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Everything posted by captain1976

  1. If look in ebay you will find a bunch of sellers Blue Skies You live more in the few minutes of skydiving than many people live in their lifetime
  2. I think with all the support coming in no one will go hungry once order is established. So money will probably not be needed. However I like the organizations sending new clothing and shoes which are in dire need and thats what I am supporting. You live more in the few minutes of skydiving than many people live in their lifetime
  3. He was one of my best friends in this whole, great big world of ours. A great guy & one of the most intense competitors ever; and it never showed. JerryBaumchen Jerry, I do remember one of those squares as it was the first one I ever saw. He told me he built it himself. I was pretty young at the time and was quite amazed that someone could actually build a parachute. I also remember he was super nice and kind of a quite guy. I heard he moved to the west and bought it in a turbine of some kind. I'm happy to have his signatures in my logbook. You live more in the few minutes of skydiving than many people live in their lifetime
  4. I'm sure NASA would be more than happy to accommodate us jumpers in the interest of public relations. As we speak they are probably preparing invitations through the skydiving media. You live more in the few minutes of skydiving than many people live in their lifetime
  5. Here is the answer I wrote before; "Mine was an engine fire that turned the cabin IFR with tons of black smoke in a matter of seconds. The jumpers had already left and I was on the way down. It was so thick I had to feel my way to jump door handle. Got a lot of smoke in my lungs too. This shit happens lightning fast." Thats about it except for the fact there was no insurance on the plane and the FAA didn't even care about it since there was no injuries or property damage. Speculation was that the culprit was some kind of oil/fuel leak in the engine compartment which caught fire. Though the plane was destroyed and the fire was put out when the plane hit, the conclusion was drawn by the mechanic who went through the wreckage. You live more in the few minutes of skydiving than many people live in their lifetime
  6. I happen to agree with the science of "The Bell Curve" in drawing conclusions on the subject. You mean - based on the premise of the book in the link - that people of certain races are have an innate genetic propensity to be less intelligent? Here's your card. One can believe in the science surrounding genetics and intelligence without being a racist. You live more in the few minutes of skydiving than many people live in their lifetime
  7. I can imaging the neighborhood where the $14 rate is paid, Sounds pretty dangerous You live more in the few minutes of skydiving than many people live in their lifetime
  8. Awagnon, Here is the answer you are looking for. I am about the same age as you and am experienced with both the Silhouette and the Pilot. Though the Sil will be a little easier to pack, the timing of the flair is much more critical than the Pilot. The Pilot is fine, but after a few demo jumps on a few different canopies, here is what I picked. The Spectre! Not only does it fly great, the openings are all very soft because of its built in snivel. After 60 jumps on it (4 months) I can honestly say I never had a bad landing. The flair is much more powerful than the Sil & Pilot, both of which required more attention to shutting it down. I wish I knew about the Spectre years ago as it would have saved me some bumps and bruises. You live more in the few minutes of skydiving than many people live in their lifetime
  9. A survey of McDonalds employees found they preferred Burger King (Hungry Jack to you Aussies) in taste. But I agree that it tastes like shit compared to the others. They probably need more food additives. I don't know about pillaging of forests though. According to a recent report, there are more trees today in the US than there were 100 years ago. This is because those harvesting are required to plant more than they take. Proof of this is the fact that lumber and paper are pretty cheap. You live more in the few minutes of skydiving than many people live in their lifetime
  10. I think the common denominator is less about geography, and more about stability (or lack thereof) of governments and political systems. I happen to agree with the science of "The Bell Curve" in drawing conclusions on the subject. You live more in the few minutes of skydiving than many people live in their lifetime
  11. Probably should, but the reaction of some here is entertaining in itself. You live more in the few minutes of skydiving than many people live in their lifetime
  12. Economics have never worked in South American or Africa, both have always depended on others for technology and outside help. You live more in the few minutes of skydiving than many people live in their lifetime
