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    United Kingdom

Everything posted by ScottishJohn

  1. > When is it time to quit ? When you've no money left , the credit card companies are hounding you and you've nothing left to sell but your rig
  2. Fantastic, I LMAO at this ================================= I can smell your noodles ! =================================
  3. If you keep worrying them sheep in Brackley the farmers gonna do more than cripple you ================================= I can smell your noodles ! =================================
  4. What you still doing in front of your computer. Go out to the pool and enjoy the sunshine.
  5. have a curry , that will sort your stomach out. A nice Vindaloo should do the trick. Word of warning :- No naked flames. ================================= I can smell your noodles ! =================================
  6. kind of hard to say it's been stolen as half the engine is in the front of the car and the other half is in the boot. No point puting it all back togather since there is a snowballs chance in hell it would go. I wish I had thought about the insurence when i was stuck on the hard shoulder of M40 ================================= I can smell your noodles ! =================================
  7. Innocent , Never Angel , without a doubt
  8. I know what your going through. just got word from the mechanic yesterday that my volvo is f*cked. The engine blew couple of weekends ago and once they took the cylinder head off there was a chunk of one of the pistons missing and the cylinder was badly gouged. Whats the market price for a volvo without an engine ? ================================= I can smell your noodles ! =================================
  9. LOL, we call him other things as well. ================================= I can smell your noodles ! =================================
  10. I knew I souldn't have opened that once I saw the subject title. TF i wasn't at work ================================= I can smell your noodles ! =================================
  11. I prefer real , but there is nothing wrong with enhanced boobs as long as there not basket ball size (or have unsightly scars) ================================= I can smell your noodles ! =================================
  12. LMAO, It my not be the correct answer but it's a good one. ================================= I can smell your noodles ! =================================
  13. In questionable taste, but .......................... Job application question: You are driving along in your car on a wild, stormy night. You pass by a bus stop, and you see three people Waiting for the bus: 1. An old lady who looks as if she is about to die. 2. Your best friend who once saved your life. 3. The perfect man/woman you have been dreaming about all your life. There can only be one passenger in your car and you can't return to the bus stop once you have left it (I don't know why, it's just part of this stupid question!). Which one would you choose to offer a ride? Think before you continue reading................ .................... This is a moral/ethical dilemma that was once actually used as part of a job selection process so your future could depend on how you answer this question. You could pick up the old lady, because she is going to die, and thus you should save her first; or you could take your best friend because he once saved your life, and this would be the perfect chance to pay him back. However, you may never be able to find your perfect dream lover again. The candidate who was hired (out of 200 applicants) had no trouble coming up with his answer. WHAT DID HE SAY?........................................................ He answered: "I would give the car keys to my old friend, and let him take the old lady to the hospital. I would stay behind and wait for the bus with the man / woman of my dreams." The moral of the story is that we can gain more if we are able to give up our stubborn thought limitations and "Think Outside of the Box." NB (Nobody came up with the correct answer which is, of course, to run over the old lady and put her out of her misery, sh*g the perfect man / woman silly on the bonnet of your car and then drive off with your best friend to the nearest pub to celebrate.) ================================= I can smell your noodles ! =================================
  14. LOL, looks like you were shot down in flames. I hope the shoulder get better soon. TTFN ================================= I can smell your noodles ! =================================
  15. Freakin Funny ================================= I can smell your noodles ! =================================
  16. I think everyone should check there nipples right now... I've got mine, so if they are not yours and there not mine will the real owner stand up and collect their nips. ================================= I can smell your noodles ! =================================
  17. If (and it's a very big IF) I get to many repies to handle (ooooo) then you will be the first person i contact. ================================= I can smell your noodles ! =================================
  18. I any of the nice lady skydivers out there happen to loose their nipples please email me a pic of them and I will search high and low until i find them for you. No job to big or small. ================================= I can smell your noodles ! =================================
  19. They are very popular lots of people use them. A lot of people in europe go to the states to practice in them. I have no idea about constuction or cost but some of them have fans at the top (deland , florida ?) and some have the fans at the bottom. Try this link to see if there is any more help out there. TTFN , good luck ================================= I can smell your noodles ! =================================
  20. Try looking at this place. There are a few others in the states and a few in Europe. ================================= I can smell your noodles ! =================================
  21. My car blew it's engine on the way to the DZ, but they got no jumps in at Hinton today because of bad weather. ================================= I can smell your noodles ! =================================
  22. Got up late because the weather is poor but decided to head up to the DZ anyway. Got halfway there and the engine of my car blew, lots of smoke and oil. Spent the rest of the afternoon waiting on the recovery truck to get me back home. Car for sale. ----------- White volvo 460 , 1.7L injection. No MOT No TAX No f'kin engine. FULL F'KIN TANK OF PETROL. Any reanonable offer will be considered. ================================= I can smell your noodles ! =================================
  23. surley his man boobs are not enough for a job at hooters. ================================= I can smell your noodles ! =================================
  24. SPICY ================================= I can smell your noodles ! =================================