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Everything posted by amstalder

  1. Like others said, chocolate may or may not be a good decision. I would think the thought would win out over whether or not she likes it or is on a diet or whatever. HOWEVER, with that said, whatever you decide to get her, please pair it with a heart-felt, hand-written thank you note. I swear the practice of writing thank you notes is going straight down the shitter these days.
  2. Congrats! I'm glad you finally made it. Hopefully, you'll get hired full-time!! I'll be crossing fingers for you! Enjoy yourself, lots!
  3. I've always wanted to learn. I had a boyfriend who started to teach me right before I left for college, but I left before I really got any good practice in and that was over four years ago. The husband and I have looked at a few manual cars since coming to Korea, but we always end up either talking ourselves out of the car (because we dont need it, not because it's a stick); or once we commit, something happens to the car that we can't/won't buy it. One of these days, I'll learn.
  4. Skymama, you are such a sweetheart
  5. it's been my experience that good chocolate is very hard to find in Asia Yeah, I bought this on post though Never mind. There's my answer.
  6. Nothing better to do in Korea? Seriously there is something in the water here. It seems you either get preggers when you move here, or you get the fever Scary place. That's strange. My A-10 pilot buddy Darrell managed to spend a couple years there and didn't get anything in the oven... That we know of! lol Perhaps it's just my neighborhood
  7. Nothing better to do in Korea? Seriously there is something in the water here. It seems you either get preggers when you move here, or you get the fever Scary place.
  8. Any other strange changes in food preferences? Yeah, but like, no strange cravings for pickle milkshakes or eating chalk or anything weird like that, no? If so, well, you might want to get that checked out! And this whole thread reminds me of what would happen if the producers of "Cops" aired a show on the Food Network: NEXT: When good chocolate goes bad! Bad sweets, bad sweets, whatcha gonna do... Elvisio "...Kit Kat give you no break..." Rodriguez going to have "bad sweets" stuck in my head all night now. But, no, I do not have a little gremlin demanding weird things living in my belly
  9. Any other strange changes in food preferences? Well my tastes have always been strange (for instance I can go weeks eating only Thai food -- currently trying to control that binge). But the changes are swinging towards normal girl food. Mostly just a desire for chocolate and french fries, though, two things I've never been a huge fan of. And why do I feel like I know where you're going with that sly face?
  10. I don't know what that means google it jk it basically means to remelt the chocolate in a fancy way. google the instructions though to get it right. OR just melt it with butter or shortening & create a dipping sauce. That's what I do when my chocolate "goes bad" aha. I would but 1) already threw it away in sadness. Proper burial, you know. and 2) it had caramel in it. Such a waste of good caramel. sad. but oh well c'est la vie right. next time though, make fondue caramel would go great with that. Will do
  11. I don't know what that means google it jk it basically means to remelt the chocolate in a fancy way. google the instructions though to get it right. OR just melt it with butter or shortening & create a dipping sauce. That's what I do when my chocolate "goes bad" aha. I would but 1) already threw it away in sadness. Proper burial, you know. and 2) it had caramel in it. Such a waste of good caramel.
  12. I've been wanting to try the chili pepper chocolate.
  13. I don't know what that means
  14. Definitely not too girly for dudes. I feel a little weird saying that too. Mostly because I dont like chocolate (especially not dark chocolate), yet lately all I want to eat is dark chocolate. It's bizarre.
  15. It's next Friday. & my team is still being difficult with picking a name I keep giving them gold & they keep saying no. oi vey. So, you're not going to the disappearing island jump? I couldn't anyway; SOME of us actually work But if they do it again I'll ask for the day off & go. Seeing that my birthday is the following Monday, I believe I will have a case of 'anal glaucoma' that Friday and Monday. Should be some cake at Zhills that Sat, if you want some, you better beat the rest of those assholes. Thanks for reminding me, I need to find you a present sometime this weekend.
  16. Don't forget to 'go offline' in fb chat so your friends can't even see you're on. Oh wait... you already know about that. Hey now, I'm online right now!
  17. I probably threw away the receipt. Plus the PX is an hour away, really not worth it. It's all good. I'm just bored tonight and was looking forward to a little chocolate-ing with my internet-ing.
  18. Even if you consume it, it will turn out craptastic. Eventually... Well, duh. But I want my $3 bar of chocolate to be nice going in.
  19. How does that even happen??? It's all crumbly and separated and gross. It's my nice chocolate that I just bought, too. I'm afraid to go check out the other bar. I hope that one didn't turn craptastic too.
  20. I second this. I haven't actually met anyone on here before so I need proof of just how ugly hot some of you are. well go boogie-hoppin' like I do & you'll meet tons of people on here. I'd make suggestions of places to go, but I don't know where you're from so don't know what's close to you. Or just facebook stalk Much cheaper option.
  21. Love this. It's squeaky clean and majorly dorky, perfect for work! But seriously, I really love this.
  22. Would I do her? Is there really a level of ugly you wouldn't do? Since missbrz got to vent, I want to vent, too! I hate when you walk past someone and you try to say Hello or make eye contact or smile, and they turn their head as if that'll magically make you disappear! GAH. On a total side note, I got "daaaaamned" when I went to the store today. It made my day
  23. I'd imagine V does have her fair share of crushes. Heck, I have a bit of a crush on her
  24. Speaking of which, what's he been up to? Haven't seen him since the invasion at sebastian for new years. I'm pretty sure he got a girlfriend and sold his rig. But I could be wrong.