greater with the Slinks. And those errors have greater negative results from 300' than 10,500'. But on the other hand, like you A.D., I think they are easy to install. YeeHaww........... Rod
  4. It has been my experience with most 1hr photo labs that the actual print quality is not very good, on average. Not to say that I don't ever get good prints from them. But for those tricky exposure situations such as night photography, or where there are high key and low key subjects in your photo, the 1hr machines tend to blow those. A lot of people may not realize it, but those pictures that they get back that didn't "turn out", actually may be because of the print machine's inability to print the photo the way the photographer intended the finished photo to look. As far as your question....yes. You can have your roll(s) developed and printed at the 1 hr, then later have a custom lab print the negative exactly how you want it. Assuming the negative is printable. I recommend this. You'd be amazed in the difference. Negative processing is pretty much standard, except for certain alterations in processing that professional photographers request, such as "pushing" and "pulling" the film. But that doesn't really come in to play with skydiving. This whole thing can be simplified by going digital, or shooting transparency (slide) film, then scanning the negative onto the computer. That way you can make sure your print is exactly how you want it. Keep shooting Rod
  5. HH, I still have to go through the forgot password routine in order to log on. Deleting my cookies periodically didn't seem to make a difference. It's no biggie though. Just takes me 15 seconds longer to log on. Thanks for your help
  6. rfarris

    ???? Jumping

    This whole thread has taken so many different turns, that I'm not sure I'm commenting on the original topic. But I would like to share how I, and maybe at least one more jumper down here in our little bitty BASE world think. But we've been known to not think like the normal folk from time to time so be warned. First, I feel your entry into the sport should be a PERSONAL one. Not because you feel pressured from the "cool dudes" that are doing it. Then, if you are really interested in getting into it, it's up to YOU to learn as much as you can about it before you make that jump. Just like you are responsible for your own Skydive, you are also responsible for your own BASE jumping. This can be done several ways already mentioned somewhere in this thread. Your so called "mentor" will know just from a few minutes of talking with you whether or not you are really the right person to be going off his hard earned object or not. Trust me, you can tell the difference between someone who is just curious, and someone who wants to BASE jump more than anything else in the world. It's all about the preparation, and your level of dedication that will win you over with another BASE jumper. And I agree with CrazyThomas, unless you are fortunate enough to travel the BASE circuit and hit all the legal sites at your leizure, if you want to jump, you will break a law here or there. You won't have impressive jump #'s, but you'll be jumping. And you will be very protective of the sites you have worked hard to open and keep open. The curious skydiver that just wants to make one experimental jump off your object to see if BASE is for them, probably wont be on your next load. They have annual festivals in an easterly State for that. Rod
  7. rfarris

    opening shock

    Speaking for myself here, I personally don't find any of my BASE openings(slider or not) being anywhere near the shock I used to get from some of my Sabre openings. But I'm sure everyone here has their own tolerance for hard(fast) openings. Mine happens to be high. It's part of the whole experience for me. But keeping in mind that the general rule is not to go more than 3 seconds without a slider. Anymore than that, and I'm sure they would cross the fine line between pleasantly brisk, and painful. I remember my first slider off jump how after I tossed my pilot chute and prepared myself for what I thought was going to be the "opening from hell", actually turned out to be not so bad. And haven't been since. (now watch, tomorrow night I'll probably get my ass slammed!) Rod
  8. Well I'll be damned. How dare you Tom for offering your opinions to your BASE brothers about different gear without so much as holding a rigger's certification. With all due respect to you Kevin, we (or I) don't really give a shit if Tom holds any of these prestigious titles. The fact of the matter is, the dude (Tom) is jumping is ass off with all types of different manufacturors gear and sharing his opinions on the comfort, reliability, and overall user friendliness of the gear. I've never met you, and Tom wouldn't know me from Adam (the Biblical dude, not the CR dude) So this is an unbiased opinion from a nobody BASE jumper who makes their gear decisions based on other jumper's opinions about certain gear. Keep the gear reviews coming Tom. Rod
  9. (I'm an avid weight lifter) Dave, 16 oz.'ers don't count. Rod
  10. Why does anyone ask skydiving related questions on the skydive boards? I think it is just an affirmation of information. I personally don't plan my next BASE jump by what I read on any board. That just don't make since. And while I, for one, value any information I get from any BASE jumper, be it face to face or message board, I don't take it as the Golden Rule. And yes your right, not everyone has access to experienced jumpers. Some of us have to wait until they get back home from their exotic BASE vacations, or, we just decide to go huck stuff alone. (But never without a driver) Rod
  11. Thanks.... Just another pretty Tx sunset. Rod
  12. This coming from mostly a lurker, rather than poster, on either of the websites, I don't think there is an issue with one site taking the other's readers. Or,if there is an issue, then so what? We live in the age of information, and we want it as fast and as easy as we can get it. There is more than enough room on this WWW. for more than one BASE informational site. I personally find this board more aesthetically appealing. Does that mean I don't ever visit Blinc? No. Because the answers to the more technical questions I'm looking for usually are posted over on that board. And then, it's usually from searching the archives. Not that there isn't any qualified jumpers here on this one. It's just that this one is probably more set up for the curious skydiver. Which there is nothing wrong with that because we all started out as a curious skydiver. or at least I was one. Oh yea Hookitt, I still skydive also. Always will too. But that's another thread......
  13. rfarris


