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Everything posted by captain1976

  1. I spoke at length today with an FAA Inspector at Jacksonville FISDO. He got back to me later since he wanted to research the subject. He as well as other Inspectors all confirmed there is no regulation that states a jump pilot must wear a parachute. He added that it would be unlikely there was any consideration on the subject in previous years since the primary duty of the FAA is to protect the public and passengers and doesn't interfere with a Pilots personal choice. Even pilots doing aerobatics do not have to have one if they are alone, just while carrying passengers then both must have them. You live more in the few minutes of skydiving than many people live in their lifetime
  2. Loose upon who Thanks for taking your time to find a typo You live more in the few minutes of skydiving than many people live in their lifetime
  3. Someone insulted my Kitty this morning by calling him a democrat. I immediately protested that horrible accusation and was confronted by some quesitons: First , does Kitty get free housing? I answered Yes. Secondly, does Kitty get free food?, Again I answered Yes. Lastly I was asked if Kitty got free medical. I had to reluctantly concede that Kitty was in fact a democrat. "Very Sad Indeed" You live more in the few minutes of skydiving than many people live in their lifetime
  4. I will have to agree at least partially, the part where I should be locked up. You live more in the few minutes of skydiving than many people live in their lifetime
  5. Closet liberal. Its disheartening to be accused of having a mental disorder like liberalism, especially since I worked so hard to achieve credibility, common sense and dignity which they lack. You live more in the few minutes of skydiving than many people live in their lifetime
  6. Serial killers, including Manson, Gein, Bundy, Dahmer and Gacy are simply mentally ill. They definitely need to be locked up to protect society, but killing them is simply an act of revenge for those that want it. Most recent studies have found that most of these people suffered from some type of head injury in their earlier lives. You live more in the few minutes of skydiving than many people live in their lifetime
  7. Ridiculous, there is no reason in hell to punish the innocent car owner. No way the cops could get away with that here, if they did try it they would be open to a big law suit which they would loose. You live more in the few minutes of skydiving than many people live in their lifetime
  8. Yes, unfortunately fanatics who put animals and trees before people don't agree that they were put here for our use. If they were not, then just the laws of nature deem that its survival of the fittest and they are not. I don't believe in abusing these gifts and they should be protected to a degree, but we come first. You live more in the few minutes of skydiving than many people live in their lifetime
  9. captain1976


    The issue with VOIP and satellite is about latency. The only fix would be to change the laws of physics. Recommended maximum latency for VOIP is 150ms. A link using a geosynchronous satellite is ~250ms. The problem is that with high latency is that people will keep talking over each other. Uhh yeah. I will take your word for it. You live more in the few minutes of skydiving than many people live in their lifetime
  10. Its a 28' LoPo made by Pioneer. As I recall they used oval and rectangular slots. Here's another model found on the internet You live more in the few minutes of skydiving than many people live in their lifetime
  11. What was it, reserve into the horizontal stab? No, but Jimmy Godwin almost bought it that way in '75 and he didn't have a choice since, no chute. He fought the plane all the way back but told me he would have bailed if wearing a chute. Mine was an engine fire that turned the cabin IFR with tons of black smoke in a matter of seconds. The jumpers had already left and I was on the way down. It was so thick I had to feel my way to jump door handle. Got a lot of smoke in my lungs too. This shit happens lightning fast. You live more in the few minutes of skydiving than many people live in their lifetime
  12. captain1976