  13. Yeah, it is. Especially when Charlie's was a simple flip over when he broke his neck. But thats the fate of dozens of pilots I have known over the years who bought it either practicing for or performing at airshows. Jumping has its hazards but that airshow stuff is far more dangerous. You live more in the few minutes of skydiving than many people live in their lifetime
  14. On the subject of lying about skydiving, when I was 16 and drove up to the DZ for the first time, the first question they asked me is if I ever jumped before. I told them yes because I thought a NO would disqualify me. I didn't know they had training and I wanted to do it so bad. Then I was asked if I had my parents permission and again I lied. For some strange reason they didn't believe me and made me bring back a permission letter. I promptly forged a note from my Father and brought it back the next weekend. The rest is history. You live more in the few minutes of skydiving than many people live in their lifetime
  15. I think Barbara gave most of that stuff to Bob Mathews of the National Parachute Testing Center in Florida. Mathews was Steve's partner in some businesses and took care of a lot of his affairs. That's where I found this stuff while helping to clean out an old warehouse but I will ask him when he gets back in town. You live more in the few minutes of skydiving than many people live in their lifetime
  16. Hi Jerry, I am familiar with the 28' 1.6 lopo as I owned a checkerboard model. Since we are in the trivia section I will add that I loaned it to Kevin Shea of the skydiving team Exedus. While hanging on the side of Mister Douglas it deployed and he went for a nice ride, cut it away and it was never seen again. we had several experimental canopies jumped at our DZ in the 70's. Jim Lowe brought out all kinds of weird stuff as I think he worked for Paragear at the time. I confirmed with an old jumper friend at breakfast that we did have a 28 lopo of some kind and it had some oval slots. When I saw the picture I just assumed it was the same thing. You live more in the few minutes of skydiving than many people live in their lifetime
  17. Doctors kill people every day with impunity while administering drugs and medicine. (my dear Father included). Get a big name in the picture and out comes the prosecutors like flies on shit. Political grandstanding to make a name for themselves is the typical of this vermin. You live more in the few minutes of skydiving than many people live in their lifetime
  18. Tonight, delicious spaghetti with meatballs (banquet) Tomorrow, the runs You live more in the few minutes of skydiving than many people live in their lifetime
  19. Thanks. You live more in the few minutes of skydiving than many people live in their lifetime
  20. I never looked into it but maybe someone can answer the question if jumpers who are licensed are on a list anywhere. I know USPA lists them when awarded but do they publish such a list? Regarding your friend, I really don't think he's a skydiver. some people think being one puts them into some kind of category of being a courageous daredevil or something like that. You live more in the few minutes of skydiving than many people live in their lifetime
  21. Yes, many of us hate those rude fucking words. But in regards to the story, I think its beautiful. You live more in the few minutes of skydiving than many people live in their lifetime
  22. Who knows where the 1st one went, it probably was never saved. This one looks like a sawed off broomstick. You live more in the few minutes of skydiving than many people live in their lifetime
  23. I don't think many of the newbies ever heard of him but many of us know of his many contributions to our sport. Was going through some boxes with his stuff the other day and ran across these. The plaque is pretty big and mounted on some varnished wood but I was able to scan and reduce it to a picture to be readable You live more in the few minutes of skydiving than many people live in their lifetime
  24. Please explain You live more in the few minutes of skydiving than many people live in their lifetime
  25. It seems your idea of what makes a bond is a lot more limited than mine. That aside, I do not see how a bond/pet/name make the situations any different w/r/t importance of protection. What's confusing? A family member, human or not, is worth more than a criminal. As someone else said, it may not ranked over another person like in the road. Please define a criminal. Is it someone who is a cold blooded killer or someone who fell victim to some laws put in place by grandstanding politicians for political gain? Remember, one of the largest lobby groups in the US is opposed to and vigorously fights marijuana legalization. The group they represent is the Correctional Officers Unions. You live more in the few minutes of skydiving than many people live in their lifetime