    Not a bad question... Your first question is kinda open though. I will comment on the second part of it since you asked, and this is an open forum: My personal comfort level currently is no lower than 300' for a freefall jump. I don't do static line or buddy assist. And I don't climb much above 600'. It's (very) hard work, especially when your jumping multiple objects in one night. Hope that answers at least part of your question, (from my perspective anyway.) There are a lot more jumpers here with broader comfort levels than this newbie! Rod
  14. try this: http://raynox.co.jp/english/video/egvideoindex.htm Rod
  15. rfarris

    Protective Gear

    I have this slightly older model (check out my forum pic--I've got the full set on in that photo). Quote Are you also wearing those sexy leather pants?
  16. rfarris

    How do you pack?

    I currently use the standing pro pack method. Then lay it on the ground and finish detailing it out. I use clamps if I have them available at the time. Have tried to flat pack, but I am more comfortable with the standing pack job. I pretty much follow CR's video. Rod
  17. rfarris

    Just Curious

    As far as "Downsizing with progression" is concerned, I would say No. In fact, from my (limited) experience, and from talking with other BASE jumpers, it may be just the opposite. It's not uncommon to hear of BASE jumpers actually upsizing. My personal wing loading is around .72, which suits me just fine for the objects I jump, and the landing areas I land in. Normally, soft dirt. But I can easily understand why a jumper would want a bigger wing. I guess it all depends on what your comfortable with, and experience level, and whether your landing in a field, or city sidewalks. Rod
  18. I can't login from the Sigh In screen. I have to go through the "Forgot Password" routine, answer the security question, retrieve the password I'm typing in at the original sign in screen, retype the password, then I login. ??? Rod
  19. Riggerrob, Does this hold true for F111 material also? I ask because I just bought a used Falcon otherwise in great shape except for a small rip, up around the bridle attachment point where the fabric was obviously stuck between the bag grommit, and bridle. I put a piece of ripstop on it, on the upper surface and the lower surface of the tear. Is the tape degrading the fabric even when it's just laying dormant in my gear bag? Rod
  20. Thanks for your response Thomas. More specifically, my object is a 320' freestanding "A", with open landing areas on three of the four sides . The possible downwind landing I'm aware of, and have done. But then again, the times I've jumped it, the grounds winds have been next to none. but I was curious if a high tail wind at the platform has an effect on canopy inflation, heading, or PC entanglement? Rod
  21. I may be way off base here, (no pun intended), but is there such thing as too much tail wind on short delays. And I'm not talking about hurricane force winds here, but maybe something in the range of 20-30 mph tail winds. Just curious as to what are other people's limits on winds , and why? Rod
  22. Another good (very good), alternative to the Rebel series is Minolta's Maxxum 5. Especially if you one day decide to mount the accessory flash on your helmet also. With such features as off-camera wireless flash capability, and high shutter speed flash sync, (being able to use the flash at 1/4000th of a second) is amazing for the relatively low price of this camera body. It also only weighs 12oz., and is advertized as the smallest and lightest 35mm SLR camera body available today. Geez..I sound like a Minolta salesman. Just sold on Minolta. Just my friendly advice!
  23. rfarris

    BASE-jumper at DZ`s

    No flame taken "Crazy Thomas". And yes, BASE jumping is a great sport. Just as skydiving is. That was the meaning of my statement, had it been taken in context. And true, I know this is a BASE forum, which before Nov. 1st, was predominately a skydiving forum board hosted on Dropzone.com Rod
  24. rfarris

    BASE-jumper at DZ`s

    okay Faber....I couln't pass on this one. This has "Jerry Springer" all over it. ( Sorry ,just a little American humor.) Sounds to me like something is missing from this episode, though. I mean, are they against you because of your BASE jumping, or is it that, plus something else? I have a hard time imagining why a DZ would discriminate against you just for being a BASE jumper, who had an accident and got injured. There are alot of BASE jumpers here in the States that hold ratings such as ST&A, Tandem, AFF, etc...., and are active in those postitions. One thing I'd deffinately not do, is move to a different DZ. Stand your ground. Hang in there dude! You've got the best of both worlds going for you. You want to progress in the great sport of skydiving, and, you want to continue BASE jumping. I know this does not help you much, but, I don't think anyone else but you knows the answer to your problem. Rod