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Everything posted by amstalder

  1. Let's not be naive, but I sure hope we're in the mop up stages. I don't know... The objective was more than just find Bin Laden. We are fighting a "War on Terror," a culture so to speak.... Look at Iraq, Saddam was captured and executed five years ago, and our troops are still pretty active in Iraq. Sure no "combat" troops are in country but the troops that are there are still very much so in danger, and wear full armor on missions, you know? I think we're still a long ways from the end....
  2. Bertt, Billy, very glad you guys and your families are okay. I'm happy yall still have your homes as well.
  3. Have you forgotten what happened last time Billy tried to operate machinery? BTW Here is the Google mapping of the tornadoes: Thanks for the map.
  4. I'm glad to hear the Farm was missed. I'm glad your friend didn't lose his house. Sucks all around that we even have to have this conversation
  5. I'm glad it was just his house and not his life... How are things in Atlanta? I know this storm swept across the southeast, but most of the news seems to be focusing on the losses in northern Alabama.
  6. Billy will most likely be out of commission for a couple of days. He sent me a text about 20 minutes ago with the attached pic and the following message; Going on 16 hours now. Fridge and freezer contents are trashed by now. Have some perishables in 2 coolers filled with ice. Not likely to see power back on for a couple days. Emergency crews always do the big cities first and the tiny towns last. And the big cities got hit real bad... Why oh why did I forget the beer? He forgot the beer???? ---- Yeah, I thought about the power outages after I posted. Glad to hear he and (i'm assuming) his family are safe. Great picture . There's been a lot of tragedy in the world lately
  7. Alfredo anything! It's certainly not an exact science anymore, since I stopped following a recipe a long time ago. Make a roux (1 tb of flour and butter usually, but depends on how big a batch I'm making). A pint of heavy whipping cream slowly mixed into the roux (more if making a bigger batch). At least a cup of Parmesan cheese Salt and pepper to taste. Let simmer for awhile until everything is all melted together and whatever thickness you like, throw over some chicken and pasta, and eat!
  8. Please check in! Everyone, please send lots of vibes to those affected by these massive storms and tornadoes sweeping across the south this week.
  9. The first four times or so that I saw it was my favorite movie. It's still on my list of favorites, it's just less of a favorite than others now (probably because I watched it so many times after I first saw it). Mostly due to the weird factor. The book is definitely better. Correct me if I am wrong, but I am pretty sure both the book and the movie were banned in the UK for many years.
  10. But you must admit, Darius Rucker is damn good! Hmmm, things that annoy me? I'll get back to you on that.
  11. You know if she is "talented" I would give a size 1 girl a shot. What's wrong with a size 1?
  12. +1 My paychecks pay my entire monthly bill in the first paycheck (and then some)... so the second is fully expendable. I wonder what life would be like with a BS? You'd be barefoot in the kitchen with a baby on your hip Seriously, though, I'm going to graduate this year with my Bachelors, and it'll be a long time before I have a stable job. But I knew that coming into this marriage.
  13. He's not my type. I'm not under a size 8, wish to have children, and no B.S. And I don't go for guys. Scary
  14. Did they close the lid and door before they flushed? You know, I'm not sure I even heard a flush.... But they don't know that rule. I'm just going to sanitize the shit out of that bathroom when they leave (quite literally). And by "I'm" I mean Patrick. I'm going to start calling him your P3. I prefer the "Triple P" That's longer than just saying his name. I call him babe. I think he gets a little weirded out when I call him babe. Just the vibe I got. Sucks to be you! Ok, in all seriousness, I'm going to bed. I'm sure I'll regret it, but whatever lol. Goodnight yall
  15. Did they close the lid and door before they flushed? You know, I'm not sure I even heard a flush.... But they don't know that rule. I'm just going to sanitize the shit out of that bathroom when they leave (quite literally). And by "I'm" I mean Patrick. I'm going to start calling him your P3. I prefer the "Triple P" That's longer than just saying his name. I call him babe.
  16. Did they close the lid and door before they flushed? You know, I'm not sure I even heard a flush.... But they don't know that rule. I'm just going to sanitize the shit out of that bathroom when they leave (quite literally). And by "I'm" I mean Patrick. I'm going to start calling him your P3. I prefer the "Triple P"
  17. Did they close the lid and door before they flushed? You know, I'm not sure I even heard a flush.... But they don't know that rule. I'm just going to sanitize the shit out of that bathroom when they leave (quite literally). And by "I'm" I mean Patrick.
  18. and I don't think they realize I'm still awake and in the kitchen. The toddler just woke up and mom, dad, and child just took turns peeing with the door open. Awesome.
  19. I have to take a quiz and I don't want to miss the action!
  20. Was a bit chilly this morning, wasn't it? I hate you guys a little bit right now. Just saying.
  21. Now what fun would that be?! Numbers 4, 5, & 6 are great!
  22. A-men Brother A FREAKING MEN! Kinky? Well it's a known fact that girls who have gone off to uniersity have had more sexual partners and thus it can be inferred that they are more experienced and as such...more kinky. Personal experience holds true. Girls with more education seem to be way better in the sack! Only exception are girls from Brazil. They are so good they make you have near death experiences. I've always been curious as to what dudes find to be "good" in bed. In terms of vaginal sex, there isn't much a girl can do besides show enthusiasm and/or take the reins/initiate a position change (both of which I think fall under show enthusiasm). Now foreplay is a different issue, I can understand the term "good" or "bad" there.
  23. Sending you some good vibes! And a mental hug