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Everything posted by Txflier

  1. McBeth? I'm not the rope totin charlie Bronson wanna be that's getting us fucking lost.
  2. I'm not the rope totin charlie Bronson wanna be that's getting us fucking lost.
  3. QuoteI can help with formula translating but the OP's young, has no need for it and probably has no idea what I'm talking about anyway. Quoteand hey pops how do you know how old I am... I'm pretty sure it's not on my profile... but I could be wrong I can't remember things very well nowadays. I remember when I had to walk uphill both ways to school in the snow... I'm not the rope totin charlie Bronson wanna be that's getting us fucking lost.
  4. Yep, I remember it. It's sitill being used??? Quote Heres my box of punch cards I'll come back in 2 days after you have run them through the machine hopefully I didn't make any mistakes or I'll spend the next week trying to figure out which punch I missed. Matlab is based on C language and is used to compute Mathmatical equations for engineering purposes. When you have large amounts of data to compute. At least that is what I know of it so far. I'm sure there are many uses for it. Well here is the problem 2.16 upper right hand corner. I'll also post the code of what I have so far. Thanks Oh I have to rescan it, it didn't like my pdf file size. I'm not the rope totin charlie Bronson wanna be that's getting us fucking lost.
  5. I'm not the rope totin charlie Bronson wanna be that's getting us fucking lost.
  6. anybody I'm not the rope totin charlie Bronson wanna be that's getting us fucking lost.
  7. that's awesome. I bet the dogs appendage is possessed by a demon that want's his bone. dogs can pick up on that with there sixth sense I'm not the rope totin charlie Bronson wanna be that's getting us fucking lost.
  8. Hey does anybody know MATLAB I have a problem I'm working on I can't figure out. It should be fairly simple for anybody that deals with the language as this is an introductory course. I'm not the rope totin charlie Bronson wanna be that's getting us fucking lost.
  9. Quote "now check your pulse. tilt your head back listen and feel for breathing. If none is heard start mouth to mouth and chest compressions. If that doesn't work grab the difib and go to work on yourself" I'm not the rope totin charlie Bronson wanna be that's getting us fucking lost.
  10. Txflier

    Dog problem

    I'm not the rope totin charlie Bronson wanna be that's getting us fucking lost.
  11. Txflier

    Dog problem

    Quote Fuck that shit your villages priest should have had his dog chained up. Your dog was doing what he should have done protecting your kid. Just cause the little shit ass poodle probably couldn't have done any harm it would have been a different story if it was a big dog, pit bull or the like, that could have done some harm. While I feel bad for the poodle the owner should have been a better owner and made sure it didn't get loose. Give your dog a treat make sure when you walk him he is on a leash so people have no recourse to bitch. Sorry you have to deal with this shit but I would NEVER even think about putting my dog down or getting rid of him because he was protecting me or my kid. edited to add the other day I came out of my apt at 7 am and a pit bull was right outside he attacked my 13 year old german sheperd. Luckily even at 13 my dog was able to hold his own. while I got a hockey stick and wacked the pit right on the neck and he let go. A loose dog can be dangerous regardless of size. I'm not the rope totin charlie Bronson wanna be that's getting us fucking lost.
  12. Yes, but the babies belong to God, and what He gives me to care for, He can also take away. ... but lets not let this get to sc. I'm not the rope totin charlie Bronson wanna be that's getting us fucking lost.
  13. Well 1200 bucks would by me an AAD for my new rig. You could return all that stuff and by that knowing that you may have saved my life one day. That should make you feel better. I'm not the rope totin charlie Bronson wanna be that's getting us fucking lost.
  14. I'm not the rope totin charlie Bronson wanna be that's getting us fucking lost.
  15. Discovery cove is pretty fun. I'm not the rope totin charlie Bronson wanna be that's getting us fucking lost.
  16. "I'm a guy" Quote "oh yeah all the time since I had the sex change operation" I just did this show on Tyra and the guests picked one of the real girls as the one that had the operation. My doctor was excellent" I'm not the rope totin charlie Bronson wanna be that's getting us fucking lost.
  17. Well if she want's to play with em a little. "Yeah my girlfriend use to get really jealous, until we were out one night and got really drunk and she decided she wanted to have a threesome with the guy. After that she kinda likes it when I lure the guys in." edited to add: If she sees a ring on the finger. "yeah you wouldn't believe how many married assholes there are around. I feel so bad for their wives. It's good that your a faithful guy how long have you been with your wife? I'm not the rope totin charlie Bronson wanna be that's getting us fucking lost.
  18. I'm not the rope totin charlie Bronson wanna be that's getting us fucking lost.
  19. I bought myself my first rig cause Santa didn't bring one last year. 10 weeks and counting
  20. Yeah - extra altitude without having to show your boobies is always the nice thing to do. Some skychicks just aren't "allowed" to whip them out! That's just not right. Boobies should be "allowed" to fly free whenever the owner wants them too. I'm not the rope totin charlie Bronson wanna be that's getting us fucking lost.
  21. Maybe thats how you see it. For me, when I go to the drop zone, I stay all day long (just like skiing). I do all kinds of things from jumping, to learning to socializing to drinking beer. So I CAN compare the two. Easy killer no need to get all capital CAN on me. Of course you CAN do whatever you want. I just don't see how the two relate. When I go skiing I'll take at least forty runs, Hang out at the lodge, drink, socialize, Mmm chili bread bowls, hot tub at the end of the day etc. Damn I wanna go skiing now. But I really don't feel like getting in a debate I'm tired from studyin all day. If you see the relevance more power to ya. Both sports are great and i won't stop doing either. I think the price right now for both are not so bad. Though I do remember when you could get a all day ski pass for $20.
  22. Yeah but at a ski resort your skiing all day long, including rides to the top. Can't really compare the two I'm not the rope totin charlie Bronson wanna be that's getting us fucking lost.
  23. mitsuman seems to be popular with the ladies. Congrats on the A. Hopefully I get my an A on my final tomorrow. I'm not the rope totin charlie Bronson wanna be that's getting us fucking lost.
  24. Actually we are doing that next saturday. Jeff Dunham is coming to town and i bought 2 tickets thinking that my roommate and i were going to go then he tells me that he got stuck with duty so i have the extra ticket. I guess it happened for a reason though...assuming everything goes well tonight. She is about to get off work and call me so i will post up tomorrow about how it went...or whenever i get home..if it goes well...lol now I'm really confused I thought you didn't want to go to her place? oh well I'm studying so what can I really say about anything. I'm not the rope totin charlie Bronson wanna be that's getting us fucking lost.
  25. I'm confused Hot chick, her place, something will happen. thats all I saw in that post. What's the dilemma. If your scared about performance they have little blue pills for that. I'm not the rope totin charlie Bronson wanna be that's getting us fucking lost.