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Everything posted by amstalder

  1. Active and educated are bad how? Yes, the not wanting to be a mom or a mom are difficult. Also you forgot, not allergic to cats. I have two.
  2. I thought about you the other day (you probably have no idea who I am though). I saw a woman with about four pieces of Ogio luggage (you explained to me the wonders of Ogio at Zhills, Christmas boogie 09 time frame). Anyways, glad to see you posting again
  3. Requirements? Such as? sub size 8, active, educated, not a mom, never wanting to be a mom,.... I'm pretty sure I'm missing some... Can cook, clean, fold laundry, holds a job where she earns at least $100k. Oh, good looking, active, does yoga, has hobbies of her own (she can't skydive, then it's like dating an engineering chick I'm so gonna laugh when Shah falls in love with an engineering educated skychica
  4. I emailed a teacher after the Japan disaster to let him know there were some internet outages briefly across Asian, and that they had limited internet usage on base. Told him I would call him should anything change and internet be cut off completely in my area. His response? "Email me." Not quite the same situation, but still pretty dumb!
  5. Ooo, thanks for the great information!! Japan is definitely on our list of places we must visit while we live here, but I don't know much in terms of places to visit in Japan (hope that makes sense!).
  6. We live in Korea, Southeast Asia is a lot closer for us lol (and cheaper). Singapore Zoo, noted, thank you for the suggestion
  7. Chang Mai and Chang Rai are good but they dont hold a candle to Laos. I have been all through South East Asia. As to the Kohs (islands) down south well they are standard fair resort tourist places i dont give them much value. Namesake it depends on what you want out of it. A cultural experience or a holiday resort experience. Shit your that close come visit me in Perth
  8. Dude you dont get it. 99% of women think that if a man doesnt want kids that there selfish, egotisticle, self-centered jerks. They just can't put their head around the fact that we just don't want them, just like they have a choice to haave them. Instead of asking WHY you don't want them (which by the way I didn't see 1 person ask you that) they just give you the "DECLINED" stamp and on to the next one. Many of my friends have kids, and when I was trying to figure out if I wanted them or not I would ask them what its like. I got the same fucking response from everybody: "Things change." I said what things change? "The relationship changes, you guys both care so much about the kids that the spouse takes a back seat." I shockingly would ask: Doesnt that disapoint you? "NO, we both feel the same way and its just a change in feelings" So thats the reason I don't want them, I dont want things to change between my wife and I. But like I said earlier, she "lied" to me before we got married by saying she doesnt care about having kids. Well come to find out she does, so Ill be the one that sacrafices what he wants for the happiness of his wife. Do you really expect it to be her? I don't think the issue here is that he doesn't want kids, it's that he's lying about it. And if Shah not wanting kids is such a deal breaker for a woman, he doesn't need to be with her, it's a waste of time. Shah, get the snip snip, it'll save you the hassle of having to lie.
  9. My favorite from this weekend. Random wall in a bistro.
  10. WOWZERS, that looks amazing. if you go there tell them their favorite swiss skydiver sent you What is it like? I saw their volunteer link at the bottom, I would seriously consider it while Patrick is deployed.
  11. To quote my friend from Saudi, "Yeah what moron thought this was a good idea! Yeah woman you stay home relax fold a few clothes hang out with friends and make a bit of dinner. I the man will wake up early, deal with traffic to work, deal with an insane boss, eat a piss poor meal, try to figure out how to do 12 hours of work in an 8 hour day, spend another hour driving back home in traffic and try to not sound too depressed when you ask me how my day was." If you can pull it off, more power to you! And yeah you do have a killer gig! What's the pay? Me? Analyze 3k points of data to determine what kids think about maybe one day working as engineers or scientists. My day according to theonlyski I mean, I do get up and make Patrick breakfast, take him lunch everyday, and have dinner on the table when he walks in the door. I do manage to squeeze in some laundry, sweep (it really is more taxing than it sounds), and do some homework. I'm also starting to volunteer with the Red Cross and hopefully I'll start volunteering with BOSS soon (organizing outings for single soldiers, etc.). But I do waste a LOT of time during the day, it is rather pathetic some days. I cannot say that life is hard, but it is certainly boring, and after I get home from my visit with my folks, I'm going to get a lot busier with volunteering and exploring this country.
  12. Hopefully its not a surprise... as he is on here more now! Go to Japan, I hear people around that area have a nice warm & fuzzy feeling lately! He knows, he has to put in leave for it. And hardy har har. I will be flying through there next week. I think I'll be okay. It really is sad how disasters drop off the media radar after a week or two though.
  13. WOWZERS, that looks amazing.
  14. Laos is definitely at the top of my must see list right now. I've been thinking about a trip there for awhile now
  15. Tell me about your favorite places in Asia: countries, towns, and sights within. I'm planning a birthday/anniversary trip for Patrick. I think I want to do the southeast peninsula (Vietnam, Laos, Thailand, Singapore, Burma, Malaysia), just not sure which countries or where in those countries. Looking at about 2 weeks, and backpacker style. And, yes, I know 2 weeks really isn't enough time to see any of those countries, but I still want to scratch the surface of few. Thanks, guys!
  16. Well, according to Shah, I have the best job on the block. I'm a stay at home wifey/full time student. Woohoo, free meals!
  17. You? Skinny? HA. Oh, and you making dinner? QUADRUPLE HA!!! That's just funny.
  18. Not hard to do actually... she usually wakes up, her hubby goes to work, she proceeds to procrastinate till lunch time, (hopefully takes a shower) I believe bring him lunch, procrastinate a little bit more and then MAYBE do some homework. Wow. So creepy lol. But true... I think you have a new stalker....... New? Hardly, lol. He's been creepy for a couple years now
  19. Not hard to do actually... she usually wakes up, her hubby goes to work, she proceeds to procrastinate till lunch time, (hopefully takes a shower) I believe bring him lunch, procrastinate a little bit more and then MAYBE do some homework. Wow. So creepy lol. But true...
  20. She's right. +1, but don't die please.
  21. I had a similar app on my old iPhone. Sadly, I have a stupid phone now