    I heard that using it on wireless as well as satellite internet was a problem. Maybe they fixed it in recent years. Anyone know the answer? You live more in the few minutes of skydiving than many people live in their lifetime
  13. I recall years ago that I called the FAA on that very subject. I was informed that yes, everyone aboard including the pilot must wear an emergency rig. When questioning several jump pilots recent years they told me it was optional. So either they are wrong, i was informed wrongly or the FAA changed the FAR's. I have a friend in the Milwaukee FISDO who I will call tomorrow and have him give me an interpenetration of any FAR pertaining to such and these days I always ask for a letter of verification. I will post my findings and will send a copy by PM to all that ask. I personally had to bail out of a 182 in 1976 and will never get into the pilot seat without one. They have saved far too many lives (including mine) to take a chance. You live more in the few minutes of skydiving than many people live in their lifetime
  14. I love ultimatums. Had a very productive employee who was priceless once give me an ultimatum about another employee who was very unproductive. Guess who got the shaft? Employers who bend to any ultimatum immediately loose control and respect. I would have on the spot fired that person in front of everyone, case closed. IanHarrop mentioned 5% jerks but I feel it less than that. Arguments among staff in front of others simply shows a lack of character and class. It also depicts individuals who cannot control their emotions. Regardless of how important they are to a facility, point them in the right direction and kick their ass out the door. You live more in the few minutes of skydiving than many people live in their lifetime
  15. He could save himself a lot of trouble by visiting just about any DZ on a Sunday morning. He wouldn't have to bend over, just mingle.
  16. I understand as I feel the same way, however I did find a cure. I simply don't watch or read anything negative anymore. Its hard to get used to but you will find your stress and anxiety lever will diminish greatly if you just don't read that shit. It takes a bit getting used to, but we can't carry the woes of the world on our shoulder. You live more in the few minutes of skydiving than many people live in their lifetime
  17. Police are hunting a man who carried out what they describe as ‘bizarre’ sexual assaults after he repeatedly knelt behind a shelf stacker to smell his behind. The man was caught creeping up on the unsuspecting worker at least 20 times as he stacked shelves at a Co-op store in Plymouth. The footage shows him casually pretending to chose items from shelves before suddenly crouching down behind the employee: Guess this qualifies as a new meaning for “crack sniffing” You live more in the few minutes of skydiving than many people live in their lifetime
  18. Tensile Strength: 2500 lbs. and 6oz each. The only failure I have ever heard of is just the spring, not failure of the metal which would be catastrophic. My friend just put them on and I think I will join him. Again its a matter of getting into the gear as we get old and brittle. You live more in the few minutes of skydiving than many people live in their lifetime
  19. Its always good to plan ahead for such events. Just like in the movie Casino, its best to have a hole pre-dug just in case. You never know when an emergency will arise and a nice secluded place with power and plenty of privacy is a wise idea. Of course you will want to keep it to yourself forever. You live more in the few minutes of skydiving than many people live in their lifetime
  20. Judges and Prosecutors do not want jurors to know the actual power they have. Everyone who serves on a jury should check out what most people don't know. Remember, the Salem Witch trials where they hanged, drowned and tortured innocent people was not stopped because prosecutors decided they were wrong, rather they stopped because jurors acquitted over 100 of these trials in a row so prosecutors just gave up. Other than some real hanis crimes, prosecutors for the most part prosecute for their own personal gain and not because its in the best interest of society. You live more in the few minutes of skydiving than many people live in their lifetime
  21. how are 2 people duct taped inside SEVERAL fast food restaurant dumpsters? Did the bikers separate them into more managable pieces or something? Don't they understand how warm leather is on cold days? (Especially when you hand cut it off the animal's freshly dead body.) They only do it to help stay warm. Actually throwing the bodies in a freezer is much easier and not as messy. You simply cut up the pieces once frozen and then put them into the dumpster. You live more in the few minutes of skydiving than many people live in their lifetime
  22. Skyrider, I really dont think it spells death, but it may slow down a few loads until the pilots and controllers get used to the change. I find most controllers very accommodating. What my main bitch is that all this money wasted for nothing. You live more in the few minutes of skydiving than many people live in their lifetime
  23. who would go to Ft Pierce unless they have to? I work there, it's the arm pit of florida Yes, can you imaging the idiots in the city and county government who succeeded in convincing each other of all the jets that would come to that shithole if they modernized the airport and put in a tower? What a bunch of morons. Just look at the demographics of that town. I wouldn't drive through there unless I'm armed. You live more in the few minutes of skydiving than many people live in their lifetime
  24. At my age I can no longer think 20 years ahead for anything, except maybe the kind of wheelchair I will use to get me to the jump plane. You live more in the few minutes of skydiving than many people live in their lifetime
  25. I wouldn't consider any officials in Iran Conservatives, rather they are fanatics, and I wouldn't insult the protesters by calling them liberals. You live more in the few minutes of skydiving than many people live in their lifetime