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Everything posted by Zenister

  1. Zenister

    One word

    I'd feel sad about that, Facebook is actual friends and family both in and out of skydiving. This is a soulless corporate owned web forum now that just happens to be about my favorite sport...even if I once made some good friends here.. ____________________________________ Those who fail to learn from the past are simply Doomed.
  2. Zenister

    One word

    Didn't you mean abominable I guess you did not get the PM to lay off the PA's huh You got a PM? Heh I got instabanned just for a well deserved 'fuck off' :P also amused that autocomplete wanted that to say 'duck Hoff's' ____________________________________ Those who fail to learn from the past are simply Doomed.
  3. I'm fairly happy, I can follow along during the work day, but it is still criminal that the videos aren't being posted at least daily if not every round as they land...I mean really what decade is this??? I can watch video from ski resorts, river guides and even scuba trips in near real-time. ____________________________________ Those who fail to learn from the past are simply Doomed.
  4. I will get on a tracking dive pretty much anytime with anyone. Usually I'm the one that looks like he's enjoying the lazy formation dive you guys have going ;-) ____________________________________ Those who fail to learn from the past are simply Doomed.
  5. This. You are in or out. Everything or Nothing otherwise you are just a "gf". Everything in life is an economic transaction, you give something for something else. It is NEVER an equal transaction when love is involved, until you accept that everyone brings different capabilities but equal levels of commitment into a relationship you aren't serious about the relationship. A mother gives everything she is in exchange for her children's smile. Its all in what you value. ____________________________________ Those who fail to learn from the past are simply Doomed.
  6. Got to love luddites. Its like they don't actually want to promote the sport by making scores easily accessable. "We know the results but we'll tell the fans when we are damn good and ready.." :( ____________________________________ Those who fail to learn from the past are simply Doomed.
  7. "We show you the egg. You suck it yourself." ____________________________________ Those who fail to learn from the past are simply Doomed.
  8. 1 word. Milla Doesn't matter what it is if she's in it I'm there, been an addict since Dazed and Confused where she looked amazingly like a girl I was dating then (and probably should have hung on to) Saw her sing in Vegas with Puscifer and fell farther down the rabbit hole.. ____________________________________ Those who fail to learn from the past are simply Doomed.
  9. If anyone ever invents a functional cloning device you are going to have a line of men infront of your house ;) ____________________________________ Those who fail to learn from the past are simply Doomed.
  10. Interesting comment. Especially the "real life" part ... and you made it here ... This. 10/10 for irony. ____________________________________ Those who fail to learn from the past are simply Doomed.
  11. Zenister

