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Everything posted by outrager

  1. Yo ! My old Classic (one of the very first made, used and abused a lot in the mountains and on skydives) is still flying. It does have a duct tape ass reinforcement, but otherwise is in good shape. S3 still looks like new after 3 years of good use. Wingsuits seem to last, unless you intentionally destroy them
  2. Well, yes.... but pulling at 2k instead of 3.5k adds half a minute bsbd! Yuri.
  3. Yo! Details have been posted. 200m antenna, 4 sets of guy wires (90 degree sectors). Guy wire strike. The wire cut through the riser on one side and lines on another, resulting in 100m fall. bsbd! Yuri.
  4. outrager


    Yo! Well, The Old And Brittle crew has abandoned an easy local object last weekend, in ideal conditions, with 4 rigs still packed. Presentiments? Hell no! Just old and lazy. Sometimes it's as simple as that bsbd! Yuri.
  5. There you go: http://photofile.ru/image.php?id=20528757 bsbd! Yuri.
  6. I initially read it as sushi after LSD... that's one of the most entertaining things on Earth, only second to sex on acid bsbd! Yuri.
  7. Yo ! Okey, here is a full-functional game preview: http://joecartoon.atomfilms.com/pages/livenletdive/ bsbd! Yuri.
  8. Oh, this is easy! "He who dies with the most toys, wins" bsbd! Yuri.
  9. I wish it were that easy... the only bulletproof answer is "hmm, it depends" In particular, it depends on what exactly are you going to strike: an object in front of you or an object/ground below you. This roughly draws the line between risers and toggles. Then again, if you are that close to the object and that far from the ground - why didn't you take it lower? bsbd! Yuri
  10. That's quite normal for a slider-up pack job... oh i forgot, you are retarded by 2 years Regarding the price, $20 seems a bit high... I hate to pack and ask for help alot. I only trust female base jumpers (more attention to details) and offer different incentives, but those usually end up being reciprocal bsbd! Yuri
  11. "Better to keep your mouth closed and be thought a fool than to open it and remove all doubt"? You really are retarded, aren't you? By a couple of years to be exact bsbd! Yuri.
  12. There we go, at least one saved life. Good for him/her! bsbd! Yuri.
  13. Most BASE students nowadays get to see a carnage tape that includes a fair number of fatalities filmed from multiple angles (including very graphic close-ups) and countless cliff strikes, broken bones, etc. While it provides a lot of technical info, the main goal is to give a reality check: this really may happen to you, and statistically - at least to some degree - will happen sooner or later. As far as i know, up to this day, nobody decided to quit after watching the tape. It is hard to estimate how many accidents the tape may have prevented, but nobody called it a waste of time yet. Of course most skydivers today are rather thin-skinned, and will likely provide very different statistics. bsbd! Yuri.
  14. ...and then inevitably post in every goddamn thread on the board. Dude, do you have a slightest idea about how annoying are you? bsbd! Yuri.
  15. You just missed seeing it in August ;-) Prodigy made it over the bar (1700m mark) still about 200m high, on the first try. It took many flights to reach the same spot on Classic in the good old days. bsbd! Yuri.
  16. I would correct this a bit: a wingsuit will start flying much much sooner. I usually substract 100m for the start and 100m for the opening, that's a good approximation. Thus a minimum glide to make LZ at ITW is about 1.6, which is quite easy. It is even reachable in Classic or Prodigy. There are many other advanced sites requiring a glide of 2..2.5, though. bsbd! Yuri.
  17. It pains me just to read this Anything over 10min is a horrible overkill. As for what a pack job would usually cost... well, let's not even go there bsbd! Yuri.
  18. http://dropzone.com/cgi-bin/forum/gforum.cgi?post=1901035;sb=post_latest_reply;so=ASC;forum_view=forum_view_collapsed;;page=unread#unread bsbd! Yuri.
  19. Yo ! After all the usual "get well soon", i would like to say this: There is no excuse for hitting a guy wire on a slider-up jump. This is a rare case where any fine, probation or jail time is well deserved and is hardly enough to punish for such a mortal sin. bsbd! Yuri.
  20. Can't believe this thread is still going! Allright. 6.5k highest, 0 lowest. This covers the whole range known as of today. bsbd! Yuri.
  21. Yo ! Did you check with Jeb? bsbd! Yuri.
  22. Phantom has a much higher glide ratio. bsbd! Yuri.
  23. Our friends in Russia have been jumping a somewhat similar forest tower, around 80m i believe. bsbd! Yuri.
  24. Let's just say that if we were to disclose the whole story, it would absolutely ruin Jaap's reputation. What a great piece of blackmail! I am completely puzzled by his logic and morals bsbd! Yuri.