    One word

    Random. And bored otherwise wouldn't be wasting time here... ____________________________________ Those who fail to learn from the past are simply Doomed.
  12. The studio xps dells are good machines for the money. Which is What it comes down to the low end of any manufacturer is terrible. Avoid apple completely unless you want to sell Your soul to Jobs forever and never learn hoe your machine really works. That said when you get whatever you get have someone who knows how they work remove the bloatware (everything you don't need for your use) and make a backup CD from there. ____________________________________ Those who fail to learn from the past are simply Doomed.
  13. Did that once on Presto (Primus opened) and sort of in Vegas last month. Rush first, then Primus at the midnight show afterwards (Rush was there on in the wings, but didnt walk out on stage unfortunately) Might be hard to catch them on the same bill now, but the tour overlaps a few times again this year so you might be able to catch them in the same week at least.... got a couple of tshirts for this one... I'd swear off it (and warn you against it) but I know myself to well to pretend I wont be drawn like moths to the flame when I find another one ____________________________________ Those who fail to learn from the past are simply Doomed.
  14. to bad YOU didn't learn anything while you were in service. Fuck you for disrespecting my family, my friends, all of those who have served and died. Do you recall your Oath? Does it still hold meaning to you? Have you READ the document you swore it to? Does it mean anything to you? Apparently not because you seem to think that enforcing a pledge (one made up to spite the Communist threat and so become more like them) means more than the Principles the flag represents? Communist countries mandate oaths of loyalty by their youth, and here I thought you were an American, but instead you illustrate that lip service, and mandated ritual, and words repeated on order is what matters over principles. No one has to stand, no one has to salute, no one is forced to give any more respect than they CHOOSE to show; to the flag, to the soldiers who died for it, or to you (despite your disrespect for the fact of their sacrifice) because of their service, the absolute commitment to their Oath and the price they paid because of it. Every serviceman VOLUNTARILY swears and oath to the Constitution, the foundation of our country. Inherent in that document (one you apparently haven't read despite your oath to it) is the FREEDOM TO CHOOSE. Respect is given VOLUNTARILY as well, or it means nothing. I respect the Oath, I respect the Constitution, I respect those who have died in service of our country. I CHOOSE to do so. Every time you attempt to force someone to pay what you believe is 'due respect' you are spitting on the oath, the flag and sacrifice made by our service members to ensure that choice is not made for you or for future generations. You I have no respect for, for you fail to understand what is truly important, why the sacrifice is necessary, and yet still call yourself a patriot while demanding that choice be taken away from others. If a child wants to sit through the pledge of allegiance (or any pledge like the ridiculous Obama chant you bring up) it is their right to do so... our service men die to guarantee it. ____________________________________ Those who fail to learn from the past are simply Doomed.
  15. The Bible or just John (if it was indeed the same John) having a bad acid trip? That's the thing I've never understood about Revelations. Jesus never said it. Why is that even part of it? another easy one. Because the core message of Jesus doesn't give anything for the zealots to hang on to, its far more peaceful and accepting than Christian dogma as a whole, and therefore much harder to 'recruit' the young and passionate to, where as "God's wrath will rain down on the unbeliever and the righteous and the martyred will be rewarded with (not only) eternal life but get great seats to divine vengeance" is a much better carrot as a recruiting tool. and the genius of it is that its open ended... nearly 2000 years have passed with the zealots drooling for the end days, and now they can make books and movies about it to make money off it so they can live in sin and luxury while awaiting sell it to future generations of fanatics. ____________________________________ Those who fail to learn from the past are simply Doomed.
  16. Wrong. Dead wrong. What they fought and died for was the FREEDOM FROM the exact kind of indoctrination you are now advocating as mandatory. I'd rather recite the Deceleration of Independence, or the preamble to the Constitution itself, both actually MEAN something the pledge of allegiance does not. No one swears an oath to the pledge of allegiance, no one who dies in a war does so for the pledge of allegiance, forcing it down the throat of another generation flies in the face and spits on the sacrifice of those who have died for the Constitution. sad that so many 'patriots' cant see the difference. Maybe you should attend a military funeral, to remind you of what the flag means to the military. Oh, wait - they honor that flag and their country - guess that means they aren't 'patriots' in your eyes. I'll wager I've been to more THIS YEAR alone, than you have. They swore an oath to the CONSTITUTION, (so did you apparently) have you forgotten what that oath or the document you swore it to state? blind indoctrination has no part in either, those soldiers died so their children have the CHOICE to sit or stand through all such indoctrination. ____________________________________ Those who fail to learn from the past are simply Doomed.
  17. fyi its COLD at 18k ____________________________________ Those who fail to learn from the past are simply Doomed.
  18. this is sad but true... If I am myself (nice, mostly, some here who know me can attest) I end up with alot of friends (never enough friends but....) if I play cool, disinterested, aloof, arrogant asshole (which admittedly I can be as well, but its far more of a mask) it is like fishing with grenades... to easy... nice finishes last, by the time anyone recognizes you might have been the best choice available they are to far down the road in their current trainwreck and whatever moment you could have had is past... sad but truth. ____________________________________ Those who fail to learn from the past are simply Doomed.
  19. ok so I hate the term, but point being on a skydiving forum most of us have done quite a few things your 'normal human' has on their bucket list. What is the most interesting thing that remains to you (that you actually intend to/have a chance at doing)?? mine involves Niagara Falls and a barrel.. has since long before I was a skydiver even.... ____________________________________ Those who fail to learn from the past are simply Doomed.
  20. Wrong. Dead wrong. What they fought and died for was the FREEDOM FROM the exact kind of indoctrination you are now advocating as mandatory. I'd rather recite the Deceleration of Independence, or the preamble to the Constitution itself, both actually MEAN something the pledge of allegiance does not. No one swears an oath to the pledge of allegiance, no one who dies in a war does so for the pledge of allegiance, forcing it down the throat of another generation flies in the face and spits on the sacrifice of those who have died for the Constitution. sad that so many 'patriots' cant see the difference. ____________________________________ Those who fail to learn from the past are simply Doomed.
  21. get in the habit of locking your phone (top right push button) every time you put it away. Its a user problem related to the design, once you train yourself to do this prior to putting it into your pocket it will stop dialing randomly. Every new piece of equipment requires (re)training on the users part, at least if it is significantly different than the prior (flip phone for example) piece of equipment. ____________________________________ Those who fail to learn from the past are simply Doomed.
  22. You would not believe how livid some people* become when you use the phrase "Christian Mythology" in discussion. Its like they don't know what the word Mythos actually means... *usually the same ones who ask what bugs have to do with the discussion when you try to explain it to them. Etymology is such fun ____________________________________ Those who fail to learn from the past are simply Doomed.
  23. its really very easy... ever hear of 'Good Cop/Bad Cop'? OT = Bad Cop. ____________________________________ Those who fail to learn from the past are simply Doomed.
  24. Google docs works well too and you can access your files (and share if needed) your files from anywhere with an internet connection. ____________________________________ Those who fail to learn from the past are simply Doomed.
  25. Someone needs to be bitchslapped.. moneygrubbing idiot it wont bring your daughter back. She knew the risk whenshe stepped out of the plane. ____________________________________ Those who fail to learn from the past are simply Doomed.